Daniel Convissor's Website
--How To Promote Bicycling as a Pollution Solution, (June 1989). League of American Bicyclists.
-- Dr. Michele Melarango, Dr. C.E., P.E., Regaining the Human Scale Through Urban Bicycling. 1989 Prof. of architecture and building sciences at the univ. of No. Carolina at Charlotte
This can be accomplished at the local level by passing ordinances that require bicycle parking to be provided in conjunction with all new construction projects. Municipal "parking lots" for bicycles can be established in downtown locations, while local retailers and industry can be encouraged to provide bicycle parking for their employees and customers.
At the state and federal levels, standards for the design and location of bicycle parking facilities can be established. Mass transit bicycle parking facilities can be mandated by requiring that all federally funded projects include such features. Pending national legislation requiring the provision of secure parking facilities at all federal installations should be passed and federal employees should be encouraged to commute by bicycle.
--Bicycle Transportation for Energy Conservation, a report of the Secretary of Transportation to the President and the Congress, April 1980.
--Bikeway Planning and Policy Guidelines for NYC, Manhattan Commuter Bicycle System Study, July, 1978. Prepared for NYC DOT; Prepared by Edwards and Kelcey, in association with Transportation Alternatives.
-- Jun-Meng Yang, "Bicycle Traffic in China," Transportation Quarterly, Jan. 1985.
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Last updated: 7 April 1999