Actual Put Price - This field is for zero coupon converts. Puts are entered as a yield from issue. This is the calculated price. Column 6 will also auto-switch to puts for these instruments. Amortized Price - The calculation of these numbers takes short cuts. If the call date is not on a coupon date then it will not be correct, but will be the value for the prior coupon date. To get a correct number run the after tax cash flow reports to the call dates. Also these numbers will be incorrect when there is sinking fund double-up. Average Life Date - The date corresponding with the average life calculated using cash flows to each call date. Average Life Numeric - is the weighted average of the principal flows to each date. Call price premium is not included. This column is in years. Average Life Numeric with Reserve Bond - is the weighted average of the combined principal flows from the underlying security and a Tresury Bond held in reserve. Average Life Date with Reserve Bond - The date corresponding with the average life calculated using cash flows to each call date. Average Life Remaining on Call Dates - This is the number used for the yield curve interpolations when there is a Make Whole Call. Call Dates - As input. A call in 30 days will have been added if call dates are already ongoing. Call Date Accreted Prices - This will be 100 unless the issue has original issue discount and the call price is a percentage of the accreted price. Call Price: Amount - This is the call price in the price basis units, usually 100. Use this column if you want preferred prices to show in their monetary price. Call/Put Price: Percent - This is the call or put price on that date, depending on how the flag is set on the second input page, and depending if the security is a LYONs with puts. In the case of preferred, with a price basis other than 100, it will be converted to percent. If calculated using the Make-whole convention it (1) gets the future periods, (2) calculates the average life of remaining principal flows, (3) finds base Treasury rate using implied forward yield curve (unless set otherwise on yield curve input screen) (gets rate from matrix 30 days before call date), (4) adds premium, (5) discounts remaining issue cash flows using this rate in issue's native compounding, (6) divides by the principal and converts to percent, (8) subtracts accrued interest if between coupon dates, (7) rounds price to three decimals, and (9) floors it at 100 (or the accreted value if an OID instrument). Comparable Treasury - Using the average life of the respective flows interpolate a number from the yield curve. Comparable Treasury, NOT Interpolated - Using the average life of the respective flows it finds nearest number in the yield curve. Convexity - is a measurement of the relative curvature of the price-yield curve. It represents a second order measure of price-yield sensitivity. Convexity, along with Modified Duration, can be used to approximate the percent change in price given a percent change in yield. This approximation is more accurate for larger displacements in price/yield. Units are years squared. Periods from Settlement Date - In Issue Frequency. Difference Between Nominal & Static Spreads - The difference between the spread over the current yield curve and the constant spread over the spot curve. Difference between Zero Spread and Regular Spread - The difference between the cash flow spread to Treasuries and the Zero IRR Spread Duration Bond Redemption (Ending) Date - The date corresponding with the last cash flows in the equivalent straight bond that has the same duration as the bond being priced. Note that this will not be calculated when offset sinking funds, when multiple coupon rates, when within a record date period or for perpetuities. Duration Equivalent Bond Spread - The difference between the cash flow spread to Treasuries and the IRR on the Duration Equivalent Bond. Duration Equivalent Bond IRR - Dollar Duration - is Modified Duration multiplied by the current market value of the security. Duration (Functional) - or Key Rate Duration. The duration of each cash flow is calculated using the spot curve and then summed up. Duration (Macauley) - This is the original duration. It is the weighted average of the present value of the cash flows. Duration (Modified) - which is also called Adjusted, or Hicks Duration. It is the most popular measure of volatility and is computed by measuring the slope of the price-yield curve and dividing by the price. (BondCalc takes a weighted average of the present value of the cash flows and divides by one plus the yield.) It is related to Macaulay Duration which is the weighted average of the present values of the cash flows but is not divided by one plus the yield. Note, however, that its usefulness is limited to small displacements in price/yield. It is shown here in the display frequency. Duration (Modified) with Reserve Bond - Effective Yield (Horizon Return/IRR) - Calculated by using the reinvestment rate input on the back input page, or if that is blank, the global reinvestment rate found on the ShftF5 Parameter Screen. ESOP Yield With Grossed Up Coupon - Fraction between Call Dates & Preceeding Coupon Dates - Horizon Return/IRR - It is done here to each call date using the global yield curve designated on ShftF6. BondCalc: (1) builds the implied forward yield curve (see help behind yield input screen), (2) compounds each cash flow forward to the last date using the rate interpolated from this curve (NOTE that this is a Treasury Rate, NO spread is added to it), and (3) finds the IRR between the aggregated cash flow on the last date and the amount in time zero. The result is always pretax. Note that with a zero coupon bond this number will be the same. Horizon Yield in Base Currency - Finds IRR after converted cash flows back to base currency. [NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.] Index Column - Column of consecutive integers starting with 1. IRR using Zero Spot Curve - Using the theoretical curve each flow to maturity is discounted. The IRR is between these flows and the initial purchase cost. Make Whole Breakeven Rate - This is the Treasury Rate when the make whole call price goes to 100. Matrix Price - Uses Base Curve designated on ShftF6 screen as Treasury Yield. Also on ShftF6 can set Matrix Interpolation Type to either Term, Average Life, or Duration. Spread matrices in ShftF10 database must exist and be entered into security along with valid ratings or if they are mssing it will try to use a curve entered on the F11 popup box. NPV using Zero Spot Curve - Following the methodology used in the Strip Valuation Report it is done here to each call date using the global yield curve designated on ShftF6 and the spread matrix entered on F11 pop-up or designated on the second input page. Each cash flow is discounted, summed up, then netted against the purchase cost. It is in percent without accrued interest. NPV, After Tax - Calculated using the inputted discount rate. NPV, Pretax - Percent Sinking Fund - Percentage of allowable redemptions on respective call dates. It will be blank when 100% and note the row that is maturity. Note that this column will NOT work in a report in 123 format. Also note that this column will be removed when the issue has no calls. Percent Sinking Fund - Percentage of allowable redemptions on respective call dates. Periods from Settlement Date - In Issue Frequency. Price - in percent, as of the settlement date. Unless backsolving is turned off, this is usually the input for calculations and will have the same price for all call dates. If backsolving has been turned off on ShftF5 then the same yield will be used and each call date will have a different price. Suggest including this column in reports. Price as if Serial Bond off Curve: Price - Using either a curve input or a yield curve designated on F9 (at the input screen) it prices the security as if it were a series of bonds. Not implemented for multiple coupon rates unless it really is a serial bond. Price as if Serial Bond off Curve: Yield - Using the price calculated in the above field is takes the IRR to get the eqivalent yield. Price using Zero Spot Curve - Using the theoretical curve each flow to maturity is discounted, summed and accured interest subtracted. It is in percent. Price Value of an 01 - in percent. Called Risk by Bloomberg. PV using Zero Spot Curve - Using the theoretical curve each flow to maturity is discounted and summed up. Base Return in Base Currency - Foreign currency issues are converted back to base currency desiginated on ShftF5 and then IRR is found. Exchange rates and growth rates are set on ^X. Return with Reserve Bond - Using a reserve percent from the back page a Treasury to final maturity is puchase and the combined IRR is calculated. Simple Yield - This method ignores the effect of compound interest. The domestic yen market quotes its coupon bonds this way. Must have single coupon rate. Yen market uses ACT/365 day counting. It is not used for zero coupon bonds. Spread over Zero Spot IRR - The difference between the cash flow IRR and the Zero IRR calculated using a Zero NPV with no spread over. Spread to Yield Divided by ESOP Factor - Difference between Treasury at average life and the yield after it has been divided by the ESOP Tax Factor, usually around 0.79. Spread to Effective Yield - See discussion under Effective Yield. Spread to ESOP with Coupon Grossed Up - Difference between Treasury at average life and the IRR of a psuedo-bond with a higher coupon. Spread to Treasury/After FX Exchange - Using the average life from the principal flows to each call date find the difference between that Treasury and the respective yields converted back to base currency. Spread to Treasury/After Financing - Using the average life from the principal flows to each call date find the difference between that Treasury and the respective after financing yields. Spread to Treasury/After Tax - Using the average life from the principal flows to each call date find the difference between that Treasury and the respective after tax yields. Spread to Treasury/Average Life - Difference between Treasury at average life and the Non-DCF yield to a synthetic straight bond. Spread to Treasury/Before Taxes - The difference between the IRR, before tax effects, and the base yield using each call date's respective average life. The program finds a yield curve designated either (1) in the Yield input field or (2) entered as the base Treasury Yield Curve on ShftF6. If yield is in native frequency no adjustment will be made before finding the difference. Static Spread - The spread that will make the present value of the cash flow, when discounted at the Treasury spot rate plus the spread, equal to the security's price. It is a measure of the spread that the investor would realize over the entire Treasury spot rate curve if the bond is held to the end and the spot rates do not change. It is iteratively solved for. Periods from Settlement Date - In Issue Frequency. After Financing Yield - Some bonds can be margined. If financing info is entered on the Alt-F popup screen (at single security input) a return will be calculated. Yield to Average Life - This is a NON-DCF yield. It is the yield of a hypothetical straight issue maturing on the average life date (in DISPLAY compounding frequency). Note that the phantom bond has coupon payments in sync with your issue and has a fractional period at the end (like an MTN). Yield to Put - From issue date to put date in buyer point-of-view. Yield Value of a 1/32 - in basis points. Yield Divided by ESOP Factor - Display frequency yield (Column 27) divided by a number around 0.79. Yield - as of the settlement date in DISPLAY frequency. It is the internal rate of return of the expected cash flows. It is sometimes the input but usually the program will flip a yield input to a price, giving different yields to each call date. An arrow '<' will point at the lowest yield (or highest if issue has puts). Use column 227 if six decimals wanted. Yield - as of the settlement date in DISPLAY frequency. Same as Column 27 but with six decimals displayed. See that column for help discussion. Yield in Issue Frequency - as of the settlement date in NATIVE frequency. This column should be very close to the coupon rate if the issue has a price of 100 and a single non-zero coupon. Yield, After Tax Effects - is the pretax equivalent of the IRR of the after tax cash flows. BondCalc will construct the after tax cash flows to respective call dates. It will then take the IRR of that stream and divide it by one minus the tax rate to get a pretax equivalent. After Tax Yield in Issue Frequency - as of the settlement date in NATIVE frequency. Not yet implemented for non-compounding instruments.