The Mystical Way in the Fourth Gospel

Crossing Over Into God

by L. William Countryman
read Jan, 2019
reviewed Jan 21 2019

Conversion, the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist, believing in Jesus are the path; to love one another is the way; union, to come to know that we are one with God and God with us, is the completion.

Countryman’s thesis is that John’s Gospel is a manual for the mystical way in Christianity. He translates the Gospel in a manner which preserves John’s simple syntax, limited vocabulary, and repetitions and intersperses commentary, interpretation, and some cultural and historical context. He shows how John’s choice and ordering of events from Jesus’ life and ministry, differing from the synoptics, emphasizes the path of spiritual growth. Characteristic of Jesus' teaching in John is the inappropriate response, the seeming non-sequitur when questioned that is meant to break his hearer out of old ways of thinking. It reminded me of the idea behind Zen koans.

Countryman writes clearly, precisely, intellectually, spiritually and with belief. The book is scholarly but direct, not dry, and faithful.

christianity bible study religion