Daniel Convissor's Website

United States Nationwide Personal Transportation Study

Distribution of Person Trips by Trip Length Category and Trip Purpose

                            Trip Length Category in Miles      
Trip Purpose                  <=5   6-10 11-15 16-20 21-30   >30  Dist   Total
To or From Work             45.6%  21.1% 12.1%  7.0%  6.6%  5.8%  1.8%  100.0%
Work-Related Business       53.4%  16.9%  8.2%  3.2%  4.0% 12.1%  2.2%  100.0%
                            -----  ----- -----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ------
Earn a Living               46.1%  20.8% 11.9%  6.7%  6.4%  6.2%  1.8%  100.0%

Shopping                    73.7%  13.1%  5.2%  2.5%  2.1%  1.9%  1.4%  100.0%
Doctor/Dentist              45.0%  21.9% 10.2%  5.6%  7.7%  5.0%  4.5%  100.0%
Other Family/Personal Bsns  66.8%  15.1%  6.2%  3.5%  2.9%  3.8%  1.7%  100.0%
                            -----  ----- -----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ------
Family/Personal Business    69.4%  14.4%  5.8%  3.1%  2.7%  2.9%  1.7%  100.0%

Civic, Educat. & Religious  70.6%  15.5%  6.1%  2.6%  1.4%  1.3%  2.4%  100.0%

Vacation                    10.2%   6.0%  7.9%  4.4%  4.8% 58.3%  8.3%  100.0%
Visiting Friends/Relatives  57.3%  16.5%  8.1%  5.0%  4.5%  6.7%  2.0%  100.0%
Pleasure Driving            25.1%  18.7% 14.5%  7.5% 11.6% 14.3%  8.4%  100.0%
Other Social/Recreational   59.3%  16.7%  7.6%  4.2%  4.4%  6.1%  1.7%  100.0%
                            -----  ----- -----  ---- -----  ----  ----  ------
Social Recreational         57.6%  16.6%  7.9%  4.6%  4.5%  6.9%  2.0%  100.0%

Other                       63.4%  14.5%  8.0%  3.3%  1.9%  5.4%  3.5%  100.0%
Unreported Purpose          34.9%   6.0%  8.4%  0.0%  1.2% 51.8%        100.0%
                            =====  ===== =====  ====  ==== =====  ====  ======
Total                       61.5%  16.4%  7.7%  4.2%  3.8%  4.5%  1.9%  100.0%

This resembles Table 4.57
Based on calculations of the corrected raw data in Table 4.56
1990 NPTS Databook: Based on Data from the 1990 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS).
Federal Highway Administration, 1993.

The report includes Unreported Purpose and Unreported Distance in the totals, not in a separate row/column as I have done here.

For more information on the NPTS survey, contact the Office of Highway Information Management, Federal Highway Administration, HPM-40, 202-366- 0160.


This page is hosted by Daniel Convissor
Home Page: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/
Email: danielc@panix.com

This URL: http://www.panix.com/~danielc/usa/npts.htm
Last updated: 4 April 1999