| Repulic of China 50 Yüan Note, 1972 Issue — Obverse: Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Father of the Nation of the Republic of China, and first provisional president, wide margin with guilloche at right. Reverse: Chungshan building. Printer: Central Printing Factory. |
 | Repulic of China 100 Yüan Note, 1987 Issue — Obverse: Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Father of the Nation of the Republic of China, and first provisional president. Reverse: Chungshan building. Watermark: Dr. Sun Yat-sen. |
 | Repulic of China 100 Yüan Note, 1999-2001 Issue — Obverse: Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Father of the Nation of the Republic of China, and first provisional president. |
 | Repulic of China 500 Yüan Note, 1999-2001 Issue — Obverse: Boy's baseball team at center, Professional pitcher at right. Reverse: Formosan Sika Deer family. |