Here's the old Telnet info, courtesy of Dimitri Vulis
New York State Department of Labor Job Registry adr: 1 Main St, Room 501, Brooklyn, NY 11201 must have a position code from an ad New York State Department of Labor Community Service Center adr: 50 Park Place, NY 10007 tel: 718-797-7933 New York State Department of Labor Workstation telnet:, log in as WORK telnet: 23, sunypub Search job listings by job code (U.S. Department of Labor Dictionary of Occupational Titles Code) typing a 9-digit number (no . or -). Job titles marked * were observed to be listed frequently. Then ask DOL about the NY80... job order. DOT code Job Title 001.061-014 Architect, marine 002.061-010 Aerodynamicist 002.061-014 Aeronautical engineer 002.061-018 Aeronautical test engineer 002.061-022 Aeronautical-design engineer 002.061-026 Aeronautical-research engineer 002.061-030 Stress analyst 002.167-010 Value engineer 002.167-014 Field-service engineer 003.061-010* Electrical engineer 003.061-014 Electrical test engineer 003.061-018 Electrical-design engineer 003.061-030 Electronics engineer 003.061-034 Electronics-design engineer 003.061-038 Electronics-research engineer 003.061-042 Electronics-test engineer 003.061-046 Illuminating engineer 003.161-014 Electronics technician 003.167-010 Cable engineer, outside plant 003.167-018 Electrical engineer, power system 003.167-046 Power-distribution engineer 003.167-050 Power-transmission engineer 003.187-010 Central-office equipment engineer 003.187-014 Commercial engineer 003.187-018 Customer-equipment engineer 005.061-010 Airport engineer 005.061-014 Civil engineer 005.061-018 Hydraulic engineer 005.061-030 Sanitary engineer 005.061-034 Structural engineer 005.061-038 Transportation engineer 005.061-042 Waste-management engineer, radioactive 006.061-010 Ceramic design engineer 006.061-014 Ceramic engineer 007.061-010 Automotive engineer 007.061-014 Mechanical engineer 007.061-026 Tool designer 007.061-034 Utilization engineer 007.061-042 Stress analyst 007.161-026 Mechanical-engineering technician 007.161-030 Optomechanical technician 007.161-038 Solar-energy-systems designer 007.167-014 Plant engineer 007.181-010 Heat-transfer technician 007.267-010 Drawings checker, engineering 007.362-010 Nesting operator, numerical control 008.061-014 Chemical design engineer, processes 008.061-018 Chemical engineer 008.061-022 Chemical research engineer 008.061-026 Chemical-test engineer 010.061-014 Mining engineer 010.061-018 Petroleum engineer 011.061-014 Metallographer 011.061-018 Metallurgist, extractive 011.061-022 Metallurgist, physical 011.061-026 Welding engineer 011.261-018 Nondestructive tester 012.061-010 Product-safety engineer 012.061-014 Safety engineer 012.061-018 Standards engineer 012.067-010 Metrologist 012.167-010 Configuration management analyst 012.167-014 Manager, quality control 012.167-018 Factory lay-out engineer 012.167-030 Industrial engineer 012.167-034 Industrial-health engineer 012.167-042 Manufacturing engineer 012.167-046 Production engineer 012.167-050 Production planner 012.167-054 Quality control engineer 012.167-058 Safety manager 012.167-070 Time-study engineer 012.167-074 Tool planner 012.167-078 Documentation engineer 013.061-010 Agricultural engineer 014.061-014 Marine engineer 014.167-010 Marine surveyor 015.061-014 Nuclear engineer 015.061-022 Test engineer, nuclear equipment 015.067-010 Nuclear-criticality safety engineer 015.137-010 Radiation-protection engineer 017.261-010 Auto-design checker 019.061-010 Biomedical engineer 019.061-014 Materials engineer 019.061-018 Optical engineer 019.061-026 Reliability engineer 019.081-018 Pollution-control engineer 019.167-014 Project engineer 019.167-018 Resource-recovery engineer 019.187-010 Packaging engineer 020.067-010 Actuary 020.067-014 Mathematician 020.067-018 Operations research analyst 020.067-022 Statistician, mathematical 020.162-010 Mathematical technician 020.167-010 Actuary 020.167-022 Mathematical statistician 020.167-026 Applied statistician 020.167-026 Statistician, applied 021.162-010 Mathematical technician 022.061-010 Chemist 022.061-014 Chemist, food 022.137-010 Laboratory supervisor 023.061-010 Electro-optical engineer 023.061-014 Physicist 024.061-018 Geologist 024.061-022 Geologist, petroleum 024.061-030 Geophysicist 024.061-034 Hydrologist 024.061-038 Mineralogist 024.061-046 Petrologist 024.061-050 Seismologist 024.161-010 Engineer, soils 029.067-010 Geographer 029.081-010 Environmental analyst 029.081-014 Materials scientist 029.167-014 Project manager, environmental research 030.062-010* Software engineer 030.162-010* Computer programmer 030.162-014* Programmer/analyst 030.162-018* Engineering/scientific programmer (incl. GIS) 030.162-022 Systems programmer 030.167-010 Chief computer programmer 030.167-014 System analyst 031.132-010 Supervisor, network control operator 031.262-010 Data communications analyst 031.262-014 Network control operator 032.132-010 User support analyst supervisor 032.262-010 User support analyst 033.162-010 Computer security coordinator 033.162-014 Data recovery planner 033.162-018 Technical support specialist 033.167-010 Computer hardware analyst 033.262-010 Quality assurance analyst 033.262-010 Software quality assurance analyst 033.362-010 Computer security specialist 039.162-010 Database administrator 039.162-014 Database design analyst 039.264-010 Microcomputer support specialist 050.067-010 Economist 050.067-014 Market-research analyst i 054.067-010 Research worker, social welfare 054.067-014 Sociologist 070.101-022 General practitioner 070.101-078 Physician, occupational 072.101-010 Dentist 073.101-010 Veterinarian 074.161-010 Pharmacist 076.121-010 Occupational therapist 076.167-010 Industrial therapist 079.021-014 Medical physicist 079.101-022 Podiatrist 079.167-010 Community-services & health-education 079.167-014 Medical-record administrator 090.117-010 Academic dean 090.117-030 Financial-aids officer 090.227-010 Faculty member, college or university (all fields) 090.227-014 Graduate teaching assistant 099.117-010 Director, educational program 099.167-030 Educational resource coordinator 109.067-010 Information scientist 110.107-010 Lawyer 110.117-022 Lawyer, corporation 110.117-026 Lawyer, patent 119.107-010 Hearing officer 119.167-010 Adjudicator 119.267-014 Appeals referee 131.067-046 Writer, prose, fiction and nonfiction 131.267-026 Writer, technical publications 132.067-030 Program proposals coordinator 160.162-030 Data processing auditor 160.267-026 Investment analyst 161.117-014 Director, records management 161.117-018 Treasurer 161.167-010 Management analyst 161.267-018 Forms analyst 161.267-026 Reports analyst 162.167-022 Manager, procurement services 163.117-022 Director, media marketing 163.167-010 Manager, advertising 163.167-014 Manager, circulation 163.167-018 Manager, sales 163.167-026 Property-disposal officer 164.117-010 Manager, advertising 164.117-014 Manager, advertising agency 164.117-018 Media director 164.167-010 Account executive 165.117-014 Director, funds development 166.117-018 Manager, personnel 166.167-050 Program specialist, employee-health 168.167-070 Regulatory administrator 169.167-010 Administrative assistant 169.167-018 Contact representative 169.167-030 Manager, data processing 169.167-034 Manager, office 169.167-042 Park ranger 169.167-046 Public health registrar 169.167-062 Coordinator, skill-training program 169.167-066 Legislative assistant 169.167-074 Preventive maintenance coordinator 169.167-082 Manager, computer operations 169.262-010 Caseworker 169.267-010 Claims adjudicator 169.267-034 Research assistant 182.167-010 Contractor 182.167-026 Superintendent, construction 183.117-010 Manager, branch 183.117-014 Production superintendent 183.161-014 Wine maker 183.167-026 Manager, food processing plant 183.167-030 Service supervisor, leased machinery 184.117-014 Director, transportation 184.117-022 Import-export agent 184.117-026 Manager, airport 184.117-030 Manager, area development 184.117-058 Manager, schedule planning 184.117-066 Manager, traffic 184.161-010 Cable supervisor 184.167-054 Manager, bus transportation 184.167-094 Manager, traffic 184.167-102 Manager, traffic i 184.167-114 Manager, warehouse 184.167-130 Station manager 184.167-262 Train dispatcher 185.117-010 Manager, department store 185.157-010 Fashion coordinator 185.167-042 Manager, professional equipment sales 186.117-018 Customs broker 186.117-078 Vice president, financial institution 186.167-086 Manager, financial institutions 187.117-010 Administrator, health care facility 187.117-030 Executive vice pres, chamber of commerce 187.117-050 Public health service officer 187.167-018 Business representative, labor union 187.167-082 Manager, customer services 187.167-162 Manager, vehicle leasing and rental 187.167-226 Manager, marina dry dock 188.117-046 Director, compliance 188.117-106 Foreign-service officer 188.117-110 Housing-management officer 188.117-114 Manager, city 188.117-122 Property-utilization officer 188.117-134 Director, regulatory agency 188.167-058 Manager, office 188.167-066 Postmaster 188.167-082 Secretary of state 189.117-010 Association executive 189.117-022 Manager, industrial organization 189.117-026 President 189.117-042 Director, quality assurance 189.117-046 Manager, bakery 189.167-014 Director, service 189.167-018 Management trainee 189.167-022 Manager, department 189.167-030 Program manager 189.167-046 Superintendent, maintenance 189.167-050 Superintendent, plant protection 191.167-018 Location manager 193.162-014 Air-traffic-control specialist 193.162-018 Air-traffic-control specialist 196.167-014 Navigator 196.263-010 Airplane pilot 196.263-014 Airplane pilot, commercial 197.133-022 Mate, ship 197.133-026 Pilot, ship 198.167-010 Conductor, passenger car 198.167-018 Conductor, road freight 199.067-014 Cryptanalyst 199.167-022 Environmental analyst 203.362-026 Caption writer 213.362-010 Computer operator 213.382-010 Computer peripherals operator 250.257-014 Financial planner 334.374-010 Masseur/masseuse 359.367-010 Escort 600.280-050 Patternmaker, metal 601.381-038 Template maker 621.261-018 Flight engineer 823.261-030 Data communications technician 825.261-014 Elevator examiner-and-adjuster 825.361-010 Elevator constructor 828.261-014 Electrical eq. field service engineer 910.363-010 Firer, locomotive 910.367-010 Brake coupler, road freight 910.667-026 Switch tender 911.137-010 Barge captain 911.663-010 Motorboat operator 911.663-014 Stevedore I 912.167-010 Dispatcher 919.663-014 Dinkey operator 932.664-010 Brake holder 952.167-014 Load dispatcher 952.362-018 Hydroelectric-station operator 952.362-022 Power-reactor operator 952.362-026 Substation operator 952.362-042 Turbine operator --- Dimitri Vulis Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps