1 Intro
Some of the elisp I have written.
Main: http://www.mahalito.net/~harley/elisp
Mirror: http://www.panix.com/~harley/elisp
2 Elisp
crontab-mode.el -- A mode for editing crontab files. Fontifies the text and submits to a remote host.
dna-mode.el -- A mode for editing dna sequences in emacs. Counts bases in a region, reverse complements and makes isearch work on dna.
footnote.el -- Inserts footnotes into a buffer. Useful for people who like to put long urls at the bottom of a file.
html-helper-imenu.el -- Imenu support for html-helper and SGML mode. Produces a menu which looks like a 'table of contents' for the buffer.
iCaps.el -- Applies Apple iProduct style capitalization to words.
osx-itunes.el -- Work with iTunes from within emacs. Requires osx-osascript.
osx-osascript.el -- Support for Applescript within emacs. Should be called 'applescript-mode.el'.
osx-typecreator.el -- Sets the type and creator on osx systems.
perl-myvar.el -- Finds undeclared lexicaly scoped vars in a perl sub and delclares them as 'my()'.
StudlyCaps.el -- An abuse of autocomplete mode to StudlyCapify as you type.
scrmable.el -- Scrambles the order of letters in a word, leaving the first and last one in place.
ssh-config-mode.el -- Fontifies ssh config files.
syslog-mode.el -- Fontifies system logs.
tempo2.el -- A replacement for tempo.el. I found the quoting required for the original tempo mode to be ugly. tempo2 has liberal syntax and evaluation. It is not a drop in replacement, but should be easy.
undo-group.el -- Allows group marks to be pushed on the undo stack and undo-group to undo groups of changes back to the mark.