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This week at the 5BBC[an error occurred while processing this directive]
February Bicycling News RoundupHead on over to Adventure Cycling Association to read about the history of fatbikes, which have emerged as the fastest growing segment of the bicycle industry this year. Also at Adventure Cycling Association is a guide on bike touring for couples, perfect timing for Valentine's Day. Last, but certainly not least, Adventure Cycling Association has some tips on maintaining your sanity through this snowy winter. Transportation Alternatives has an interesting article on what all this snow we're getting reveals about the streets that surround us. Also by Transportation Alternatives is a to-do list for Bill de Blasio's Vision Zero initative. This bold declaration by the NYC major aims to reduce to zero by 2024 the traffic crashes that injure 70,000 and kill 300 New Yorkers annually. Do you want to participate in advocacy in your neighborhood? Transportation Alternatives has community activist committees that meet; read more here. Speaking of advocacy, the League of American Bicyclists is holding the 2014 National Bike Summit in Washington DC on March 3-5, 2014. The 2014 Summit will provide bicyclists a voice on Capitol Hill on the topics of bicycle safety, funding and equity. Join more than 700 participants from all across the US working towards a Bicycle Friendly America. Even if you can't make it in person, you can take action now to support the safe streets act! Speaking of safe streets, on Streetsblogs you can view the weekly carnage, a round-up of all the motor vehicle violence across the five boroughs. Elsewhere on the interwebs, timelapse into a bike and pedestrian friendly New York City on The Bird Wheel. Velojoy shares some lessons from extreme weather Citi-biking and Jake Dobkin on Gothamist shares his story about riding Citibikes in the snow. Also on Gothamist is the story of the grouchy Suffolk County legislator that thinks all cyclists should just stay off the roads, for their own safety of course. Hey, he's just concerned about you. Stuck inside because of all this snow? Check out some bicycle video shorts courtesy of Bike Blog NYC. Or maybe you're rethinking your career and considering a move towards becoming a bike mechanic. Before you do, check out Bike Rumors slideshow of bike mechanic salaries. After viewing it, perhaps you'll take a little better care of your bike in between visits to the shop and little better care of your mechanic while you're at the shop. Lastly, in the news of the weird, Willamette Week reports that Portland's Worst Day of the Year to Ride was cancelled for... wait for it... BAD WEATHER! Apparently, a measley 8 inches of snow caused Portalandians to cancel their eponymous ride. The 2014 Montauk CenturyThe 2013 "back to basics" Montauk Century accomplished three important things: re-established the camaraderie and community spirit that had defined our Club's past; showed that we didn't need to do this ride on a big scale; and ensured that we didn't lose money on an ambitious event. That will continue for 2014. The 5BBC Executive Board has decided that to repeat the formula of the 2013 "Back to Basics" approach. It will again be held on Sunday, May 18th, Last year, there were 50 participants. We anticipate being able to raise those numbers a bit more for 2014. The ride is only open to a dedicated and very limited number of 5BBC Members. We will update you on the 5BBC Members-only 2014 Montauk Century as more information becomes available. In addition to those who want to ride, we are as eager as ever for your ideas, input and availability to volunteer. All are highly-valued. The December and January editions of the 5BBC Bicycletter are available now!Thank you to our supporting bicycle shops and organizations!The Five Borough Bicycle Club would like to express our gratitude for the generous contributions of the following affiliatied bicycle shop and organizations s for our holiday party. Thank you! Members and non-members alike, please support these shops and buy local.
Suggestion BoxHave an idea about something? Want to propose something new for the Board to consider? Think you can improve things? Please post a suggestion by emailing info@5bbc.org and using the subject line "Suggestion Box"!Got something to say?If it's about bicycling or 5BBC, say it on our bulletin board or our Facebook page. Please note. The 5BBC web pages are copyrighted by the Five Borough Bicycle Club. We ask that other sites or publications link to our web pages, rather than copying trip listings in ways that may provide incomplete information. There is NO need to ask permission to link to our web pages. |