Heat (Michael Mann) Rating: 2.0 Aspect ratio: 2.35:1 Three hours was the wrong running time for this movie; it should have run either ninety minutes, or seven hours. A ninety-minute running time would necessitate the excision of many of the film's numerous subplots, particularly those involving the romantic partners of nearly every male character (not to mention a pointless, meaningless, and senseless serial-rapist subplot that never amounts to anything). A seven-hour running time would permit Mann to actually develop all of these subplots in a way that might conceivably render them coherent and germane. As it is, HEAT feels incredibly bloated; it's a very ambitious film that doesn't even come close to achieving most of its goals, and it would probably have worked a lot better as a simple, routine cops'n'robbers picture. The big draw, of course, is Pacino and De Niro Together At Last, but their two scenes together aren't anything particularly special (and De Niro is consistently boring me now -- he really needs to take on a Rupert Pupkin or a Harry Tuttle again, stretch himself). A couple of action set pieces are pretty effective, but not enough for me to give this even a halfhearted recommendation.