The Adventures of Robin Hood(Michael Curtiz & William Keighley)
Holiday(George Cukor)
Pygmalion(Anthony Asquith & Leslie Howard)
The Mad Miss Manton(Leigh Jason)
Port of Shadows(Marcel Carné)
Bluebeard's Eighth Wife(Ernst Lubitsch)
Angels With Dirty Faces(Michael Curtiz)
Additional 1938 Films By Rating
You and Me(Fritz Lang)
La Bête humaine(Jean Renoir)
Jezebel(William Wyler)
The Young in Heart(Richard Wallace)
The Buccaneer(Cecil B. DeMille)
Racket Busters(Lloyd Bacon)
Alexander Nevsky(Sergei Eisenstein)
Overland Stage Raiders(George Sherman)
For archival purposes, I file everything by the year
it had its world premiere. Many of these films will have been
commercially released in the U.S. a year or two later, so my lists
won’t always match up with other folks’ lists.
Films I haven’t yet rated on that scale are
marked with if I
currently think they belong in my top ten. These films are subject to
being shifted around or yanked altogether at any moment, after I revisit
them and they get a numeral. (Lists from prior to about 1988 are
especially suspect, as I compiled them long ago from memories that were
in many cases already pretty dusty.)
Seen but currently unrated (and not
presumptively among my top 10):The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer (Taurog); The Citadel (Vidor); King of Alcatraz
(Florey); The Shopworn Angel (Potter); A Slight Case of
Murder (Bacon); South Riding (Saville)
As yet unseen:The Dawn Patrol
(Goulding); Olympia (Riefenstahl); You Can't Take It With
You (Capra)
I occasionally write reviews of older movies, but it happens too infrequently to file them by year.