Toy Story (John Lasseter) Rating: 4.0 An absolute delight from beginning to end, TOY STORY makes Disney's recent conventionally-animated features seem positively lifeless--not so much because of the three-dimensional, tactile quality of the computer-generated images (which are spectacular), but because of its terrific, unexpectedly perverse script. Can anybody imagine Disney's own production team including anything as wonderfully demented as Sid's menagerie of deviant toys in one of its own sticky-sweet features? (Though Disney is distributing TOY STORY, it was developed independently by Pixar.) While the "supporting toys" are quickly left behind, and consequently don't make much of an impression (Wallace Shawn's timorous dinosaur excepted), the lead vocal performances are first-rate; Tim Allen, in particular, is a revelation (especially for me, since I'd never seen/heard him before--I don't watch television, and I skipped THE SANTA CLAUSE). I could make a few niggling complaints--Randy Newman's rather mediocre songs are unnecessary, and the film's gender politics are a bit antiquated--but to hell with it. This is one of the best, funniest, most purely entertaining films in recent memory. I loved it.