| Pick# 168e - Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Hungarian National Bank) 10 Forint Note, 1957-1983 Issue Obverse: Sándor Petõfi portrait at right, value of left, arms of three-bar shield at lower center Reverse: Trees and river, Birth of the Song by Janos Janko at center Size: 168 x 73 mmSándor Petõfi was a Hungarian poet and revolutionary, was the author of the Nemzeti dal ("National Song"), the poem said to have inspired the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, in which he played a key role. Petõfi read the poem aloud on March 15 in Võrõsmarty Square in Budapest to a gathering crowd, which by the end was chanting the refrain as they began to march around the city, seizing the presses, liberating political prisoners, and declaring the end of Austrian rule. He is Hungary's national poet. |