Rhythm Thief (Matthew Harrison) Rating: 1.0 Were the folks on the Sundance jury this year on drugs, or what? They awarded the grand prize to the lackluster BROTHERS MCMULLEN, and the jury prize went to this hideously stilted, self-consciously arty low-budget loser. I wanted to smack each and every one of the actors upside the head, though it's hard to say which irritated me more: the shameless mugging of those playing the supporting roles, or the complete absence of expression or emotion evinced by our protagonist (oops, I'm forgetting his permanent scowl). After five minutes, I knew exactly where RHYTHM THIEF was going: in a long, self-indulgent, tediously mannered circle. That it's received glowing notices indicates only that many critics will praise almost any feature that they know was shot on a shoestring.