Close Encounters of the Third Kind(Steven Spielberg)
Eraserhead(David Lynch)
3 Women(Robert Altman)
Annie Hall(Woody Allen)
Providence(Alain Resnais)
Saturday Night Fever(John Badham)
New York, New York(Martin Scorsese)
The Duellists(Ridley Scott)
Slap Shot(George Roy Hill)
Stroszek(Werner Herzog)
Additional 1977 Films By Rating
Suspiria(Dario Argento)
Star Wars(George Lucas)
Between the Lines(Joan Micklin Silver)
Rolling Thunder(John Flynn)
Rabid(David Cronenberg)
Sorcerer(William Friedkin)
Smokey and the Bandit(Hal Needham)
One Way Boogie Woogie(James Benning)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh(Wolfgang Reitherman/John Lounsbery)
Opening Night(John Cassavetes)
The Ascent(Larisa Shepitko)
21(Michael Apted)
Canal Zone(Frederick Wiseman)
Black Sunday(John Frankenheimer)
News From Home(Chantal Akerman)
The Kentucky Fried Movie(John Landis)
Iodo(Kim Ki-young)
A Special Day(Ettore Scola)
House(Nobuhiko Obayashi)
The American Friend(Wim Wenders)
The Last Wave(Peter Weir)
The Great Bank Hoax(Joseph Jacoby)
Abigail's Party(Mike Leigh)
That Obscure Object of Desire(Luis Buñuel)
Twilight's Last Gleaming(Robert Aldrich)
Invisible Adversaries(Valie Export)
The Kiss of Death(Mike Leigh)
High Anxiety(Mel Brooks)
Damnation Alley(Jack Smight)
The Devil, Probably(Robert Bresson)
The Spy Who Loved Me(Lewis Gilbert)
¡Alambrista!(Robert M. Young)
The Deep(Peter Yates)
One Sings, the Other Doesn't(Agnès Varda)
The Rescuers(Wolfgang Reitherman & John Lounsbery & Art Stevens)
Desperate Living(John Waters)
The Gauntlet(Clint Eastwood)
For archival purposes, I file everything by the year
it had its world premiere. Many of these films will have been
commercially released in the U.S. a year or two later, so my lists
won’t always match up with other folks’ lists.
Films I haven’t yet rated on that scale are
marked with if I
currently think they belong in my top ten. These films are subject to
being shifted around or yanked altogether at any moment, after I revisit
them and they get a numeral. (Lists from prior to about 1988 are
especially suspect, as I compiled them long ago from memories that were
in many cases already pretty dusty.)
Seen but currently unrated (and not
presumptively among my top 10):Airport '77 (Jameson);
Candleshoe (Tokar); Capricorn One (Hyams); Demon
Seed (Cammell); Exorcist II: The Heretic (Boorman); The
Goodbye Girl (Ross); Grand Theft Auto (Howard); A Grin
Without a Cat (Marker); The Hills Have Eyes (Craven);
Jabberwocky (Gilliam); Man of Marble (Wajda); The Man
Who Loved Women (Truffaut); Oh, God! (Reiner); Orca
(Anderson); The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover (Cohen); Short
Eyes (Young); The Stationmaster's Wife (Fassbinder);
Telefon (Siegel); This Sweet Sickness (Miller);
Wizards (Bakshi)
As yet unseen:Amar Akbar Anthony
(Desai); Last Chants for a Slow Dance (Jost); Soldier of
Orange (Verhoeven); Une Sale histoire (Eustache)
I occasionally write reviews of older movies, but it happens too infrequently to file them by year.