Star Wars: Episode VI—Return of the Jedi(Richard Marquand)
Sudden Impact(Clint Eastwood)
Brainstorm(Douglas Trumbull)
Mr. Mom(Stan Dragoti)
Frida(Paul Leduc Rosenzweig)
The Osterman Weekend(Sam Peckinpah)
Eureka(Nicolas Roeg)
The Keep(Michael Mann)
For archival purposes, I file everything by the year it had its world premiere. Many of these films will have been commercially released in the U.S. a year or two later, so my lists won’t always match up with other folks’ lists.
Films I haven’t yet rated on that scale are
marked with if I
currently think they belong in my top ten. These films are subject to
being shifted around or yanked altogether at any moment, after I revisit
them and they get a numeral. (Lists from prior to about 1988 are
especially suspect, as I compiled them long ago from memories that were
in many cases already pretty dusty.)
Seen but currently unrated (and not presumptively
among my top 10):Carmen (Saura); Cujo (Teague);
Daughter of the Flame (Im); Doctor Detroit (Pressman);
The Dresser (Yates); Educating Rita (Gilbert); Joe's
Bed-Stuy Barbershop: We Cut Heads (Lee); Krull (Yates);
L'Argent (Bresson); Life Is a Bed of Roses (Resnais);
Losin' It (Hanson); The Man With Two Brains (Reiner);
Max Dugan Returns (Ross); Monty Python's The Meaning of
Life (Jones); My Brother's Wedding (Burnett); Never Say
Never Again (Kershner); Octopussy (Glen); Silkwood
(Nichols); Strange Brew (Thomas & Moranis); Sugar Cane
Alley (Palcy); Superman III (Lester); Terms
of Endearment (Brooks); Trenchcoat (Tuchner); Twilight
Zone—The Movie (Landis/Spielberg/Dante/Miller); Two of a
Kind (Herzfeld); Under Fire (Spottiswoode)
As yet unseen:Breathless (McBride);
Confidentially Yours (Truffaut); The Eighties (Akerman);
Erendira (Guerra); First Name: Carmen (Godard); Gorky
Park (Apted); Project A (Chan); The Story of Piera
(Ferreri); Streamers (Altman)
I occasionally write reviews of older movies, but it happens too infrequently to file them by year.