Daniel Convissor's Website

New York State Financial Control Board

The Financial Control Board examines city and city authority operations, seeking methods to increase efficiency. In difficult financial situations, they must approve the budgets. Members of the FCB are the Governor, the Mayor the city and state Comptrollers plus three citizens appointed by the Governor.

Ex Officio Members:

Governor: George Pataki
State Comptroller: Carl McCall
NYC Mayor: Rudolph Giuliani
NYC Comptroller: Alan Hevesi

Public Members:

Heather Ruth
Public Securities Association
40 Broad St 12fl
New York NY 10004

R Smith

One Vacancy


Cornelius Healy
Executive Director
NYS Financial Control Board
270 Broadway
New York NY 10007


This page is hosted by Daniel Convissor
Home Page: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/
Email: danielc@panix.com

This URL: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/nyc/fcbmem.htm
Last updated: 14 April 1999