Wild Bill (Walter Hill) Rating: 2.5 Newton's Third Law applies as well to some movies as it does to motion generally; for every staggeringly brilliant, jaw-dropping moment in WILD BILL, there is a staggeringly stupid, nausea-inducing moment. For example, Jeff Bridges' sly, terrific work in the title role--he remains Hollywood's most underappreciated actor--is cancelled out by Ellen Barkin's gawdawful performance as Calamity Jane (the worst I've seen from a talented actor all year). Some scenes dazzle; others fizzle. The film has a strange, lurching rhythm that's very effective during a lengthy quasi-montage in the first reel, detailing Wild Bill's history; when Bill hits Deadwood, however, and the narrative kicks in, that same rhythm makes the rest of the movie seem awkward and hesitant. And what happened to that ban on voiceover narration I proposed a while back? Why is John Hurt saying a load of solemn, pretentious crap on the soundtrack? Show, you cretins, don't tell.