Mallrats (Kevin Smith) Rating: 1.5 CLERKS was perhaps my least favorite film of 1994, so it was with some trepidation that I attended a free advance screening of Smith's sophomore effort. Sure enough, I once again had to suffer through ninety minutes of puerile scatological "humor." I didn't find dick jokes and vomit gags funny when I was a teenager, and I still don't find them funny; it's embarrassing to see somebody as talented as Michael Rooker involved in a project like this. At least the acting is slightly less inept than that in CLERKS (though several of that film's bad actors turn up again here). That Smith thanks John Landis and John Hughes in the closing credits speaks volumes. If you think "A friend of mine got a cat stuck up his ass" (I'm paraphrasing) is a great opening line for a movie, disregard this review and go get in line.