The De Gendy Chronicles,

details the

History of the Knights De Gendy.

The series starts in 2746 and works its way backwards, over 1500 years, to the founding of the order and finally the true story of the man whose way of life inspired others to create an order of knighthood. The series spans the ages from star flight to the 12th century. Romance...Intrigue...Action and Adventure are contained in these pages.

  1. Book 1 - "Age of the Gendy"
  2. Book 2 - "Gendy Warriors"
  3. Book 3 - "Book of The Code"
  4. Book 4 - "Squire"
  5. Book 5 - "Genderia"
  6. Book 6 - "Flight to the stars"

There are more to come.

Anyone interested in more information, please e-mail the author at:

E. F. Morrill and ask at your local bookstore for the up-coming series.

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