sessions of the Convention, as to call forth the special animadversion of that body; and now, when every American heart should have been nerved to still greater fortitude, the county towns appeared still more “shaky” in their allegiance. On August 14th, Mr. Polhemus appeared in Convention and informed them that Kings County had held no election for deputies since May previous, but that the County Committees had met and requested him to attend as a member until another election. The Convention allowed him to represent the county, except in matters relating to the formation of Government.1 Subsequently, an election held by Kings County, on 19th of August, was declared defective, inasmuch as the Deputies were not authorized to frame a new form of government. A new election was therefore ordered for the 24th of August, but was never held,2 as Kings County was then the theatre of actual hostilities. The rumors of disaffection in the country were at this time so strong, that the Provincial Congress ordered a committee to repair thither, and if the reports proved to be well-founded, to disarm and secure the disaffected citizens, remove or destroy the crops, and even, if necessary, “lay the whole county waste.”3 The arrest and disarming of the Tories, in accordance with these instructions, was energetically prosecuted, and produced a salutary effect, which would probably have proved permanent, but for the disastrous result of the subsequent battle of the 27th.
Among the other approaches to the city, that by Long Island had been amply provided for by the skill and forethought of Gens. Greene and Sullivan. In addition to the battery at Red Hook and Fort Sterling, previously mentioned, and which were the first works erected at Brooklyn, the following strong line of fortifications was constructed across the island from the Wallabout to the head of Gowanus Creek.
drick Suydam, Clerk; John Nostrand, Jacob Suydam, Isaac Snediker,
Isaac Boerum John Ryerson, Ratgert Vanbrunt, Chas. De Bevois, Benjamin Beaman,
Roelof Terhune, Andrew Casper, Thos. Betty, Martin Kershaw, Peter Miller,
Hendrick Wyckoff, Private.
(Signed) “Daniel Rappelye, Lt.”
1 Ibid., 1. 1506 date Aug. 17, 1770.
2 Ibid., i. 1525, date Aug. 21, 1776.
3 Ibid., 1. 1497, date Aug. 19, 1776. Messrs. Duer and Hobart. and Colonels Remsen and DeWitt were appointed said committee.