Leaving Las Vegas (Mike Figgis) Rating: 3.5 I have a difficult time answering questions like "Who's your favorite actor?"; when pressed, however, I usually say that my favorite contemporary male actor is Nicolas Cage. This answer often results in puzzled stares, if not derisive remarks, from the questioner, but I suspect that I'll encounter fewer dissenters now that LEAVING LAS VEGAS, featuring an absolutely towering performance by Cage as the most fatalistic alcoholic in cinema history, has been released--that is, if anybody actually goes to see this grim, depressing, terrific psychodrama. Those will do will also be treated to superb work by Elisabeth Shue, whose understated and moving portrayal of the rather-too-symbolically-named Sera compensates for years of likably bland performances in movies like ADVENTURES IN BABYSITTING and COCKTAIL. Figgis' direction is suitably languid and glamorous, even if his musical score is occasionally a bit oppressive. An unexpected pleasure...sort of.