First, I run in New York city. In January, it gets close to 0 degrees F. Background on me: I'm 30 years old, I run in the city. My training pace is about 7:30 these days. So I don't get all that cold, and probably don't need to dress quite as heavily as other runners. I pay careful attention to protect what needs to be protected (the goods, my hands, and if it's cold, my ears) and otherwise dress in minimal layers. I've observed that most men in my age and pace bracket dress similarly to me. Faster men often dress lighter than I do.

I prefer quality over quantity. I never buy duplicates of a given item (I hand wash, and these items all line-dry overnight because of the high tech fabric), but I don't mind paying for a good piece of clothing. My SportHill explorer top already has hundreds of miles on it, and I anticipate thousands more, the same is true of my tights. So I don't regret paying retail for those items.