The Captain's Quarters
Home Page of The Crew

What is the Crew?
The Crew is a group of some high-rolling and low-rolling casino table players.
The leader of which, is the Captain. The Captain is fully comped at casinos in
Las Vegas and Atlantic City. Indeed, the casinos vie with one another to gain
his patronage, knowing his Crew will follow. The casinos figure the Crew will
dump thousands of dollars into their bankrolls. The casinos
think the same about the Captain, in this, they are mistaken.
Who is in the Crew?
So you want to be a high roller?
These are some of the terms you'll need to know to help you on your way.
- Banning: The practice by Nevada casinos of barring skilled players.
The Captain: "This is a despicable and un-American practice."
- Barnacles: Low-limit players, usually $5.00 bettors, who hang out
with the Crew.
- Big 6 and Big 8: This is a suckers bet.
- Comps: Free Goods and services given to players in exchange for
their action. (You'll never get these at Harrah's)
- The Crew: The name for the group of high rollers which travels
with the Captain. Also the term for the four dealers at the craps
- Token Bitch: The member of the crew riding shotgun. It's his responsibility
to provide tokens or exact change to the driver. This position will be retired once
EZ-Pass is installed at all Parkway Toll Plazas.
- Devil: Another name for the seven.
- Mush: Tom Putko. He will often come stand behind you when you
are playing and turn all the luck against you. He is also known
to make annoying little sounds when your bets lose.
- Three Crumpled Dollar Bills: The toll on the Outerbridge Crossing
after a bad trip.
The Crew's Greatest Hits
The Crew has assembled some of their classsics. Pick up your copy today!
Casino Carols
In time for Christmas! The Crew has gotten together and assembled some traditional
casino carols.
Courses offered this semester.
The Crew will be teaching serveral courses this semester for those who are interested.