© Copyright 1995-1996, Clay Irving, New York, NY USA
Last Update:
Fri May 31 08:56:44 EDT 1996
- 1010 President Street: A Brooklyn Home Page
1010 President Street is devoted to the home of David Neal Miller's youth, the street of his dreams, and, more broadly, to Brooklyn, New York, cradle of tough guys and Nobel laureates, fourth largest city in the United States, proof of the power of marginality, and homeland of--why deny it?-- America's most creative disasporic culture.
- The All New York City Super Resource Guide
- The Bronx
A collection of references for the Bronx, including community boards, libraries,
and newsletters.
- Brooklyn On Line
- Chamber of Commerce Online, The Virtual Business Directory of the Metropolitan New York Area
- Cool Stuff in New York
- CUNY Graduate Center's Guide TO NYC
- East Manhattan Chamber of Commerce
Dedicated to growth of the business community through interaction with each other and with their surrounding neighborhoods. This is done in part through legislative action.
- Explore! NY
Take a virtual tour of New York City -- Start downtown at the Statue
of Liberty and end uptown in Harlem. Visit all the great New York City
sites in between!
- Fashion Strip's New York City
The world looks to a certain part of New York City as the capitol of American fashion. This midtown area -- centered on Seventh Avenue and Broadway and roughly bordered by Fifth and Ninth, from 35th to 41st Street -- is where virtually all decisions about design and style are made. It's been called many things, but it is now becoming known as The Fashion Center.
- gay guide new york
Updated monthly, site offers product and service provider information to the gay and lesbian community.
- Greenwich-Village.Com
Updated Weekly, New York City's Greenwich Village Online Community; history, gossip, current events. Listings of bars, clubs, restaurants and shops.
- HotWired: Rough Guide - New York City
HotWired's guide to New York City.
- The NYC Insider
Part sightseeing guide, part money-saving guide, part survival guide, and part information exchange. Check out the interactive tip folders for other readers' tips and suggestions.
- Netspace's Virtual New York City
- New York, New York >
A guide to downtown New York City. Art, business, politics, and the neighborhoo s.
- The New York Web
New York City's first commercial web server!
- Michael Hauben's Useful New York CITy References and Guides
- New York City and Greenwich Village Communities
- NYC World
- Paperless Guide to New York City by Mediabridge, Inc.
The definitive source for New York City information.
- Staten Island
- Staten Island Online
Staten Island Online was setup so the lovely people of Staten Island can find all their needs online.
- Total New York
An irreverent, cutting-edge spin on local New York and international art, film, politics, music and fashion. Total New York creates a dynamic, interactive urban online environment.
- Virtual New York
Daily headlines, restaurant guides, lottery numbers, movie listings, theatre
and more!
- WELL New York
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