The “Genius of America” was represented by Josiah Falconer, a member of the Tammany Society, and the son of a Revolutionary patriot. His dress was a loose under-dress of light-blue silk, which reached to his knees, over which was a long flowing white robe, relieved by a crimson scarf and crape. He wore sandals on his feet, and on his head a magnificent cap, adorned with the most elegant feathers which could be obtained, all in the Mexican style. On the stage and around the pedestal, stood nine young men, each holding by a tassel the end of a cord connected with the flag. These represented Patriotism, Honor, Virtue, Patience, Fortitude, Merit, Courage, Perseverance, and Science, and were styled the “Attributes of the Genius of America.” They were all dressed in character, with a plume of feathers in their hats, a white silk scarf, relieved with crape; and each wore a scarlet badge, edged with elegant darkblue silk fringe, in the shape of a crescent, inscribed in gold with the name of the attribute which he represented; and each held also in his hand a blue silk banner, emblematic of the institution to which he belonged. This beautiful structure was drawn by four horses dressed in ribbons and crape, and under the charge of two postilions.
The procession, after passing through various streets, reached the East River, where, at different places, boats had been provided for crossing to Brooklyn. Thirteen large open boats transported the thirteen tribes of the Tammany Society, each containing one tribe, one coffin, and the pall-bearers. The Grand Sachem, Father of the Council, and other officers not attached to tribes, accompanied by the Chief Herald, his aids, and the Trumpeter, led the van, the boats following in order. The car was embarked on board a vessel specially constructed for the purpose, and transported under the management of several masters of vessels, who volunteered their services, the Genius and supporters retaining their positions. “This beautiful structure,“ says the account, Òin its passage attracted the notice of every eye. From the current, it received a direction down the river, which made its course circuitous, describing a line of perfect beauty; the elegant standard floating in the wind, on which were seen the badges of each society, the white robes loosely flowing around the tall and graceful figure of the Genius, and the cloud