Alan Sondheim—sound and image works. Try telegraph.mp3 if you don't know where to start.
Au Bord Du Fleuve/On The Riverside—by Joseph Lefèvre and Martine Koutnouyan; a meditative flash site.
Blue Ball Machine (Classic Gif Returned)—animated gif fun.
DATA DIARIEZZZZZZ—by Cory Arcangel; making quicktime movies out of data.
today.getDate()—Diane Bertolo’s web project exploring the minutiae of daily life.
Fenlandia—images recorded at the rate of one pixel a second.
FLICTIONS—juxtaposition of quotes from literature with Tweets that slightly echo them.
Google Gravity—just for fun.
Heavy Industries—a collection of flash projects featuring text and music from Young-hae Chang.
Learning To Love You More—a project put together by Harrell Fletcher, Miranda July and Yuri Ono. Fun.
Oulipoems—six works inspired by the Oulipo movement, a French literary movement which combines writing and mathematics.
The Devil’s Dictionary—a totally fun website by Mike Leung.
What Is Missing—Maya Lin's collaborative project documenting recent species extinction.
You're The Man Now, Dog—with tiled animations and looped sounds....
Alan Berliner—obsessive experimental documentary films.
Barbara Hammer—pioneering lesbian filmmaker.
Dan Makes Art—videos by Dan Lowe, including work using social media apis.
Henry Hills—experimental films with rhythm.
Hey-Yeun Jang—installation and film-based work exploring fleeting moments and swallowed words.
Joost Rekveld—light-art of an experimental filmmaker, with texts by others.
Jim Jennings—beautiful studies in light.
Kathy High—media artist specializing in scientific /imaginative experiments.
Kurt Kren—experimental filmmaker who edited material according to serial rules.
Lynne Sachs—experimental/documentary filmmaker whose work is both personal and political.
Marcello Mercado—video artist who takes history very personally.
Martha Colburn—self-taught filmmaker; makes animated films.
Matt McCormick—maker of experimental documentary films / founder of Peripheral Produce.
Michael Brynntrup—experimental filmmaker with a great bio.
Miranda July—film and performance artist.
Myrel Chernick—installation/video artist and curator/critic.
Phillip Barker—experimental filmmaker.
Rohesia Hamilton Metcalfe—dogma-resistant experimental films & videos.
Shelly Silver— single channel video artist.
Film Archives—public movie theater, film museum, archive, research library, and art gallery (New York).
Capital—funding innovative projects in the visual, performing
and media arts.
Critical Artware—video artists who like image processing and glitches. You can find an interview with Dan Sandin on the 2001 page.
Experimental Television Center—including the video history project.
Filmmakers’ Cooperative—filmmaker-created cooperative formed in 1962 and still going strong; a supportive place for experimental/avant-garde filmmakers. Information about its history, links to essays on film and more.
Flicker Experimental Film and Video—website for links to websites of experimental filmmakers, venues and festivals that show experimental film, and resources for filmmakers.
Harvestworks—for audio-based projects and opportunities.
Senses of Cinema— an online film journal devoted to serious and eclectic discussion of cinema.
Signal Culture—residencies, resources, and exhibition opportunities for artists, toolmakers, curators, critics, and art historians who are contributing to the field of media art.
S.R. Video —for the best deal in Videotape, DVD & CD duplication in New York
Strictly Film School—dedicated to the analysis of landmark world cinema from an academic perspective; includes short essays, critiques and program notes.
Super8Porter—an experimental filmmaker's events calendar—mostly in Canada.
Women Make Movies—links to resources for women filmmakers.