Daniel Convissor's Website

NYC Residents Demand More Transit Spending and Favor East River Bridge Tolls

City Taxes & Federal Neglect Taking Bite Out of Big Apple: Mass Transit & Education Are Core Concerns

A news release produced by the Empire State Survey
5 July 1992

Q66.  If you had only two choices -- spend more money on better 
roads and highways or spend more money improving mass transit 
like subways, which would you prefer?

            All             Car   Non Car      Home   Renters
                         Owners    Owners    Owners

Highways    30%             34%       21%       36%       27%
Transit     59%             56%       66%       52%       63%

Q71. City government has to do something to decrease the number of cars in Manhattan -- even if it means putting car tolls on the bridges over the East River like the Queensboro and Brooklyn bridges. All Car Non Car Home Renters Owners Owners Owners Agree 55% 52% 59% 53% 51% Disagree 40% 44% 34% 42% 44% Strongly agree 33% Strongly disagree 21%

The survey was taken by phone of a randomly selected cross-section of New York City residents between May 19 and June 8, 1992. The survey was deliberately taken of all New York City residents, not just those who are registered to vote. Surveys were conducted in both English and Spanish. Results for the total sample are accurate to withing three percentage points with 95% confidence. Confidence intervals expand for smaller subgroups.


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Email: danielc@panix.com

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Last updated: 4 April 1999