New York £5 bills; one of 40s.; and about £40 in Jersey bills and dollars.” Speedy justice overtook the thief, “Garret Middagh’s negro fellow, Caesar,” who was tried on the 1st of September following, convicted, and executed on the 15th of the same month, at Flatbush, the county town.
1770, Feb. 25. The New York Mercury states that Thomas Horsfield’s malt-kilns, at Brooklyn ferry, were burned. Loss, £500.
1770, March 22. “On Monday last was celebrated the Anniversary of the repeal of the Stamp Act, by a number of gentlemen, who dined at Mr. Waldron’s, Brooklyn ferry, and spent the day in great cheerfulness and good order, and drank the usual toasts.”—N. Y. Journal.
1771, Aug. 7. Ares Remsen, at the Wallebocht, offers 20s. reward for a runaway “negro man, Newport, Guinea-born, and branded on the breast with three letters. He speaks good English, and is a great talker.”
1773, March4. Sunday, Feb. 24th, was “the coldest day for more than half a century. The harbor was so full of ice last Thursday, that many people walked over to Brooklyn and back again. By the fall of a little rain at night, scarcely any ice was to be seen next morning.”—N. Y. Journal.
1774, Feb. 21. “A Ferry is now established from the Coenties Market, New York, to the landing place of P. Livingston, Esq., and Henry Remsen, on Long Island, and another from Fly Market, and a third from Peck Slip to the present ferry-house at Brooklyn.”—N. Y. Mercury.
The “landing place of P. Livingston, Esq., and Henry Remsen” was near the foot of the present Joralemon street.1 This ferry was called “St. George's Ferry,” but did not exist long, being discontinued in 1776, and the ferry-house, together with Livingston's distillery, was burned after the war.
1774, March 31. “Many persons have been misled by an opinion that the church proposed to be erected by lottery, at Brooklyn, is to be under the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Bernard Page. It will be a truly orthodox church, strictly conformable to the doctrine and dis-
1 Ante, pp. 72, 78