A Canterbury Tale(Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger)
Address Unknown(William Cameron Menzies)
Lifeboat(Alfred Hitchcock)
The Woman in the Window(Fritz Lang)
To Have and Have Not(Howard Hawks)
The Suspect(Robert Siodmak)
Till We Meet Again(Frank Borzage)
On Approval(Clive Brook)
Additional 1944 Films By Rating
Laura(Otto Preminger)
The Fighting Seabees(Edward Ludwig)
The Miracle of Morgan's Creek(Preston Sturges)
Murder, My Sweet(Edward Dmytryk)
Henry V(Laurence Olivier)
Phantom Lady(Robert Siodmak)
This Happy Breed(David Lean)
Ivan the Terrible(Sergei Eisenstein)
Hail the Conquering Hero(Preston Sturges)
The Curse of the Cat People(Gunther V. Fritsch & Robert Wise)
Going My Way(Leo McCarey)
Torment(Alf Sjöberg)
Gaslight(George Cukor)
Ministry of Fear(Fritz Lang)
The Tower of the Seven Hunchbacks(Edgar Neville)
Since You Went Away(John Cromwell)
For archival purposes, I file everything by the year it had its world premiere. Many of these films will have been commercially released in the U.S. a year or two later, so my lists won’t always match up with other folks’ lists.
Films I haven’t yet rated on that scale are
marked with if I
currently think they belong in my top ten. These films are subject to
being shifted around or yanked altogether at any moment, after I revisit
them and they get a numeral. (Lists from prior to about 1988 are
especially suspect, as I compiled them long ago from memories that were
in many cases already pretty dusty.)
Seen but currently unrated (and not
presumptively among my top 10):Arsenic and Old Lace (Capra);
Between Two Worlds (Blatt); The Impostor (Duvivier)
As yet unseen:National Velvet
(Brown); The Uninvited (Allen)
I occasionally write reviews of older movies, but it happens too infrequently to file them by year.