distilleries1 of the Eastern District ; Peter Cooper’s Glue Factory, Kolbfleisch’s Works2 etc., etc.
1 That quarter of Brooklyn, Eastern District, irreverently designated as Dutchtown has been for some time the centre of the lager bier manufacturing interest in the Metropolitan District. Here are located some of the largest breweries in existence at present in the country. Surrounded by a population almost exclusively German, they all enjoy a local patronage to a considerable extent, and, in addition, distribute to the parls of Brooklyn and New York city and bubbling in glittering, air-drops with inspiriting effervescence, is eagerly sought for by thousand of thirsty mortals. The principal establisliments are Frie’s, occupying twenty-two city lots, oil Bushwick boulevard, between Meserole, and Scholes streets, and one of the largest and best appointed in Dutchtown ; its vaults furnishing storage for five thousand barrels of beer; Schneider’s, occupying twenty-eight lots on Meserole, Smith and Scholes streets is beyond doubt the largest brewery on Long Island and has storage for ten thousand barrels. It was one of the first established Long Island having been started some eighteen years since, and was enlarged to its present dimensions in 1861; Lichmann’s established in 1855, occupies thirty-four lots, though the buildings and business are of more moderate proportion than Schneider’s; Claus’ brewery in the same neighborhood, established in 1850, occupies thirteen lots.
2 The Bushwick Chemical Works. The business of the house was originated by Martin Kalbfleisch, at Harlem, New York, in the year 1829. The location was successively changed to Norwalk, Conn., Greenpoint, L. I., and in 1851, to Bushwick, L. I., on Grand, Remsen, and Dickinson streets, and Metropolitan, Morgan and Vandervoort avenues, about a mile from East River. The buildings are numerous and substantially built of brick, covering quite closely an area of six acres, or what would constitute ninety city lots. The estimated value of grounds and buildings is in the neighborhood of $500,000, although we question if they could be purchased for less flow double that sum. Tile number of men employed varies from eighty to one hundred in all capacities, besides twelve trucks in continual operation. The Bushwick Chemical Works have long been distinguished for the excellence of their productions. In October, 1867, the American Institute awarded the proprietors of these works the first premium for commercial acids of greatest purity and strength.