Clockers (Spike Lee) Rating: 3.0 The parts of this movie that work are so powerful that they manage--just barely--to compensate for the parts that have been totally botched. The latter includes a lot of unnecessarily intrusive camerawork (shifting film stock, surreally-staged flashbacks); an overbearing and ill-advised use of source music; too many didactic speeches; too much overwrought symbolism ("Look out! Those toy trains are gonna crash!"); and the whittling down of a key character in Price's novel to what is essentially a negligible walk-on by John Turturro. That's a lot of carping, so imagine how strong the rest of the film must be for me to have come away with a favorable impression. When I wasn't cringing, I was on the edge of my seat. Though I think the novel a finer work, and I can't help wondering what the Scorsese/De Niro CLOCKERS would have been like, there's much to admire in Lee's change of focus. I only wish he'd trusted his actors and Price's story a bit more, and dispensed with the preaching and visual histrionics.