Daniel Convissor's Website

Transit is Safer Than Driving

Larcenies in New York City

153,385 Larcenies of and from autos (NYC, 1990, first 8 months) 11,958 Larcenies on NYC transit system (1990, first 8 months) 12.8 Times more incidents in autos x .8 Times more people using autos ------- 16.4 Times more larcenies per traveler

Deaths in New York City

615 Auto related deaths (crashes only) (NYC, 1989) 220 Deaths in the NYC transit system (all means of death, such as, homicides, suicides and heart attacks) ('89) 2.8 Times more incidents in autos x .8 Times more people using autos ------- 3.6 Times more deaths per traveler
35 Homicides to cab drivers (NYC, 1989) 20 Homicides on the NYC transit system (1989)

Deaths in the United States

47,903 Killed by motor vehicles (US, 1988) 510 Killed by railroads (US, 1988) 19 Killed by rail rapid transit (US, 1988)

In calculating times more incidents per rider: 42.8% of all person trips are taken by auto and 54.6% by transit, accounting for 97.4% of all trips in survey of motorized modes. Comparing the auto/transit mode split only, autos are used 43.9% and transit 56.1% (equaling 100%). Thus, there are .8 times as many people using cars in NYC.

I apologize, but I can't remember, or locate, where I got that mode split data.


This page is hosted by Daniel Convissor
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Email: danielc@panix.com

This URL: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/nyc/tsptsafe.htm
Last updated: 4 April 1999