Last Update:
Sun Mar 3 10:09:27 EST 1996
© Copyright 1995, Clay Irving, New York, New York
- Monitoring Times®
The most comprehensive radio hobby magazine in the U.S.
- Popular Communications
- Satellite Times®
The world's first and only full-spectrum satellite monitoring magazine. Satellite Times® tells you everything you always wanted to know about satellite communications; including commercial, military, broadcasting, scientific, governmental and person communications as well as private satellite systems.
- Scanner Journal
The journal of the Radio Communications Monitoring Association (RCMA) -- Scanner Journal is primarily aimed at monitoring VHF/UHF Public Safety in all fifty states, Canada, and the rest of the known galaxy. That is not to say that the Journal is exclusively for Public Safety monitors! There are also columns for beginners, Marine band enthusiasts, Air buffs, Railroad monitors, HF non-broadcast, even a column on Space Communications.
- U.S. Scanner Publications
Publishes U.S. Scanner News, A Magazine for the Scanner Hobbyist.
- The World Scanner Report
A journal of radio communications and VHF/UHF scanner re-engineering.
- AR8000
- A forum dedicated to the popular receiver. Enter the word "SUBSCRIBE" in the body of the meessage, no subject required, to be automatically subscribed. If you find you don't like it, send the messsage again with the word "UNSUBSCRIBE".
The list was set up by Peter Laws, Associate Editor of RCMA's Scanner Journal, to provide an electronic place where folks in the scanning community can discuss activities related to scanning.
- The Scanner Club
All-scanner-oriented, club publication on the market -- The trademark will be the emphasis on CTCSS (PL) tones every issue. And, many new and little-known frequencies and radio codes.
- America's Airwaves
America's Airwaves is a 22" x 34" wall chart with concise U.S. allocations information. It's the perfect companion to Spectrum Guide - and covers the same frequency range: 30 MHz-300 GHz (VHF/UHF/SHF/EHF). Each of the more than 300 bands is listed with frequency boundaries, an icon depicting the principal application of the band, and a one- or two-line text summary of the band's uses and status.
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