Daniel Convissor's Home Page
Topical Index
- Sleepy Hollow
Ideas for and feedback on my beloved village.
- Transportation
Transport is my specialty. Therefore, you'll find this web site section the
most interesting and extensive. I focus is on bicycles, mass transit and
automobile reduction.
- Environment
The quality of the environment we live in has dramatic effects on us.
Some pages include reviews of Environmental Impact Statements using faulty
data to downplay negative impacts.
- Economic Justice
We know the saying "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."
It's more true today than ever in the United States.
Examine the proof and people working on it. This page is in its primal stages.
- Politics and Government
Analysis of public policy and budgetary matters as well as election results.
Links to various governmental agencies. This page has yet to be organized.
- Internet, Telecommunications and Privacy
Some pointers on how to make web pages. A bit on net liberty issues.
- Me
- Witty Quotes and Words of Wisdom
- Links to other Interesting Sites
Geographic Index
Home Page: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/
Email: danielc@panix.com
This URL: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/
Last updated: 15 September 1999