While You Were Sleeping (Jon Turteltaub) Rating: 1.5 The only reason I went to see this was because of my longtime admiration for Bill Pullman, a terrific actor who's been burdened with a lot of terrible roles over the years, but has managed to hold my attention even when playing one unlucky schlemiel after another . I was eager to see how he'd fare in his first role as a romantic leading man. Well, he was as affable and winning as ever (though I prefer his more anarchic streak--see THE LAST SEDUCTION or the otherwise wretched SIBLING RIVALRY), but the movie is so tedious and unfunny that I can't bear to perform the recall necessary to explain what was so wrong with it. The only reason that I don't want to forget that I ever saw it is to make sure that I never see it again. Its enormous success at the box office served to remind me that my notion of what constitutes comedy and romance is radically different from that held by most moviegoers (see also PRETTY WOMAN).