Daniel Convissor's Website

Transportation and Tax Policy

The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that the revenue lost to the US Treasury (in FICA and employment tax receipts) from employer-provided free parking is $1.5 billion annually....

A ten percent increase in traditional transit ridership in the five largest metropolitan areas would save 85 million gallons of gasoline/year....

Nearly 4,500 highway deaths are from accidents involving big trucks....

Statistics from the U. S. Department of Labor (1987) show little difference in the percentage of income spent for gas and oil among the 5 different income categories (4.9% and 5.5% for the first and second lowest income groupes vs. 5.3% and 5.1% for the third and fourth income groups; only the highest income group with average incomes above $54,000 showed a difference, 3.7%).

This is an exceprt from Transportation and Tax Policy
Published by the Campaign for New Transportation Priorities
March 1991


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Email: danielc@panix.com

This URL: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/usa/cntptax.htm
Last updated: 4 April 1999