Search Newton Reference:
No. 3.2.842
Last update to database:
Mon Dec 22 15:37:04 1997
Apple Discontinues Development of Newton OS
CUPERTINO, California--Feb. 27, 1998--Apple Computer, Inc. today announced it will discontinue further development of the Newton operating system and Newton OS-based products, including the MessagePad 2100 and eMate 300.

Have web pages like The Wall Street Journal, CNN Interactive, The NY Times and other popular information sources ready and waiting for you each and every morning with WebXpress! Retrieve sports news, weather reports, technology updates, medical news, stock reports, you name it! WebXpress, delivering the Web to You.
LunaSuite adds Internet connectivity to the Newton, including MIME email, web browsing and ftp. LunaSuite tries to offer as much of the functionality you expect in the Newton platform. Currently in public beta testing.

HyperNewt 2.0 is a revolutionary new way to create and organize data on your Newton. HyperNewt allows data to be organized around meaningful relations. HyperNewt is more than a Notepad replacement or a hierarchical filing system -- it is the new interface to organizing on your Newton. Implementing a hierarchical filing system, HyperNewt lets users create any number of folders and subfolders to store notes, checklists, outlines, and other notepad stationery, in a cleaner and more efficient manner. Users can drag and drop items and folders to other locations, create aliases, and keep track of recently visited items and folders.

Couch Fire
A Guide to What's on TV
From your arm chair, quickly find your favorite shows using your Newton PDA. Couch Fire for Newton is a TV programming guide that includes accurate, weekly updates via email. Couch Fire combines the feel of a paper guide with the smarts of a computer. Its auto-updating TV grid and search tools make it easier to use and more powerful.
What's Right With The Newton
Newton evangelist, Bryan Oakley, presents a series of articles about the Newton.
A weekly freeware newsletter that focuses on the Apple Newton and related technologies.
Hardy Macia's software shop in Grand Isle, Vermont is one of the software companies building the software we want.
 The Luna Solar System
Using "flexible amorphous silicon" solar panels, the KISS Solar System - Luna supplies all the power that you'll ever need for your Newton
NS BASIC is a full implementation of the BASIC programming language for the Newton family. It allows rapid development of applications directly on the Newton, without needing the Newton Toolkit or a host system.

Newton Classifieds
Visit the Newton Classifieds. Buy and sell Newtons and Newtonstuff, it's free! While you're there, enter the weekly drawing for Newton products. Now featuring optional crossposting to the marketplace newsgroup.

Public Access Networks Corporation
Sponsor of the Newton Reference
- accelerators
Newton accelerators -- Make your Newton zoom!
- accessories
- astronomy
Look! Up in the sky! It's a...
- aviation
Aviation packages (see also gps)
- backdrops and workspaces
save heap space and make your Newton more productive
- barcode
barcode hardware and software solutions
- cables
how to make serial cables for the Newton
- calculators
business and scientific calculator packages
- chemistry
periodic table
- communications
lots of communications solutions for the Newton!
- hardware
communications hardware for the Newton
- software
a myriad of communications solutions -- connect to AOL, Compuserve, Internet accounts, wireless Email, paging services, PCs, Macs, UNIX-systems, and other Newtons!.
NIE (Newton Internet Enabler), the TCP/IP stack for the Newton, Web browsers, newsreaders, etc.
- construction industry
Newton packages for the construction industry -- Cost estimating, sketching, measuring, etc.
- contact management and organizers
Action Names, Act!, MoreInfo, Notion, Now Synchronize, and Up-to-Date.
- data collection
packages to build forms and gather data (also see newtons at work)
- database
Flash-Date, Leverage, and NewtDB
- dictionaries and translators
the Amigo English-to-Spanish translator
- drawing
drawing packages
- dreaming
some folks' idea about what the future of the Newton may look like
- e-books
electronic books
- easter eggs
find those odd easter eggs on your Newton -- Rosetta, Area 51, Solar Eclipses...
- fax
custom fax cover sheets
- film
film and video cinematography tool packages for the Newton
- financial
Bills-to-Pay, Gulliver, Out of Pocket, and PocketMoney
- fonts
additional fonts
- games
lots of interesting and fun games!
- genealogy
package to track your heritage
Global Positioning Satellite and navigation hardware and software solutions
- graphics
Converting and transfering images to your Newton
- handwriting recognition (HWR)
FreeStyle,Gesture Mosaic and Hardy Macia's handwriting tips
- home inventory
packages to record your home inventory
- keyboards
virtual keyboards (see the accessories/keyboards section for physical keyboards)
- links
links to other Newton sites AMUG, NewtNews, The Ultimate Newton
- lists
Email lists about the Newton
- locale
localization for the Newton -- Newtons in different languages or character sets.
- magazines and e-zines
printed and electronic magazines
- maps
Disney maps
- medical applications
one of the most popular uses for the Newton
- memory
PCMCIA Flash memory and SRAM cards for the Newton
- MP2000 and Emate
packages specifically written for the MP2000 or EMate
- multimedia
multimedia packages for the Newton
- music
Music-related Newton software.
- newsgroups
USENET newsgroups for the Newton
- Newton user groups
Newton User Groups around the world
- Newtons at work
stories about different day-to-day uses of Newtons
- PC utilities
don't feel left out because you have a PC instead of a Mac -- There are all kinds of utilities that allow the Newton to work fine with PCs.
- power
power, including solar power, and power management packages
- programming
programming and scripting languages
- project management
project managements packages for the Newton
- religion
Gimme that ol' time religion!
- reviews
reviews about Newtons and Newton-related hardware and software
- sales tools
various Newton packages for sales people
- security
various encryption and password programs
- software companies
the folks who write the stuff we want
- sound
recording and sound packages for the newton
- sports
Cricket and Tennis scoring packages and sports schedules in book formats
- spreadsheets
spreadsheets, including Excel-compatible spreadsheets
- stationery
different versions of stationery
- stores and mail-order
Newton Source, ClubPDA, PDA Direct and more!
- television
Couch potatoes with Newtons -- Remote controls and programming guides
- time
time management, time tracking, and alarm software
- tutorials and guides
how to use this stuff
- utilities
miscellaneous utilities that didn't fit elsewhere
- video
video adapters for the Newton!
- weather
weather information on your Newton?
- word processing
ProofRead -- search and replace functions.