Goto #100 Goto #200 Goto #300 Goto #400


  1. This appears to work now. Cool!
  2. What the fuck is this?
  3. test
  4. testin'
  5. Huh huh! Cool
  6. jens, all your ftp is not working... file:// stuff
  7. Fixed it I think. (permissions were mis-set) -J
  8. Nice work!
  9. Jens, the files aren't accessible.
  10. ARRRGGHH! Does it work now?
  11. Eat me! Huh-huh huh-huh huh huh huh.
  12. Hello!
  13. Spiff
  14. Hey Jens, have you still got those red leather-pants? They rule! Oh, this page was very cool also! :-D
  15. Welcome to the World Wide Web. #XXXX\\ #/---` ###XXX// - \\\-##= - \\\ ##XX///-` ` -- \\##- \ \\ ###XX//- = \ #/ - - \\ ###XX//- # #= = = || ###XX |##- / #X- ==|| ##XX /(((#\ /(()))))))))))|/ ##X| | #-/ | | ||=====\\) ##X| | #-/ | | ||------ \) #|| | #- | | || | | \|| | | | | || | | || | | | | || | | || | | | | ||_______/) || | | | | ||=====//) || | | | | || || | | | | || \| | | | | |/ ===| | | |==== =============== Have a brew on me!!! Nate
  16. 	Welcome to the World Wide Web !!!
                           #XXXX\\      #/---`
                      ###XXX//  - \\\-##= -   \\\
                    ##XX///-` ` --  \\##-       \ \\
                   ###XX//-    =    \ #/    -   -   \\
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                         ===|   |    |    |====
    Have a brew on me !!!


  17. Testing, one, two, three, four.
  18. www
  19. In captivity, the wombat is, as a rule, amiable -- the amiability being possibly associated with stupidity.
  20. Oh, I have to click in this box before I can type into it
  21. Den spanska raeven rev sig i roeven
  22. bite me
  24. Cool, it must have something to do with the space time continuum.
  25. Jasså, Jens goes WWW... bra initiativ! Den där finska essäen var faktiskt :) rätt kul. Cheers, /Lennart
  26. Yngwie + Jens = goddom
  27. MILES DAVIS still president! Bill Klitoris can't even blow straight. - The Burning Gnome
  28. When in doubt: 'Go where the day takes you!' Great looking home page Jens... If Iam ever in New York, Maybe we can jam!!
  29. STEVE WAS HERE!!!!!!!!!!
  30. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed the music you helped create with that Yngwie. I hope to hear more from you in the Future... COB :)
  31. Jens, why did you always have a cigarette hanging out of your mouth when you played with Yngwie?
  32. Jens, I am glad to have found you.I'll be in touch via E-mail. Your playing RULES!!!JESSE JAMES from Atlanta
  33. gutentag! snyggt jobbat det här. pissa i fittan och säj 'april, april'. A.H.
  34. Hey! Take a look at Kajplats 305
  35. Meet with the Burning Gnome
  36. THE WALL
  37. Wait ... do I push THIS button?? OUCH!!!
  38. SUG SATANS KUK ...och låt saggen flöda i helvetet... med andra ord... In Malmoe is everything ok! Ses!
  39. Jens, You rule!! I've not heard any Malmsteen but I love all the cool stuff you have done with Hellborg and your brother and others!!! I found out about you via Hellborg and also now via peripheral Glenn Hughes links and side projects!! You are a killer musician!! Recently, I loved your DP Cover Project!! You captured John Lord's spirit and branded it with your stamp. I love the E album btw. Comments are welcome on my Glenn Hughes home page: Later - Lewis
  40. Jens I wanted to make the Glenn Hughes page clickable and I hope it worked. :) -Lewis
  41. Keep up the good work, Jens! I sure hope you and JSS will work together once again in the future! :)
  42. Jens, this is a really neat page! //dk
  43. Jens, you fuckin' rule you mother fucker. You're the best keyboard player in the world. / Bödeln
  44. Cool. / AH
  45. Go see Bianca
  48. Ride More Roller Coasters!!! -Buck
  49. Jens auditioned for Dream Theater... I can't begin to understand why he wasn't choosen. I also can't begin to imagine how kick ass DT would have evolved to with him... Hey Jens, put out your Prog stuff!
  50. Hey Jens, how goes it :) Keep up the shredding music.
  51. JENS RULES !!!!!!!!!!!!
  53. I heard that you are working with Ace of Base - WHY!?!?
  54. Jens D00d You CraZy Wack You!!! This Is C00l As Heck!!! How'Z Sweden...and How're The BabeZ??? AnywayZ...C00l Site (Seen Better...but I've seen WAY worse t00...hehe and this Graffiti thing RoX!!!!). WellperZ D00d I got Ton'Z Of other SiteZ to check out...have a G00d one in Sweden D00d!!! And to everyone Readin' this...JenZ RoX!!!!
  55. Tjena Jens!.jag heter Stefan Askman och bor i HELSINGBORG.Du är världens bästa keybordis och jag den bästa basisten(he he). Ring sen spelar vi 070-5929460
  56. this is not child porn.
  58. Saw you in Hartford CT 15 May 1985 with Yngwie's band. Great show! Also, I appreciate the time you took to answer my e-mail about that show (and the good times afterward!) :-)
  59. Nice page, Jens... Keep on nettin' Your fan, Tapio (first graffiti I've signed with my own name;)
  60. Bara för å jävlas knappar jag NATURLIGTVIS in lite text på modersmålet. Hur kan man spela ett keyboard som man samtidigt går runt (Live in Leningrad)!? Det måste vara nåt fuuuusk! MvH / Janne V
  61. Jag måste försvara mig! Inget fusk. En (1) ynka ton (F#) är inte så svår att pricka.. men det mesta lät rätt jävligt. Tur att det var lågt mixat...:)
    - Jens
  62. TJACKA EN NY JÄVLA DATOR FÖR HELVETE! ostukuk grisslor
  63. Jens, din jäkla hacker-nisse!
  64. yngwie is god, so jens must be jesus.
  65. Well, if Jens is Jesus then Anders must be the Holy Spirit (but more likely the Devil). / 'Vinkelslipen'
  66. I don't know, I just couldn't see you with Dream Theater anyway. I love your work with Yngwie. Let me know if you ever need a sax player!
  67. Tjaba kul att du fins på nätet hittade dig via Yngwies page. Spelar Keyboards själv och tycker att du är bäst i världen på detta är själv inte riktig så duktig men väl ganska snabb. Har Fjäderlösa Tvåfotingar(bisarrt bra) plus Yngwies plattor. Hörde ditt solo som blev bortmixat på Live in Leningrad vilket skulle ha varit med på plattan. Jag sanknar homepage och e-mail men har tillgång till nätet ändå. men snart skall jag få en page + E-mail. Mvh: Hasse Sukis. PS Micke Johansson på Okej vet venm jag är om du vill talk some music. Bye.
  68. Jag finns på adress: Hasse Sukis, P.O. Box 386, S-114 79 Stockholm, Telefon: +46-(0)707-55 90 31. Ursäkta stavfelen i mitt förra meddelande. Såg dig,Hellborg och brorsan Anders och Gary Mudbone Cooper(?) på Fashing och Rackabajspuben i Uppsala, en bisarr tillställning.
  69. Lite reklam också: Snart på Internet under World Wide Web, Hasse Sukis homepage med seriefiguren "Sture Säverts" och info om TV-programmet "Rock Show" check it out soon. Vanliga adresser är: Sture Säverts Fan Club, P.O Box 386, S-114 79 Stockholm, eller Rock Show, P.O. Box 386, S-114 79 Stockholm. Kolla även polar'n: Jannes Homepage på Internetadress: http//^empire/html. och läs det bisarra fanzinet: Flashback. Bye for now.
  70. Det är ju faan att keyboardfingret var så snabbt så det dubbelklickade så det blev två former messages bisarrt va? Mvh Sukis.
  71. är den rätta adressen till Jannes "Flashback"
  73. Så här ska det va(man lär så länge man lever)Flashback hoppas jag, sa Sukis.
  74. Tjaba gjorde en telefonare med Yngwie i går 950814 20.30 svensk tid, skulle hälsa till dig. Mvh Snail-Mail Sukis
  75. I thought this was a joke. So! you really exist.
  76. Yes.
    - Jens
  77. Hi Jens--You are truly one of the finest keyboard players I've had the pleasure of hearing. Here's another vote for you to put out a progressive rock album--like Hellborg/Lane/Baker. Hot stuff!!
  78. By the way, I thought you would have been excellent with Dream Theater; oh well. I'd love to hear you play with Allan Holdsworth. He's better than Yngwie, and much nicer too.
  79. I can't believe I found this page!!! Hey, anybody that doesn't know who this guy is should check him out. He's the most fluid keyboard soloist I've ever heard. And fast too! He makes Jan Hammer sound like a clown!
  80. Det är klart att jag existerar, fråga brorsan: Anders. Mvh Snail-Mail-Sukis.
  81. This is Snail Mail Sukis, and from now on I write in English. This is theWheather in Stockholm, SwedenForecast. Have a F***ing good time.
  82. This is "Snail-Mail",Sukis once again. I dont know if my "P.O.Box",adress works, causee I did not pay the fee yet, but my phone-number do work. +46(0)707-55 90 31.
  83. Goddag Mr Jens! Tråkigt det här med min kollega Hans Sukis, och denne bizarre människas snabba beslut. Det är ju inte han som tecknar Sture Säverts, utan själve jag. POWERGREVEN! Det är visserligen Hasse som skriver mANUS till Sture, så kanske, kanske får du se Sture på någon bizarr HomePage
  84. Vem i hela helvete är Yngwie?
  85. Hello Jens, nice photo collection of yours. Yngwie has gone real fat now hasn't he? The Elvis Presley sindrome or what? I'm worried. Well have a good time over ther, Snail Mail Sukis. Soon will Sture Säverts enter the Internet. I'll keep you informed and will make a link to him.
  86. But, can you wiew pictures on the net yourself whith the Lynx-stuff? I wanna be a rockstar too. Says Snail Mail Sukis. But I'm already a hell good (rock)photographer and journalist!
  87. Funny pictures, specially the story about eggs and the Norweigan police-force, how was the story whith the hotel lobby coffe machine, during the recording of Lock up the Wolfes(DIO)?
  88. Malmsteen is not just a guitarist Yngwie is a way o' playin' guitar!
  89. I am a classical guitar major at indiana u. and all i can say is that the playing on the jonas hellborg album"E" RULES!
  90. Hej Jens. Hur förstärker du upp syntarna live kör du direkt i PA:t? Mvh Sukis!
  91. Hur får du fram dina schyssta "serpent"-ljud som du ofta nyttjar i solon?, undrar Hasse Sukis, Have a good Day!
  92. Tja, oftast blir det rakt in i PA:t. Vad syntljud gäller: Polysix.
    - Jens
    PS. Email funkar mycket fortare än det här! :)
  93. Hey Jens What's up, I'm not really too knowledgable of your stuff, except the stuff you and Yngwie played I was trying to figure out wether or not it was a keyboard I was Hearing or not. I guess it was, your about as good on the keyboard as yngwie is on the Guitar. Thanks for all the listening pleasure!! Paul
  94. Go see the BurninGnome
  95. Tjaba Jens. Jag gillar också Polysix speciellt om man använder ÖL-backar som synth-ställ. Snart har jag både en Homepage och E-mail. Men det tar lite tid till efter som jag måste göra en vacker homepage o.s.v...(I' let you know the details).
  96. Nu gjoprde jag fel igen men man lär sig väl jag glömde ju att göra slttecken, Mvh Sukis.
  97. How the fuck is Mvh Sukis? / Burning Bastard
  98. Ali was here!
  99. Tjena! Sitter här och krökar! Skitknegade nämligen i helgen varför måndagen är den dag som står till buds för dylik aktivitet. Jenny hälsar att hon vill knulla Mona Sahlin (Fuck Mona Sahlin!). Susanne hälsar att solen fortfarande skiner över alla oss hedningar, men undrar hur länge. /Vinkelslipen
  100. Mvh stands for "Med vänliga hälsningar"(svedish) and means something like: "whith friendly greatings" and thats a way to end up a letter or a message in sweden. "Sukis" is my lastname. "Cheers" Hasse Sukis. Or how Jens!?.
  101. Jens-Hi from Johns Hopkins! I heard your stuff with Tony Macalpine-You are the man!I particularly like "The Violin Song"- You have him struggling to keep up! I'm glad someone likes to show us guitar players a run for our money. . .
  102. Nu fungerar Snailmail boxen igen: Hasse Sukis, P.O. Box 386, S-114 79 Stockholm, Sweden. Soon Homepage.....too.
  103. xcghfhjfkhj
  104. macaw
  105. fuck
  106. Love the new pix! Long live Yngwie! Keep up the good work, Jens!
  107. Hi Jens, please check out John H S@v@ge's Homepage and Sture Sävert's Website avery funny toon :)
  108. Swedes kick musical ass!
  109. Jens Johansson är den bästa i världen!!! Sorry about my lousy Swedish! Greetings from Finland!
  110. Kör en sax i analen, en tvål i urinledaren... AUOOOO! / Ivan Skrobbolovskij
  111. Hello Jens! I have enjoyd your excellent keyboard and organwork sinsce the Silver Mountain Album. It's a shame that some geeks sends in crap at your graffitipage, but I hope you will read these lines anyway. Question to you; Do you play a modified Polysix or does the pitcher work that well even when you play that fast? Another question; I play guitar in the progressive symphonic rock (in Spirit of Zappa, IQ, Marillion, Anyones Daughter, Isildurs Bane..) style with my bands Antimon & Lex Credo, and I wonder if you know of any recordcompanies who would be interessted in a demo since the companies in Sweden seems to like only indiepopcrap and Eurodiscojunk? Keep up the excellent playing MVH Esa Sweden
  112. Well, it's a graffiti page, what am I to do. I guess I promised myself I wouldn't 'censor' it.. I do check it now and then, but I look in the mail box more often. ;) Which is not to say really often though. Well whatever. This is _my_ graffiti page, I can ramble on on this thing if I want to! I play a modified P6, although none of the mods really concern any time constants in the pitch wheel. For that type of music, you may want to try some japanese labels, like Zero perhaps. Good luck.
  113. DREAM BAND: Geoff Tate - vocals Yngwie - Guitar 1 Vai - Guitar 2 Geddy Lee - bass 1 Sheehan - Bass 2 Neil Peart - drums and JENS JOHANNSON - KEYBOARDS! Imagine a band with 2 guitars, 2 basses, keys, drums and a singer... Musical mayhem!
  114. How come the Swedes make so much great music.Jens....what do you think of Benny Andersson´s music.I´d love to see the new musical.
  115. You are the best JENS! Keep on going. btw. i have read from a finnish news- paper that you are currently playing in Stratovarius, a finnish band... is that true? greets from FINLAND!
  116. Jens Johnson, tu' e' fera. Tu' toca pra' caralho. O Mats Olausson e' um cu'.
  117. GREAT CEASAR'S FRIGGIN' GHOST! I can't believe I found this site...Jens, I've thoroughly enjoyed your playing for many years now (and the Maestro's as well) - only a child of the devil himself tinkles the ivories like you. Carry on with your virtuosity and STOP SMOKING! 'Cause if you don't quit, there won't be any left for me!!! JENS AND YNGWIE ARE CO-GODS!!!!
  118. By the way, I'm the loyal fan who touted you and Mr. Malmsteen as "co-Gods in the last message. Two things..."Ten Seasons" is phenomenal. Second; who is the dullard who said (and I paraphrase) "you're about as good on the keyboard as Yngwie is on guitar". This person should be slapped daily...There is no comparison to be made, and both of you are superhuman musicians. Thanks again for years of great music!! :)
  119. Thanks for the kind words!
    - Jens
  120. Kewl web page mon! :)
  121. Is this mike on???
  122. Why YJM did this to you? Sucker!
  123. O kaliteros kitharistas ston kosmo einai o Yngwie J. Malmsteen!
  124. One question - In the "Trial by Fire" video, is that a real cigarette, and if so, why does it never get shorter??
  125. Hey, that the Jens "Signature" series breath control module in that video... hehe!! ;)
  126. dra ballen i gruset
  127. Likainen Märkivä Kuukautisvittu!! !!Jens on Norjalainen Persereikä!!!
  128. hej jens sag dig i linkoping med hellborg.GRYMT BRA keep up the god work :)
  129. HAR DU OL???
  130. Jens! You rule! Visit my page - Anisa :)
  132. I think Yngwie should be put on a diet.If he gets too fat,so will his fingers and then he will start to "two-note" every intended single note line and that probably won't sound so good.(just kidding). By the way,what kind of songs is it that Yngwie is playing on that new album of yours?
  133. Two instrumental neoclassical songs.. the 10 minute type jobs
    - Jens
  134. Does this work
  135. Hi Jens, I think you are possibly the best keyboardist around. I have a couple of questions; why in the world did you leave Malmsteen, Mats O. sucks you rule? Are you ever going to do an album with Yngwie with new material? Jens, you have to play for Malmsteen again, YOUR AWESOME THERE IS NOONE THAT CAN BEAT YOUR PLAYING AND YOU AND MALMSTEEN WHERE AWSOME TOGETHER
  136. Dear Jens, You are the one muscian that changed my life forever. You are my biggest Keyboard influence. I love all your work with Rising Force as well as Shrapnel. I used to learn all your Rising Force licks note for note.(Very challenging!) I wish I could of seen you play that gig with Tony MacAlpine at the Edge in Palo Alto, Ca. Maybe in the Summer? Currently, I am in a band called ,"Circulo Privada" a progressive band (ala Dream Theater) and I would love to send you some of our stuff! I love your solo tone on the Odessey album. Was that a Korg? I heard you used a distortion box? If so, that is really cool! What do you think of the Korg Trinity Plus? The "Ribbon Your Head Off" patch is a cool one (#14) although its probably better if you take it off "legato" mode because if you play to fast, the polyphony freaks out! Anyway, take it easy man!--Matt Guillory
  137. Hey Jens I want to get the Live in Lenninggrad video. I cannot find it anywhere all the record stores don't carry it. Where the hell can I get a copy
  138. I came here to sit and think, All I did was shit and stink
  139. Hey jens, Have you ever heard of Ed Roth, the keyboardist for Impellitteri-he wails!! Tell Yngwie he should do a show with Impellitteri.
  140. JUST heard STRATOVARIUS "Tomorrow" on the RADIO! EXCELLENT!! It's just as good with TIMO TOLKKI as with YNGWIE! I'm just waiting when the whole cd is released. JENS, YOU'RE SUPERB!
  141. Hi Jens, and thanks for the e-mail reply earlier today. I just wanted to say IN PUBLIC how embarrassed I was that I didn't know who you were until a few weeks ago (insert sound of hand smacking forehead here). :) Then, of course, I KNEW who you were, but just never realized that you were the same guy who was subscribed to Atavachron. These things happen when you're a busy entreprenurial-type guy. Anyway, best of luck on the project with Allan Holdsworth, and if you see fit, throw our URL up here: Thanks, Jeff Preston The Atavachron Guy
  142. Looking forward to see you at Tavastia Club May 10th!! Episode is great!
  143. Hur dog Wally Voss, var e' Blue house nånstans? Bara undrar.....
  144. Wally dog av Hodgkins lymfom. Vad är Blue house för nåt?
    - Jens
  145. Episode samt konseren Maj 10e i Tavastia, Helsinki, FInland var fanastisk, vad fan var det du sjöng när Koivusalo's mic måste bytas? Crazy konsert!
  146. Jens, Thanks for the kind words regarding my SPAM Haiku. If you ever get to Mississippi, send me e-mail and we'll go hear some Blues!
  147. Tjena! Du är en av Sveriges bästa keyboardister! Jeff, Gotland
  148. Great Midi songs ! Jens, you are the greatest kept secret ! but not anymore for me..
  149. Hejsan svejsan i lingonskogen Är i Malmö Och idkar tidelag med Pär Stadins kattdjävlar / Göran Edman
  150. Tja, katter behöver väl kärlek dom också!
    - Jens
  151. Jens, allvarligt talat. Är inte en stubbe i skogen bland koltrastar och blåbärsris vad vi alla sucktar efter. / G.E. ( bortsett från KÄRLEK)
  152. Tja, stubbar behöver väl kärlek dom också!
    - Jens
  153. Hello all morons! Testing testing testing
  154. You're right, there is a sucker born every minute.
  155. Chris needs lessons - Can Jens teach chris? (jens has taught us all)
  156. Hello! Sandra Bullock told me, that this is a good web site, so I decided to ask if you could put some good oberheim matrix-12 patches that you use with yngwie here. With love Sandra!
  157. Sandra Bullock, eh? Well, I'd be fucked if I knew where all my old tapes with M12 patches went. Too bad! I tend to just make new ones. Anyway, have Sandra give you Sharon's number (Sharon Stone), she's the one that taught me all the esoteric tricks, like how to use a LFO to multiply two control signals, or how to derivate a control signal (tricky)..
    - Jens
  158. wisdom is the only true beggining
  159. beware of what you do, for surely someone is watching you - emptor
  160. En av dina bilder e från "infamous blue house", var det i LA.... eller? om jag skruvar upp min sequencer till absolut jävla max kan jag lira fortare än dig
  161. "ONE OF A KIND"
  163. well this is Sandra again. I'm sorry that you can't visit my homepage, because i don't have own computer i'm from finland and i heard your work with stratovarius it was quite nice. i hope to see you soon in tour. By the way me and sharon (sharon stone) have gotten a really good terms and she told me that you did your nicest work in "större Yngwie's" far beyond the sun you got some really good tricks in tour in 1988. it would be a really good thing if you could find some new cassettes of oberheim matrix-12 patches and if you could put em' here. we will rule the world!
    Mikko "the master of puppets"
  164. hacka ballen
  165. Tear it up Jens!! Keep poundin' out those chops!! Cool page. -Vinman
  167. Hey Jens! Your new album with Allan holdsworth called "Heavy machinery is beyond everything I've ever heard. On of the best albums in a long time. Yngwie, you better start practicing, OK. From Mike
  168. Ok, who is Timo Tolkki? Hsse Sukis
  169. jens, ryck i pyllen
  170. Hello! I heard you in tour with Yngwie 1988, and i like to know what was that classical song, that you played in the beginning of keyboard solo. That sounded something like Bach.
  173. hello everyone in cyberspace peter piper is a bad boy
  174. Fick tag i Premonition, jävlar vicka solon du drar. Sen köpte jag Lock up the wolves, där hände ju inte mycket.
  175. tell you big brother that his drum playing is so unique, precise, powerfull and annoyingly great. What's the use to keep on myself. Nice page Jens, Ben
  176. Eikon bejkon!
  178. Jens rules!!! DT made a mistake by not hiring him.
  179. Just checked out Sonic Winter.The 2 instrumentals are devastating!Keep up the good work.
  180. Get the Johansson Bro CD!!!! It's awesome
  181. hello jens, visit my web site at -adrian
  182. Dear Jens, I am visiting your site from Tokyo, Japan. I have believed you are the best keyboard player since the first day listening FAR BEYOND THE SUN. I hope to enjoy your LIVE performance again in Japan! Please visit my site.
  183. hi jens, this is Adrian again. Please let me know if you have visited my page by either leaving me email or just leave us your own graffiti. by for now - Adrian Galysh
  184. A recording with Jens, Shawn Lane, and Jonas Hellborg? We're NOT WORTHY!!!!
  185. Hello! "JENS" you kept up good work with MYSTERIOUS Dave Nerge. Could you put here some drawbar settings of your HAMMOND. Have Fun!
  186. (img src=" (h2)(a href="")NEW STRATOVARIUS SITE!(/a)(/h2)
  187. great musician working with many great musicians such as Holdsworth,Yngwie, Hellborg,Lane,etc;+ I have an admiration for Sweden in general since my grandparents are from there!I hope to visit there someday...check my site at Anyway keep up the great playing Jens!(can't wait to hear the Holdsworth..)

  188. Hej Jens! hur går det? *laugh*... --as if you read all this garbage! *laugh*.. Thanks for the email, I have added your link!! So in trade, here's mine... *lol*
  189. vad händer o' fötter? MVH från Lillis från Malmö i L.A.(eller nåt sånt)...
  190. What the fuck is yngwie doing on the latest record? The keyboard solos with the losers Rosenthal and Olauson sucked completely! why didn't you play on the whole thing? The mix sucked as usually but as a devoted malmsteen fan I have gotten used to that. Tell joe Lynn and your brother that they were the only good thing about the record (Yngwie was of cours great as usual). Stay best! Howie
  191. Hello Swedish god. I saw on of the conserts with Stratovarious on your latest tour. What was the mixing people doing? Sleeping? And the drummer sucked ass (excuse my french).Yoy whiped the floor with everybody in that band even though I kind of like their music. Have a good one, you hear! Klaus
  192. Hey Jens, I really admire your keyboarding with Yngwie. I still can't believe the difficultly of the stuff you and Yngwie played. Is he really that good? Are you? I have a video from 85' with Yngwie and you guys in Japan. I am still amazed, even after watching it a million times, on how well you two played off eachother. My hat goes off to you Jens. I think you are the most talented keyboardist around. Some Rush fans might disagree with me but who cares! Email me back if you could. I would be honored to hear from you. I hope your musical career is doing great! Thanx, Rudi
  193. Kliv in i televox; "voiden" och smattra lite synthräkor för oss i Borlänge, någon gång, vi kan fuskkompa lite svagt. Love ya! SNIIS
  194. Jag älskar Yngwie !!!!!!!!!
  195. Yngwie sucks!
  196. Who wrote that?
  197. My nane is Marc S:t James and I'm gonna show you poor bastards who's the best. Look for my solo debut album next year.
  198. Yeah, right!
  199. OK! Do you dare putting your address there, you untalanted little wimp. I'm gonna kick your ass so bad you're gonna be sorry you offended the Master.Marc S:t James
  200. Hello from Spain. You are great Jens. I saw your latest show with the Finlandband Stratovarus. Great play by you. Roberto Rumballo
  201. Marc S.t James! Who do you think you are? Fuck you, don't polute Jens nice page like that! Have some fucking respect, OK.
  202. OK, for Jens I have respect! But to the rest of you, get fucked!
  203. Somehow,the first part of my message got cut out earlier so it came out not making alot of sense..It was supposed to start out"Jens,just wanted to say hi to such a great musician... So anyway saw Yngwie a few weeks ago and he really played quite well.I am not one of those people who thinks that playing fast is a crime.I can dig the slow soulful playing of Albert King or Otis Rush but I think there are good and bad players at any velocity.Some great fast players include Shawn Lane,Yngwie,George Lynch,Eric Johnson,John Norum,Greg Howe,Scott Henderson and keyboardists like Jens.They can all play as slow and soulful as they want but at any given time are just expressing how they feel.Passion and technical proficiency can get along quite well.Sorry,didn't mean to make a speech but that's part of the fun of the net,right?
  204. Jens you rule!!! Inspiration w/Yngwie is Awesome!!!
  205. Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt! Så det så!
  206. Oj, det blev visst för många: Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt!Kuken Olsson har ringt! Ursäkta mitt dåliga skämt. Brorsan.
  208. Hi Jens. Cool site! I just wanted to comment that it must have been one hell of a great party after the only show I ever saw with you in it. It was in '85 at the Capitol Theater in Passaic (here in New Jersey). This was the very last show of the club tour with Rising Force and Billy Sheehan's old band Talas. Those guys in Talas sure were abusing u and Yngwie towards the end of your set with the traditional last show of a tour practical jokes. I remember Billy or someone repeatedly throwing plastic cups over the amps at you while you were playing, and Billy brought out a well-endowed topless girl and pushed her in Yngwie's face while he was soloing. And holy encores! I think u guys did about 4 or 5....and the last being an "all-star" jam of sorts with both bands doing a Hendrix tune and some other stuff! That show fucking ruled!!! How much do u remember about that show?--Michael in N.J.
  210. Correction to message n:o 209. Mikko Härkin is a very great person with a good sense of humor and of course a "very good" player. I give a shit for those mother fucking persons who have a torpedo in their ass (hopefully that torpedo includes a lot of napalm). By the way, thanks to my mama who bought Matrix-12 to me, and for you msg n:o 209 burn in perpetual fire and go to school, so maybe you learn to write.
  212. Jasså, bara massa skitprat som vanligt. Såg YM i Palo Alto. Fet, dubbelhakad och på väg att att tapa barret. Men spela tajt kunde han, riktigt bra! Han skulle ju kunna lira med i Jens Johansson's Rising Force
  213. Tjena grabben, allt väl? Här ? allt gott.... lev kul,later dude. Benny Lars-Olof White.
  214. Who cares about Cuckoo Olson? I thought this was a page for one of the best keyboardists in the world:Jens Johanson!
  215. Korg M1 rules! Use it. I do.
  216. By Bira Bira this is a heck of a lot of graffiti.

    Haven't been here in a long time, just thought I'd drop by and say hi. nice to finally see the webpage with a graphical browser (so that's what you look like!).

    Nice page, see ya later. CRACKERS .

  217.        ///////
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  218. Ho ho, what the FUCK is this??
  219. Hej Jens! Detta är Yonna calling. Per mår inte så bra. Hjälp honom snarast. Hoppas det går bra för dina ljud. God Ljud och gott nytt år. Hälsningar Yonna.
  220. Hello! You were in finnish tv-program. Are you a lawyer or a manager of stratovarius or maybe a politician? 'cause you looked like one. you're work with hellborg was pretty nice.
  221. if yngwie cancel a concert again, I'll hit his guitar through his haed personally.
  222. Hello my name is Warren Gladue. I am a fan of Jenz! I am also a graduate of MI. You can write me at: Warren Gladue, General Delivery, Calling Lake, Alberta, Canada, T0G 0K0. What dates in the future will Jens perform?
  223. Der, he is Oly und yew R Sven?? :-P
  224. Metal alive ! Long live Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Helloween, Rage, Dream Theater, Fates Warning, Whitesnake, DIO, Black Sabbath, Manowar, Judas Priest, Deep Purple, Rainbow and so on.
  225. Hello from Spain, Jens (Hola!). You're fantastic. I have some of the records where you appear, from Yngwie to Deep Purple Tribute or Stratovarius. It's very nice to find that you have your own Web site. I want to make you some questions but I'll do it via e-mail. Keep on rockin', Jens. Bye. Miguel Terol.
  226. Hey Jens, Mail Me and I'll send you a copy of my instrumental synth CD. You might like it, if not, it makes one hell of a pretty coaster..
  227. Jens, you are one hell of a musician! I love your music! What's with Sandra Bullock? Anyways keep it up! Please write to me, I would be honoured if you would send me some email, which would be the equivalent to an autograph. What are your thoughts on Native Americans? I am a member of the Cree nation in Canada. I see my friend Warren Gladue signed your guestbook. See ya! Anyone interested in writing to me, please feel free to do so. :o)
  228. Tjena jens nu har jag en hemsida på och e-mail: Jag pluggar programmering och spelar musik Pow wow hasse@sukis :-)
  229. Check out this new video on Sledgehammer!(img src="") (img src="")
  230. Greetings from Greece.Jens you and Stratovarius RULE!!!!!!!!!
  231. Jens Rules!! If you're in Seattle, check out FAUSTUS opening up for DIO at the Ballard Firehouse, Jan. 13.
  232. EPISODE RULEZ OK!!!!!
  233. Hello Jens! Mikko Härkin wishes everything good for you in year 1997, and a happy kitanai omanku. (sounds weird or what?) Keep on rolling.
  234. köo jftt klöoii
  235. Ostkuk Grisslor - för att du älskar det godai
  236. Perkele riihipiru kun et ymmärrä edes suomea
  237. Hi Jens.This is Kostas from Greece.I mailed you last week,but something was wrong with my email adress.I have given you my correct adress,it works properly now.If you can ,please mail back your suggestions about those things I wrote you. And another question:technics or roland?which one is better for live performance? Keep up the good work!
  238. E R E S U N C H I N G O N !!!!!!!! V E N A M E X I C O!!!! S I E M P R E S E R A S B I E N V E N I D O!!!! R O B E R T O D E A R A C N O F O B I A!!!
  239. Here You Go Jens! This just made your Page Even COOLER! -shaun (!-- (p align="center")(script language="JavaScript") /* Fade Script v0.1 by 1996 * Copyright (c) 1996 Kouichirou Eto. All Rights Reserved. * You can freely copy, use, modify this script, * if the credit is given in the source. * If you would like to get information for this script, * please access ( */ function makearray(n) { this.length = n; for(var i = 1; i (= n; i++) this[i] = 0; return this; } hexa = new makearray(16); for(var i = 0; i ( 10; i++) hexa[i] = i; hexa[10]="a"; hexa[11]="b"; hexa[12]="c"; hexa[13]="d"; hexa[14]="e"; hexa[15]="f"; function hex(i) { if (i ( 0) return "00"; else if (255 ( i) return "ff"; else return "" + hexa[Math.floor(i/16)] + hexa[i%16]; } function setbgColor(r, g, b) { var hr = hex(r); var hg = hex(g); var hb = hex(b); document.bgColor = "#"+hr+hg+hb; } function fade(sr, sg, sb, er, eg, eb, step) { for(var i = 0; i (= step; i++) { setbgColor( Math.floor(sr * ((step-i)/step) + er * (i/step)), Math.floor(sg * ((step-i)/step) + eg * (i/step)), Math.floor(sb * ((step-i)/step) + eb * (i/step))); } } /* Usage: * fade(inr,ing,inb, outr,outg,outb, step); * example. * fade(0,0,0, 255,255,255, 255); * fade from black to white with very slow speed. * fade(255,0,0, 0,0,255, 50); * fade(0xff,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0xff, 50); // same as above * fade from red to blue with fast speed. * step 2 is very fast and step 255 is very slow. */ function fadein() { fade(100,0,150, 0,0,0, 100); } function fadeout() { /*fade(0,0,0, 255,255,255, 150); */ } /* do fadein */ fadein(); /***** end fade script *****/ (/script)
  240. some coOl stuff here. and now the grafiti: fX was here - cU.
  241. jens rules the roost!!!
  242. you truly are a gifted musician. as is yngwie. there is no stereotype for you, no niche that you settle into. your playing is remarkable and transcendent. thank you for the gifts that you have recorded for us all and for the live performances (of which i have seen 3, the last being the wolves tour with dio). "uncanny" pretty much sums it up. aloha no a malama pono...kalani
  243. Yngwie Malmsteen is the man, Jens is the man he is best keyboardist ever
  244. we want VISIONS NOW!!!!!
  245. What a hell graffiti?
  246. Jaja rånka bålle, mycket harmonic minors och en jävla massa phrygian modes över en helvetes mängd åttondels chagga-chagga, allt spelat snabbare än saaatan. Heja Yingwang, först till 12:e bandet får en bulle. Jens, du lirar helt otroligt bra! Hare krishna, hare bra. OlleKalle Bossesson
  247. *ahem* hi "like a blind man at an orgy, i had to feel my way around" & also say hi to the keyboard dude named Jens who is pretty col & things. Also, girls are pretty col. *ding* pizza's ready! ..want to jam sometime?
  248. My wife ran off with my best friend..... gee I miss him!
  249. Sä et varmaan osaa tätä kirosanaa: HAISTA VITTU SAATANAN MULKKU!!!
  250. HELLO you motherfucker!!! You have very, very good homepage! But where I can have your new CD?
  251. KHOLO YENS! i'd Just wondered if you have the address of the gyu called Ray Brown from Arizona. As you posssibly know, he makes clothes for rock stars like Yngwe.
  253. Hej Jens bästa piano o synthkille jag hört spela någon gång :) Fråga: Hur många Rolexar har Slyngel Strulsteen? Fråga igen Hur gör man när man ligger ner o spelar? (live i leningrad)
  254. You are Fucking amazing keyboard player!!! So stop fucking him, please because you´re cool player! 6.5.1997 (Kyrvänpesupäivä) YEAH! MORO Hey Jens, wanna learn some finnish funny words?? Say this to Timo Tolkki or Timo Kotipelto: "Ime munaa, kyrpänaama!"
  255. i dont know who the hell u are but u sound pretty cool e-mail me if u feel u must -juliet
  256. i dont know who the hell u are but u sound pretty cool e-mail me if u feel u must -juliet
  257. Jens>>> Jens jag gillar verkligen introt till Rising_force, vad har du för keyboard när du spelar det?
  258. Wow Jens, you're a real winner
  259. Hey Jens, you are the man, the best solo-keyboardist on the world! Your work with Stratovarius is extremely and Timo Tolkki (almost Yngwie) sound fucking good together, your solos on Visions and Episode are the best I've heard. Keep going on with Stratovarius, and say greetings to Yngwie and Timo they, are my favourite guitarists. (in fact, Yngwie was the reason I started to play guitar 7 years ago)
  260. Tja Jens, skulle bara säga att du förjävla bra på synth!!!
  261. Jens, när kommer ni till Westgotha? Hahaha!!!
  262. Jens, ska vi starta ett band?
  263. Synd att du sluta med Yngve... Det va bättre förr som man säger. Rising Force o Marching Out..... Steven Ross plattan du e med på e rätt fräck oxå.. Men ? när kommer soloplattan. Ska du inte göra en med din bror? Du måste väl ha 10000000000 ide´er liggande......
  264. Har Anders nån hemsida?
  265. Nån som vill chatta?
  266. Jag har dubbeltimma data just nu, skit tråkigt! Alla sitter och arbetar utom Hugo och jag som surfar på Internet istället.
  267. jens,you and anders are fucking cool, hope you guys get back with ying-yang(i mean yngwie,i'm only kidding)if not,i'll be looking for anything you the way canaidians rule eh!
  268. Det var en flicka ifrån Lidan Som hade sån klåda i slidan Hon for fram som en raket På ett taggtrådsstaket Med ett ben på vardera sidan "raket-evert-space trucker"
  269. Mamma mamma mina klasskompisar säger att jag har så lång snopp,mamma det har jag väl inte?? Nej då lille vän,men du skall sluta att peta dig i näsan med den....
  270. Det var en man från Malmö som hette Jens Han ville inte tvätta bort sin fläns Det luktade och kliade förfärligt Att suga av den snorren var outhärdligt Ungefär som cunnilingus vid mens.... "August Blindmärg"
  271. Hej Jens? Hur stort huvud har du? "Kåt som en katt på killar i hatt"
  272. En liksveparldrling fren Skara,en dv gammal hora tog tillvara,visst lukta hon illa,och leg ganska stilla,men gud vad med pengar han spara... Ragnar Dahlberg was here.
  273. Hello Jens, I have two questiions for you, I hope you'll answer to them. 1) what do think of Timo Tolkki as a guitar player? 2) Do you like to work with Yngwie?
  274. this isn't to bad but it still needs some improvent like pictures of you, your Anders, etc.
  275. En man ifrån Trollbäcken För bögar hade stora skräcken Men han var inte galen Och för att skydda analen Så satte han ett tanklock i häcken Sensmoral: Fyll inte alltid på bensin när du skruvar bort tanklocket
  276. When is Mr x going to learn how to play the skin banjo? Arghhhhhhhhh!
  277. I heard your MIDI files. It's cool!
  278. Vad hände med knullfilmen?
  279. Hallå där! Enligt Ljungved Gatsten så är Du och Anders ena rackare på att demolera ett hotellrum. Berätta nu, hur går ett proffs till väga?? "Jag vill oxå åka på turne' å röja "
  280. The lift is being fixed for the next day.During that time we regret that you will be unbearable.
  281. Do not enter lift backwards and only when lit up. To move the cabin; puch button for wishing floor.If the cabin should enter more persons,each one should press a number of wishing floor.Driving is then going alphabeticallly by national order. English well speaking.Here speeching American.
  282. Is forbidden to steal hotel towels please!If you are not a person to do such thing is please not read notis.
  283. Mabey later O.K.
  284. G'day Jens! I must say that I enjoy your keyboard playing, both with Yngwie and with DIO. That's what I've heard from your fingers. Besides, your fathers playing is magic (I've think I've heard somewhere that your father was Jan Johansson, the Swedish master of jazz piano). Thank you.
  285. G'day Jens! I must say that I enjoy your keyboard playing, both with Yngwie and with DIO. That's what I've heard from your fingers. Besides, your fathers playing is magic (I've think I've heard somewhere that your father was Jan Johansson, the Swedish master of jazz piano). Thank you. Fortsätt spela bra musik....
  286. Tjena Jens! Jag är jävligt nyfiken på projektet "Bakteria" och undrar om det kommer att släppas på skiva eller om det går att få tag på en inspelning på annat sätt. För övrigt tycker jag att "Heavy Machinery" är lyx. Allan är knäckande bra! Jag dyrkar också "Enigma suite" på Johansson plattan. Lämna graffitti om du har svar! Dooma hårt!
  287. Keep up the good work in Stratovarius...och samma på svenska...
  288. Hi! Seems like you are a very technical person (into computers and programming etc.). Ever considered making tracks for computer/video games... could be interesting :) BTW, "Sonic Winter" is great.
  290. Hey - "Episode" is going to be my "album of the week" for next week! See my home page if you're interested -
  291. Stratovarius is the best band in the world :)
  292. I don't understand the bid deal about Yngwie,the guy has made 1000000 albums of the same shit,now Jonas Hellborg there's somebody doing something original.........Jens johannson.......your on the right track....thankyou for sharing your gift with the world
  293. hé guys Jens rules ! As well for yngwie as for STRATOVARIUS, the best bad in the world ! !
  294. Hello!!
  295. $B%O%m!A(J
  296. $B%O%m!A1:JI$5$s!!855$$G$9$+(J!?$B!!(J(^Z^)
  297. #298 and #299 is written in Japanese !(written by a Japanese guy, I think...) Maybe it would be broken when you read it in your countries, so you can't read means just 'Hello everybody'. Anyway, Jens is the world greatest keyboard player. I love all of his works. :) from:Chikako
  298. Jätterolig sida göra kulig faktiskt kanon onm jag får säga det själver helt enastående fantastisk musiker5 dendäringa jens eller vad det nu är han heter som spelar så fint på sitt instrument. Mangan
  299. Lovers of quality, neo-classical metal despair no more! The newest band on the horizon, EVERENCE, has just launched its official website at http://www. Influenced by Jens, Yngwie, along with many others, this is a band you truly don't want to miss! Come check us out!
  300. This is the EVERENCE site address once again: The "e" in Everence must be lower-case; sorry for the mix-up, guys! Cheers!
  301. Here's to, arguably, the greatest keyboard player -ever- to play in a rock band of -any- genre. Thank you, Jens, for your contributions to the neo- classical movement. And thank you for remaining a key figure in its perpetuation (is that a word? :) Were it not for musicians like yourself, Malmsteen, Gilbert, Petrucci, Moore, etc... we might -all- be stuck listening to grunge!!! *feigns motion of slicing gut open; Samuri-style* You rock! P.S. nothing against Derek, personally, but you make him sound like a 4th grader at his first recital. ;) -Duane
  302. Hello JENS!
  303. Heavy Metal is the Law
  304. I heard that Yngwie's new album is titled "Facing the Animal". What does that mean???A confesssion of being a reincarnation of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (facing the animal within)? Or is it simply so that animal in this case means nothing less than the penis itself ?Or did he get the idea of the album-title that day when he took a glance out his toilet window while pushing the big one and suddenly saw an intruding alligator approaching and eating up his cat in the garden? I don't know, but questions like these arise. Is Rising Force an euphemism of an erecting male organ? Does anyone know ? E-mail to:
  305. Today I got "TEN SEASONS" !!! :) :) :) :) :)
  306. JENS!! You rock!! I saw you with Stratovarius... ROCK ON!!
  307. Hej Jenka! Vårat Jimi Hendrix cover band ska spela live på Anchor Pub i Stockholm fredag och lördag den 10:e och 11:e oktober, kom och titta och häll i dig några bärs med oss. Hårda hälsningar från Ulfen, Mugh och den lilla råttan East.
  308. jens rules!!!!!
  309. Vi har hittat en "Bugg" i svenska språket :-D Hur säger man utan att ändra tempus, ord och plural...... m.m. "Ett rädd Lejon" (Det låter inte klokt eller?) så det blir korrekt.....Och vem av Jens O Yngve e snabbast att spela A-moll harmonisk i 2 octaver? Jens Vinner!!!!!!!
  310. Check out: "JONAS HANSSON WORLD" thats where it all started at: http//
  311. Hi, Jens! I'm Miguel Terol, from Valencia, Spain (graffiti #225). Last night I went crazy when I met you in person. Thanks for all your politeness and patience while signing those CD covers. Fantastic concert, you were just incredible!! I hope you'll come back to my city again, I'll be here waiting for you!!! Keep on rockin'! Vi hors! :) :)
  314. Hmm... you call a guestbook Graffiti. Checked Stratovarius out live in Alavus, Finland last saturday and you ruled!
  315. peekaboo hehehehehehehehehe........ Where is that Jens dude? uh hello..... This sucks! There's no one here,you chicken-choker. Give us our money back! I hate Sphinqter-Net! Yeah me too,pretty cool name though hehehhehehe Is it really possible to have a net in your bunghole??? Just ask your mother Beavis! Yea hehheehehe I wonder if she's got some spiders there too Maybe you'll find out if you go spy there Beavis höhö hehehehehhehehheheehehheheheheehehehehhehhehhehehehehehh
  316. (A href="") (IMG src="" height=45 width=390 border=0)(/A)
  317. AAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!11
  319. Greetings Jens!, This part of the world(Sydney-Australia) hasn't seen or heard much from you since the break-up with Yngwie, can you tell us what really happened with Dream Theater it seems absurd that such an icon as you are now is not fulfilling a minor role in this ensemble, Ynwie's decrease in popularity can be blamed on his departure from that fruitfull relationship that he had with you and your brother, you two were the backbone of every single composition that he ever wrote in association with you, even though he didn't pay that much credit to your collaboration, to finish this note can you tell us who really compose the organ intro for As Above, So Below, Yngwie specifies that he did on the album credits, I hope you guys get together sometime and produce some of thoset gothic-neoclassical airs, no one has done as you did and Yngwie seems to be struggling these days to find the right mix of collaborators, has he asked you for any kind of advice for his ever first orchestral album?, Cheers....Ted Arrue
  320. oooooo oooooo oo o oo ppp o oooo oo
  321. Hej... Jag skulle vilja veta om Allan Holdsworth någongång befann sig i samma studio som dig och din bror när ni spalade in "HEAVY MACHINERY"?
  322. From a Keyboard player to a great keyboard player... You're incredible. You really play keyboards very well, and when I hear you play, well, I think ...<> <> and other questions like that. I think many people are questioning themselves like this: Please I would like to know what kind of method you used to become so great, I only want tips, I hope you will answer me. Then I would also like to know what keyboard you use in Visions, or especially in The Kiss of Judas. Then, sorry for the loose of time I'm providing you, I would also like to know how "technically" you do choirs... For example if the chord is "C" how do you put a choir like those on Visions or, another time, in The kiss of Judas?? (do you play C4-E4-G4 or C5-E4... etc.etc...) Please answer me, I'm waiting impatiently...
  323. Incredible a good musician who knows how to use the Net, that makes two of us ;) I just got Visions, it's great. The clip is really a good idea, now to be a real fan I just have to see you guys in concert...
  325. Någon som tänker gå på Fredmans i Uppsala i kväll 20/11 och höra Anders Johansson , Jonas Hellborg och Shawn Lane? Det kommer säkerligen att bli tidernas sluggfest! Dom spelar på Faching i Stockholm i morgon 21/11 och på Village i Västerås på Lördag 22/11. Mvh Adfa
  326. you should check out the spice girls webpage. if you wannabe my lover just don't sing that song.
  327. I really enjoyed your MIDI works, but this page can be more sophisticated in a way of visual impression. Why don't you let me design this site?
  328. Vitun kikkelinenät!!!666 Stratovarius Rulezzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  329. Hey Jens, saw you live in Bochum in 1997. The picture of you and me still hangs in my room! Stratovarius 4ever!
  330. "Heavy Machinery" RULES!!! Jens… you're an amazing musician, a real source of inspiration. THANK YOU
  331. Jens Johansson rules, forget Yngwie
  332. Jens, just thinking of you. You should do some gigging in NY!! What did you think of the "Neverwasneverwillbe" demos I sent you with Holdsworth? Give that stuff a good listen. And many thanks for the tapes you sent me. MrB.
  333. Check out the homepage for the greatest bassist in the world (not even Jonas can hold a candle to him:)). Percy Jones.
  335. Jens Stratovaariuksen uudeksi diktaattoriksi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  336. More solos for Jens in Stratovarius! Timo Tolkki sucks!!
  337. jens check these out
  338. Suck ass - ugly swede
  339. Rock N' Roll THEM CHANGES, ohh yeah,
  340. Din svenske kæmpeidiot hilsen DANMARK
  341. Når du har spillet med Yngwie må du ha tjent mange penge - hva med at sende nogen af dem til mig, Lars Ekstrøm Danmark - du kan finde mig i telefonbogen.
  342. Hey Jens!
  343. Check out Mayadome
  344. Gott nytt Œr. Det var allt. Dra ... i koks!
  345. kill all the alternative bands then we'll be free
  346. you rule in the "Live in Leningrad" vid.. !
  347. Answer my emails! Jake the Snake
  348. Huh, Huh, Huh......What's going on? Answer my emails! Jake
  350. hi Jens ! I saw you at the Stratovarius gig in Lyon (France) in September. You were great. Could you remember me ? No, of course, you were drunk ! I was the Strato fan with the pass, I interviewed Kotipelto. I teach you some french sentences... Go and see It's my Stratovarius french site !!! I'm looking forward to hearing from you !
  351. I am god. You are my children. I cast upon you a spell to uprise and take over earth. Feed me your violence.
  352. It appears as if I've forgotten to wear my pants once again! Jens, ever think of changing your name to Jimmy? Peace! Love, Monica Lewinsky
  353. Oh, yeah, another thing, Jens... You gotta check out this site, you're really gonna love it, but don't let Yngwie see it, he might never sleep again; Stern's cool, he can handle it... Here we go: Enjoy! And try and get some sleep, buddy...
  354. WTF???
  355. Oh Geeeezaas!! Remember me, Jens? Alex, the bloke you taught some presets on Hammond XB2 in 1994? Well, time has passed, I've gotten the Deep Purple tribute record you're on, and you've since joined Stratovarius and didn't tell me about it? Bloody fantastic, heard one album thus far!! Miguel Terol, me very good mate, who you've met backstage in Spain after the show, late last year, has told me about this page. As any cyber-nerd, I have a cool slick page of me own - have a look, mate: You might be interested in my PICKS as well: (ever heard of any of those bands?) While you're at it, be sure to visit Miguel's Musicians Olympus, too! (Linked on my main index page). I've been reading this here Graffiti page, and in between all the Fucks, Fuck This, Fuck That, Fuck me old Boots, have read some pretty intelligent comments, for example, about Swedish music. Yeah yeah yeah, ABBA, Roxette and Yngwie - that's all a Yank's supposed to know, right? WRONG. Janne Schaeffer is a great jazz guitar player, Wasa Express is a fantastic 70s jazz/fusion band, and Secret Service really take the cake in the pop market, even 10 years after their demise... Their hits have long outlived them! Keep up the good work, stop by sometime, sign my guest book - don't be a stranger, ya hear? :-) Cheers, Alex
  356. Hello Hello?
  357. Dream Theatre *my bum*! Jens would have been insulting himself to work with them. He deserves to work with musicians of visionary calibre not those who live only to clone(hence insult) He, Anders and Yngwie. Listen to the solo in Metropolis, it is a rip off of all three of them. Fools must die, JJ, AJ and YJM must live forever. --Julie
  358. cool! -- Tokig Violoncellist
  359. testing testing testicles!
  360. Jensa.. du e fan iskall!
  361. (table) (tr) (td valign="top") (h3) Greetings from The Peter Oljelund Page - A part of Old Europe (/h3) (/tr) (/td) (tr) (td valign="top") (font size=1)Music Control On/Off(/font) (embed src="" width="40" height="20" controls="playbutton" autostart="true") (a href="")(img src="" border="0")(/a) (/tr) (/td) (/table)
  362. . great new album-Visions- visit me at .
  363. I am glad you left YJM in his own shit. This guy will never improve musically. Even if I love his neo classical stuff, I can't stand bullshit commercial FM songs. And SO glad you went to jazz rock(Hellborg, Holdsworth).ET VIVE LE JAZZ... HEAVY METAL SUCKS.
  364. you know what? you oughta record a jhazze rock album-like old RTF,MAHAVISHNU, NATIONAL HEALTH,MAGMA,ZAO,SOFT MACHINE,HATFIELD,and TRIBAL TECH -(with minimoog, micromoog,polymoog,memorymoog,moog source,moog the rogue,moog prodigy,moog opus 3 and the modulars:moog 15,35,55;ARP 2600,ARP odyssey,ARP string ensemble,ARP soloist and pro-soloist,ARP 2500;AND OF COURSE THE FENDER RHODES)(I know it's ridiculous but I like watching lesbians dancing on "beef cherokee")
  365. A METAL KEYBOARD PLAYER HAS TO BE HELP!!! I'm going mad to know what's the type and name of keyboard Jens uses in "The Kiss of Judas" Stratovarius' video. Please if you know them E-MAIL me and help a metal keyboard player that would like to become great as Jens.
  366. Hi. I'm a kind of long time fan. I love your looks and your style (musical). I e-mailed you two days ago. My name is Shelby. I just wanted to see if you actually got it.
  367. Jens, tell your brother he kick severe ass! I never realised that he was better than Chambers etc. The Yngwie records were kind of just metal but these last record blew me away totally. Cheers, Scott
  368. Yo Jens! Saw Yngwie last week at a local club and he jammed. Mats is a hell of a player but you know, it just isn't the same without you and your brother up there. Rock on....VinMan
  369. Don't mind me, just trying to leave an interesting trail in your user agent log.
  370. Hey I like the Visions Album alot, reminds me of Helloween. Visit me at
  371. urrrrrk
  372. urrrrrk
  373. bajs
  374. Hyvä Jens! Jens syö kakkaa! Jens on hyvä jätkä mutta pieru haisee! ( You don't probably understand this because it's finnish, but I can translate it; Great Jens! Jens eats shit! Jens is a good guy but fart smells!) Te kaikki ketkä luette tämän olette lehmän pilluja!
  375. Hej, Jens! Skall vi spela in en skiva tillsammans någon gång...? :) Lyssna gärna:
  376. jo vad i helvetet vad Sepultura suger hästkuk, som Yngwie "ludret" Malmsteen brukar säga, du Jens du rockar med ditt keyboard. Jag tycker ni är bäst i Stratovarius, helst Tim "fucking, faster then light" tolkki is the fucking fastest guitarist on earth. Timo Tolkki is faster the Yngwie Malmsteen. Jokke
  377. Tolkki's album: Classical variations and themes is a 100% pure shit. Don't buy that. Listen to jazz rock. Guillaume
  378. Gå och spräck TARMSPRÄCKAR elof is pruppen, Jens "alkisen" Johansson alias Kuken I röven
  379. Gå och spräck TARMSPRÄCKAR elof is pruppen, Jens "alkisen" Johansson alias Kuken I röven
  380. wu forever......
  381. I agree with message 377!
  382. Thank you, message 381.But do you agree with the first part of the message(shit), or the 2nd one(jazz rock), or both??? Vive Allan Holdsworth. Guillaume PS: The guy who wrote that Tolkki was the fastest player is not a musician: he would know that YJM and TT are playing the worst improvisations I've ever heard: always the same arpeggios. Man, you should try John McLaughlin, Al Di Meola, AH, Bill Connors, Scott Henderson in(Tribal Tech)...
  383. Nice photo album Jens! What a bunch of wild hurris! to the writer of message 376 - YEAH! Tolkki IS phenomenal. To the writers of messages 377, 381 & 382 - Sä olet vittuun homorunkkari - Sä molopää!
  384. When is the record with Mike Romeo coming out????
  385. I wish there was a translation in English of message 383.
  386. perkele, oot mahtava äijä!!!!!en kyllä jaksa laittaa (kiusallanikaan)tähän sellaista kieltä mitä ymmärtäisit,mutta käy kysymäs kotipellolta, että mitä täs lukee...stratovarius rules forever and see you at provinssirock tomorrow and in nummirock next week!!!!!!(tulihan sitä englantiaki...)
  387. You're THE BEST!
  388. Hi, Jens! I'm Miguel Terol again, from Valencia, Spain (graffitis #225 & #311). Do you remember me from the last concert of the tour? I've started my own website, and I've dedicated a page for you. Please, check it out. The URL is: Please, come back to Valencia again! I'll be there!!!
  389. "MR.RIEL" ONER
  390. Jens, svarar du verkligen på e-mail nuförtiden? (Jens, do you really answer the mails you receive nowadays?
  391. stratovarius rules :)
  392. GeeeZZZ.. I'm the another Finnish Stratovarius fan.. from LAPPAJÄRVII!!!! (Place where Timo Kotipelto grew up..), not much more else to say.. GreeZ all to you Stratovarius guys!!! Ps. U R best keyboardplayer in the Whole fucking WORLD!!!
  393. Translation to message #383 (was it that?), You Fucking Gayfucker, You are Dickhead!!!
  394. Thanks for the translation.
  396. Jens , actually you should be there sitting on the Dream Theater keyboard player sit...instead of Derek. All the best in everything you do !!!! Nazir from Singapore
  397. Jens , actually you should be there sitting on the Dream Theater keyboard player sit...instead of Derek. All the best in everything you do !!!! Nazir from Singapore
  398. asdf

  399. Dream band for me: Timo Tolkki (guitars), Timo Kotipelto (vocals), Jari Kainulainen (bass), Jorg Michael (drums) and Jens Johansson (keyboards). In other words, Stratovarius and Jens "Säkkijärven kyrpä" Johansson rules!
  400. Hello Jens, really dig'n the fission cd. Check out
  401. How's it going, neoclassical/hard rock mates! Check this out... The newest band on the hard rock/metal horizon, EVERENCE, has just released its debut full-length album. It features stunning guitar work by rising virtuoso Shawn Zander, as well as soaring vocal work by vocalist Kari Koponen. The band’s influences range from bands such as Queen, Yngwie Malmsteen, and even Enya to heavier acts such as Entombed and Candlemass. Songs range from up tempo and frenzied to dark, heavy, somber, and at times emotionally wrenching. The debut marks a truly exciting comeback for high octane, creative hard music. The band has received worldwide acclaim with its unique brand of hard edged, melodic metal. According to ex-YNGWIE MALMSTEEN/TALISMAN singer JEFF SCOTT SOTO, Everence “did a great job with the production, sounds, and harmonies; especially melody-wise, instead of the same ‘ole, same ‘ole. It sounds tight!” The band has been featured in Metal Maniacs magazine as first in the “best of the unsigned” column. Everence has also received very positive feedback from two of Belgium’s neoclassical ‘zines and, according to Ive Michiels, the editor of the Fanfare publication, Everence is “a great band.” The debut CD is only $12 ($14 outside the US). Send in the form of check or money order (no cash please) and be sure to make out to: Kari Koponen P.O. Box 448 Hawthorne, N.J. 07507 Postage/Shipping & Handling is included. EVERENCE invites you to check out its newly updated official web site, located at
  402. Psycho Firestarter Shorty
  403. ATTENTION GUITAR PLAYERS AND RECORDING ARTISTS!!! Hi... my name is Joseph Anastacio Glean. I play keyboards for guitarist Rob Johnson and the progressive metal band Magnitude 9. Our debut album has been released in Japan and Europe. I've got some possible sessions gigs lined up with a few folks including vocalist Rob Rock (of Impellitteri) and Leviathan Records guitarist Daniel Dalley. I'm also recording my own solo project called VALEDICTION which features Robert Sweet (of Stryper) on drums. Anyway, if any of you guitar players out there are ever in need of some keyboard work, please let me know. I play sort of similar to Jens Johansson, except a little faster and crazier. I own quite a bit of digital recording equipment including an ADAT machine, so if you record on ADAT we can do music-by-mail... or if we arrange it ahead of time I can probably take a trip out to your recording location. My fee is only $200.00 per song (standard for a session keyboardist). If you want me on an entire album we might be able to work out a different deal. Anyway, I really love guitar music... I'm a big fan of Yngwie, Impellitteri, Jason Becker, and guys like that. Well, I hope to hear from some of you guys soon. You can check out my web-site at You can e-mail me at ...THANKS!..... Joseph Anastacio Glean
  406. Crea8e
  407. Hello Musicians! I'm a keyboard player, who's looking after a serious job. My biggest influences are bands like Europe, Talisman, Eyes, Yngwie Malmsteen ETC. I'm a classically trained player, with something like fifteen yrs. of classical education, but mostly I like to play rock and improvise. I have played in rock and progressive bands, and now im looking after a bunch of serious musicians, who have decided to go to the top. So if you're interested, please send me E-mail. My adress is:
  409. MkFym You KNow THe MutHA Fukka you KNOW the DEal Homes Push VGL pUSh zUlu Push BBs And Push MK forever no DOubt
  410. You are a great player jens but timo tolkki should take some guitar lessons
  411. Anders - you have the soul of a Klingon!
  412. I'd like to know the art of making keyboard solos ? *R.K*
  413. Nice gig in the Jyrki on the other day.
  414. This kicks ass... ...and so do I!
  415. Zalkkumies!
  416. Det var då en mörk jävla sida du lagt ut. Har hört att du ska lira med Yngve igen, kan det stämma..?
  417. This was my first visit on your page, but I think it wont be the last one... AND by the way.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! !!!I hope you have time- and strength to read my mail and contact me. Best wishes, Henna
  418. Fission sounds lihe Phil Dick's VALIS!
  419. From a Player and a Learner.
  420. I saw that you are also intrested about programming with C(and also with other languages). I hope that we will see soon some programs, which you have made. So we could see another side of Jens. Or do you have time to program because you are touring with Strato?
  421. Hi man! Great page yours... still great the new StratoAlbum Destiny! keep in touch
  422. E
  423. BarbarianZ homepage -
  424. I listened to "Heavy Machinery" the other day and it kicked ass just like it did the other day I listened to it.
  425. Strawberries just stink. Anders has to live forever, destiny cannot be denied!
  426. ggggg
  427. Stratovarius rulez!!!
  428. Hey Jens. Killer site. Must say, though, many of the people who sign this thing are pretty close-minded. Ok, nuff o' my self-righteous blathering. You do great work, keep it up. Would love to see you do some stuff with MacAlpine again. Oh yeah, and post to the jam more often.:) -Zakk
  429. Saanko tiskata?
  430. My dick was here!!!!!!!!!!
  431. let me see can you read this!!! ok testin.. hey good job with strato and ronnie james dio you know i got a band..
  432. Greetings from the FRANK BROTHERS!!
  433. Who drew that *cool* drawing? It's just great but one thing - jens' fingers are much longer, in fact longer than anyone elses' I have ever seen - and I the only one to have noticed this? - Daughter of Kahless
  434. Why don't all messages appear on the graffiti page?
  435. This is the coolest site I have ever been to...
  436. Yo, JEns!!!!!!! BRa musik du har men jag nåste säga att jag är betydligt snabbare än du!!!!!!!! Jens gå och lär dig att spela först lkooser ! du är nbra i yngwies band hej då!!! Ia rocxkar!!!
  437. Unafraid-to-think is painfully rare in all facets of society, music especially? J&A must live forever. - JaYe, the AntiSpice.
  438. blurk!!
  439. There are few, in all facets of life where one finds those who are unafraid to think - a sad statement coming from a research chemist. Jens, Anders and Yngwie are diamonds in the manure.
  440. enamy
  441. The best revenge is to live well, dignity is everything and There Is No Other.
  442. The Other? A place within not outside.
  443. Phat
  444. sekore
  445. Jens, you IDIOT! I just got the 1st Johansson Bros CD and was listening to it through my computer speakers. The CD 'ended' and I was going about my business when suddenly I swear I thought my computer had been infected with some strange audio virus! HA HA, VERY FUNNY...
  446. JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeens! Pistä poika lisää sooloja niin elämä luistaa
  447. Revenge is a dish best served cold. (Klingon proverb)
  448. Hallå Jens. Jag såg dig i Motala med Strato. Fattar du att du är det bästa som hänt svensk musik nånsin!!!! Gratis. Sup inte ihjäl dig som alla andra geni. Det är du för bra för. Ha det.
  449. Heptagon ... that great music do you know any other *poly*gone(s) band? hexagon ? pentagon ? decagon? butagon?
  450. If everyone thinks Sinagporeans are a bunch of bores, then everyone's wrong!!! Great site!!! Come back Jens, Anders, Yngwie... :)
  451. ...And if someone wouldn't know, could you please reveal, what equipment you use? It's not that i would imitate´, or somenthing, but it would be nice to know these kind of things. Tanx!!!
  452. Seth
  453. A woman from North Carolina Strung violin strings across her vagina. With the proper sized cocks She reliably played Bach's Tocata and fugue in D minor.
  454. When our parents are safely asleep My sister invites me to creep Into bed, where we screw from eleven till two It's convenient, familiar and cheap
  455. Hi Crazy Jens!! Is Cristiane, from São Paulo, Brazil. (The girl who wrote in your notebook at hte Brazilian airport!). Very nice page!! I hope you put that pictures in the gallery... Take Care!! Cristiane Cerqueira
  456. Hey freaks! Just wanted to say that Jens kickes ass and whipes ALL keyboard players noses instantly. Anders, the klingon, can play circles around the whimp Mike Portnoy, Dennis Chambers etc etc. That's a fact! J. Mancowic
  457. Old mother Hubbard Went to the cubbard To fetch her dog a bone. When she bent over, Rover took over, And slipped her a bone of his own
  458. Well ! Hello ! Jens . Where are You ? My email is See You .
  459. Hi Jens! You and Tölkki rule!!! Terkkuja tutuille, erityisesti Annelle Kuopijjoon. Terv. Teezi
  460. Have a nice day? Tacky, Jens!
  461. Hey Jens! What about something completely different?? A limerick!!! There once was a man from Nantucket\ Whose cock was so long he could suck it\ He said, with a grin, wiping cum from his chin,\ "If my nose was a cunt I could fuck it."
  462. Alright Ola (strong name that one) I was telling you about finding your old California ID and almost buyng Malmsteen's car, the one he clobbered. Not enough graffito space. Bunk!
  463. well..........fuck
  464. Do you actually answer your emails??
  465. I see you ditched "Have a nice day". Good on ya, jens!
  466. There once was a man from Boston, Who bought himself an Austin, He had room for his ass and a gallon of gas, But his balls hung out and he lost 'em Edmundo Paramucho Cortadito
  467. this page is getting sad, nothing to do with jens.
  468. What is similiar to a toy train and woman's breasts? - They are ment for children but daddy's always playing with'em
  469. If Jens had a spring clean of this page, we could read the comments about Jens and the site without having to sift it out of the senseless dreck that is polluting the guestbook as bad music pollutes our culture. - Jade Michaels
  471. GREAT!!!
  472. I want to say that your music really KICKS ASS!!! Well, hate easy bad music because It doesn´t have enough feeling for me. Right now I´m listening to Neoclassic Japanese Metal. I can send u a mp3. Well, I hope that you can send me a mail and I wish you the best.
  473. Hey, Jens! I was listening to "Forest Song" and I remember that something of the keyboards was like Europe!! Tell me If I´m right, please. And when I heard the Organ intro I remembered something of Bach... Who knows? If I´m wrong, send me an E-Mail!
  474. Hi Jens, I think I'll write an e-mail to you very soon! 8-) So stay tuned for news from me! 8-)
  475. Hey Jens! Could you send me an answer?
  476. METAL RULES!!

  477. The fission whole track mp3 above is the extra track from the Japanese version. It is called "Straffpolska från Sudan", for those who have the usual version like me and thought... what's this? - Jade.
  478. Jee!!! Jens Rules!!!!! :o)
  479. whoa - what happened to the text size Jens?
  480. ... an open <h2> tag.. --J
  481. Only one thing.... Jens, you're the best keyboard player all over the world From Spain a stratovarius's fan: LORIC
  482. well...JENS is the GREATEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow....!
  483. God was here.
  484. Actually He made this website on the 8th day!
  485. hey! I've already sent a mail to you! I'm waiting your answer! SEE YA!
  486. Du rular Jens...:o)
  487. ADRIANFLY HERE!! Naked girls Jens.. naked. I was thumbing through your bookmarks dude and I found the link to the whackoff site so I know that your keen to the naked girl. NAKED GIRLS DUDE!!!!!!
  488. hey lay off Jens will you, tell us it ain't true Jens! --Jade
  489. Last Viking album can not be found anywhere anymore!!!
  490. Jens rules! Jens is better than tolkki! tolkki sucks!
  491. come to UK on tour Jens! - Jade
  492. definitley uk on next tour please, never had the chance 2c u live b4 -Keela
  494. HI JENS! this site is wonderful! keep up doing the good work with Strato... and...answer if you'd like. :)
  495. Gizmo
  496. jens - soulfire sez come to uk!!!!!!!
  497. gkgjvkjnbgvklv
  498. Regulators
  499. I'm proud to present: The Only Words Of Swede Wich I Know: -Du är en bög och du har en bög i din reven! Was it correct?
  500. "Sez"
  501. After watching the Live in Leningrad tape, I realize that Yngwie really should have become an aerobics instructor, or perhaps a Riverdancer!!! -Staffan
  502. The first billion digits of 1 is fairly interesting. Can't wait digits of 1.5...
  503. STEPH
  504. Är det nån som har tillgång till videon från konserten i Motala -99? Har letat febrilt efter den men kan inte riktigt lokalisera den. Maila mig , tack!
  505. Yep, "Sez"!!! Got a problem, donkey wee breath!!! Jens, once again, pleeeease come to UK.
  506. (CENTER) (a href="" OnMouseOver="window.status='The Peter Oljelund Website';return true" OnMouseOut="window.status='';return true")(img src="" border="0")(/a) (/CENTER)
  507. (html) (a href="")(img src="" border=0)(/a) (/html)
  508. Voi saatanan saatanan ristuksen PERKELE!!!!!
  509. brandon is the bobb
  510. dunno what you wanna get from this form, sorry! regards.
  511. KrAZD p.T.w
  512. sadsa
  513. Danny-Boy
  514. Jens I'm gonna tell you to come to UK on tour every time I come here until you come to UK!!!!!! - Jade Michaels
  515. trance
  516. ILIAS
  517. ah no anders has now short hair!
  518. Hi... i got all the yngwie records where jens appears.....if you have some cool mp3's by jens send it to me
  519. jens - have a competition on this web page to win signed keys! I have played keyboards for 18 years and i'm sure many other players would love to own such a thing.
  520. Don't listen to Beautiful Lung Dogs while going to sleep after watching alien films - you have nightmares! - AntiSpice
  521. Update your goddamn page man!!! You hear!?
  522. will this come out big?
  523. Hej skulle bara uppdatera min hemsideslänk från tidigare garfittiinlägg Hi i was only updating my homepage links from earlier grafitti ins :-) And Jens you still rules. Mvh/Cheers Hasse Sukis
  524. hey wassup? Jens is the man.
  525. cool
  526. oh you fixed the text nice one
  527. sukis your homepage needs the pic of your discusting fat belly removed else people cannot read it if there screen is covered in vomit.
  528. ---( o . o)---
  529. Testing, testing, testicles...

  530. Hahhaaa! Bwahaaahahaa! Hmh...
  531. Jens! är du inte förbannat trött på Yngwie frågor?
  532. 529 cool, 531 you twat! lol
  533. ChEx
  534. Myct-Master BBoy & Graffiti Artist
  535. Check out an awesome prog-rock band!! Check Out Overhead's new homepage!!
  537. RE to 374: Vittu me mitään lehmänpilluja olla!!! (translation: Thank you and have a nice day too!!!)
  538. Jens, you RULE! Stratovarius rulez! Kai Hansen Rulez! (even though this last one doesn't have ANYTHING to do with your HP, but, Insanity does that to me sometimes!)Anyone out there, e-mail me! (Yes, I'm stupid, dumb and sometimes crazy. I don't know HTML. ;P)
  539. snap tha trxta
  540. Hello I thought I´d just add a plug for my heavily Yngwie-influenced music!
  542. yes i think forest song is like europe too!!!!!!!!
  543. Jens Johannson IS God
  544. J.J is Muukalainen joulopukin umpisuolissä, herrajestas ja jumalauta ja vittumainen paska! Or at least, that's what he wrote
  545. whats this about disgusting belly? where???
  546. jens i email you again please answer!
  548. Devil
  549. What keyboard do you play?
  550. The HULK IND
  551. Mix Master MIke
  552. Stratovarius rulez MM'K
  554. Death before disco!! ja kuulat jumiin... näin se on.

  555. Vittu Jooo!!!

  556. melissa
  557. vedä virtahevon vittu päähän! Great work, Jens, keep going
  558. SNN For Life
  559. A Random Lottery Of Meaningless Tragidies And Wounderful Excapes?
  560. Jens Johansson, YOU KICK ASS... You`re the best keyboard player of the Wolrd... Long live Glory Of The World... Please, advise me with your wisdom... ps. The J.S Bach`s toccta is very good classical songm and there are many parts even me can play... SUOMI, FINLAND, RAATTEN TIE PERKELE...
  561. hello everybody anybody wants 2 e-mail me on feel free!
  562. cast
  563. jey jey
  564. i think we should have a competition on this page to win signed keys! I would love to own such a thing. Jens, can you sign an old key you don't need and write a page where we can enter??? -AntiSpice
  565. LCC
  566. hello
  567. sTaDE
  568. smoke KroniK
  569. Neoxbreaker
  571. Allå allå
  572. fran
  573. Frank Bolles
  574. matt
  575. robert hilbers was here
  576. Jenna loves Chris
  577. can anyone make a tag 4 me that says "dre"
  578. Hey Jens, random jammer chick with too much free time who thought she's check out your homepage but was too lazy to open a mail program. Anyway, I'm a big Strato fan, you kick butt etc.
  579. Man it really bugs me to hear women refer to themselves as "chicks". Were you born in a chicken farm or something? or are you an ornament who exists soleley for the eyes of men? No? Then may I suggest you get some self-respect??? - Jade Michaels, the AntiSpice.
  580. Get High On Life...Not On Drugs
  581. Chris Scott
  582. Hey 583! Good on ya m8, too much false life about if u ask mee.....Jade. Look around you, everything is beautiful. It don't need a false god to make the Universe a wonderful place. Be happy to be alive!!!
  583. pain ess
  584. Cyke
  585. AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
  586. JEN
  587. jens i think you should remove most of the messages off this site, because there are so many it is hard to find the good things to read between the silly things like people that need a hobby written. or maybe a second comment list jens?
  588. If you'd like to see the official home page of Symphony X (the band that Jens mentions so often here at his site) Check it out at:
  589. edsds
  590. Biggie
  591. Hi Jens, I have seen you on stage in Salzburger Rockhouse. I'm a 15 year old boy from Austria, bassist in a melotic-metal-band and Keyborder/Pianist (Jazz). Do you know Ali from STIGMATA? He's my bass-teacher. Stay in tune and please write back
  592. RobertaGhetto!
  593. Jens, you rule! I wish you could send the partitures of Black Diamon do this following: anyway, thank you!!! Oh, see you here on tour! Pleeeeeeeeeeease, play black diamond!!! :) João Luis Brasília - DF - Brazil
  594. SupaSaiyan_C-Lo
  595. why didnt my msg get posted??? It said 350 characters, too long. But there are much longer msgs!!!! Jens! Why!!!
  596. BUTT_HEAD
  597. Clean playing with Stratovarius !
  598. Kill me :((
  599. Represent 3 King Bombes Miami, Fl ,Mako
  600. I find Jens site-GOOD-I look lots for it-happy now-please print music for Yngwie-and-Strato stuff if you don't mind-that be good.
  601. Set It Off!
  602. Jens you rule! Or, as Cartman would say: Kickass!
  604. Wow Jens! What is that cool wild music called when I open this page!! Can I download it or buy it??? ~ Jade M.
  606. Jens always answers mail... but sometimes he takes a while... ~ Jade.
  608. sdgsdg
  609. Karamelove
  610. Jens rule!
  611. Jens kicks ass, 'nuff said....and please tour the US, Stratovarius!!!!
  612. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!! Going to the first Stratovarius concert of my life August the 20th!!! Damn that's great! CliFFZiNHa
  613. Jens, you are a true inspiration for anyone who listens to you. I am happy that there's out there such inspiring keyb players like you, Vitalij Kuprij and Eddy Antonini. Keep up the good work!!!
  614. Tack så mycket!!!
  615. @@
  616. j
  617. j
  618. Hello,meister Johansson. Mastermind's "Angels of the Apocalypse" is the greatest piece. So does Mastermind revisit Japan? Stratovarius' show was good too,but setlist didn't contain "Glory of the world". It's pity..pity.. Take care. From a Japanese Jens Johansson fan.
  619. dirty south
  620. Aw gee... I go to a conference then on holiday and I get back and read this page and nothing exciting and controversial since, yawn! Ok then, I'll do it. Run away to the inner grave, retreat in bitter age. Someone say something! Stay young, people! ~ Jade M.
  621. Heh, cool page dude!!!!
  622. ù‘
  623. Awesome site Jens... luved yer anarchic sense of humor.
  624. juanito
  626. dsfhkahesfgsdihoafies
  627. Hej Jens... I heard that Stratovarius no longer together? But nothing on your newsflash. Is it bullshit? I gotta know. Mvh, Julie (the mad vegan chemist who hates shoes.)
  628. Well, I only want to put something there, hehe!
  629. Chapter 3 Extra Credit
  630. Gosh, den här sidan har verkligen massor med innehåll *skratt*
  632. Some websites are "shockwaved" to make up for dull content. THIS site, on the other hand, does not require such graphics because it's CONTENT is shockwaved enough. This site is VERY interesting, amusing, intriguing, informative, etc.
  633. SpINneR oNe 4130 KrEW BmX sBC
  635. Jens,Have you got my e-mails?And have you red them?Look on my melodic-prog metal band calls UNKNOWN please write some nice words to me,to give me a sign of friendship!Do you have a YAMAHA EX5?If yes:can you send me some cool sounds via mail?
  636. How absolutely nuts! Jen rules!
  637. Jens Johansen is a god amongst metaliers, my favorite keyboardist second to Kevin Moore (ex-Dream Theater). Cool page! That's my contribution to the graffiti page.
  638. dfggsdagg
  639. Today's a sad day for me. I have been threatened with losing my job. And I am a long way from home, a lone warrior. So, to gove me strength I shall listen to Fission, Ten Seasons, Hammerfall, Redshift. Then, all will be well. Best wishes, Zed.
  640. JUVINAL
  641. cool
  643. Jens coming to UK! London 10 Dec. Whoopeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  644. Hey Jens!!! Stratovarius É DEMAIS!! VOCE É DEMAIS!!!! hahaha one more diferent language to this graffiti page! The next time I'll write all message in portuguese... :) --->>> Brazil loves Stratovarius! Beijos, kisses, küssen, beso!
  645. HEY MAN THIS IS A KICK ASS PAGE! i went to see you to Monterrey nuevo leon! where wearing some kind of a pijama(kidding =P) i couldnt scrouge much monney to go backstage with ya fellas..i would have died if i did..anyway HAPPY BIRTHAY ONCE AGAIN MAN!!
  646. Jens! Maybe you'll remember me! I live in Recife, and went to the airport before you guys left! You were eating when I arrived, so I only got the chance of talking to Kotipelto! I even made a drawing of all you of Stratovarius! Remember?!
  647. jens is a fucking genious... but.... why dont you give lessons????
  648. When at Durham I had a lecturer who has an OBE or MBE I cant remember which, in her topic (crystallography). She lectured to us but we learnt nothing cos she was so brilliant. Can you imagine a keybd lesson from Jens? It'd go way over our mortal heads. ~Jade
  649. Stratovarius is the best band in the world!
  650. hi, how are you
  651. The ultimate dream-band would feature Joey DeMaio on bass, Ulrich Roth on guitar, Jens on keys, and Ronnie Dio as a finger-puppet - let the songs be a collaboration of Kevin Heybourne (Angelwitch) and Leif Edling.
  652. C.Impelliteri and P.Gilbert shred...Malmsteen and Johansson play. It doesn't matter if it's fast or slow any more than if it's a 'b' note or an 'a' - musicians are a pleasure to hear, heroes aren't.
  653. Du är min favorit-keyboardspelare, Jens! Du är helt fantastisk! TACK för alla Dina toner!! /Egon "Ehom" Lundberg, basist från norr ( )
  654. kirsty
  655. Great show in London last night. Thanks for making it to the UK...
  656. Jens! Thanks for a great day yesterday! After a decade of being a fan of Jens, I finally saw him live. A dream come true! Strato *must* come back to the UK someday. Else I shall lock you on the bus and drive it here myself... *hehe* :p ~Julie.
  657. Yeda
  658. hello
  659. :P
  660. This is wicked Pissa......

  661. check this out Wicked pissa
  662. They can try to bind our arms but they can't chain our minds or hearts we will keep our faith inside our souls and never let it go... we are forever free! STRATOVARIUS RULE
  664. Jens, just stay YOU !!!
  665. The wicked pissa site a few above is a bit dodgy. Don't go there if pornography offends you, or you'll get a shock.
  666. Hey guys, do you think Jens has Perfect Pitch?! Check this page about people with that ability at (Mr. Malmsteen has the honour of being listed there, of course).
  667. Hey Jens! I just read your "what pisses me off about keyboard players" page. Some of it made me blush with guilt... but then, I'm happy to be crap and far too lazy and untalented to be a *real* musician. Keep that page up forever, you hear! ~Julie.
  668. I play fast
  669. OK peeps. I'd like to know if any of you would like to hear a whole album in Beautiful Lung Dogs style. I'd love to...
  670. jjkkojjjjjjjnjknlnjhbgvcfxzgfd
  671. this is kick ass
  672. Hey Jens! What are you up to at the moment, after the tour? Any plans to record? ~Julie.
  674. SEA WEED
  676. I love LOVE!!!!
  677. Take it easy, Jens. You deserve a break! Luv ya! ~Julie.
  678. Go there.
  679. U and Bach are my masters!!!:) Luke Marri keyboarder,and italian player of piano!
  680. nate
  681. sune
  682. Mikael Forsman
  683. rnbdc
  684. Hej Jens! I heard Tolkki's writing songs for his solo album at the moment. Do you have any album plans? mvh... ~Nagging-J
  685. as
  686. Jens! wtf is that tune that played when I just opened this page!!!!
  687. Jens rulez!!!!!!!!!! Play as fast as the light!!! Hope to be as good as you in my piece of music! And please DON'T BOMB THE TOILETS HA HA!!!!!!!!!!
  688. heh i got spanked on my b day by this girl from thai land
  689. These guys (Jens and Anders) a very crazy man Their music is extraordinary and makes my head blow in pieces Excelent material in fission, sonic winter and J. bros. There we go
  690. Huhu! Jens, have you got my mails?????? Please reply! (to the youngest, most talented six-string bassist in the whole fuckin' universe). Your friend, ~ Andie
  691. Du är helt enkelt bäst, Jens! Kan inte få nog av din musik! Hoppas få lira med dig ngn dag! Jag har den drömmen. Ha det bra! /Egon, basist i Palt Fiction
  692. Hey 692! Use capitals and punctuation occasionally, and people might think you're intelligent.
  693. If you enjoy music listen to these bands as well: Dream Theater Children of Bodom Dominion Caligula Naglfar Thyrfing Dark Funeral In Flames Stratovarius Type O Negative
  694. Celebrities in RARE form!!!
  695. Yet another porn site in the post above, I checked it out. Be warned, suckers.
  696. I am Ozymandias, King of Kings. Look upon my works ye mighty and despair.
  697. >can someone please end this damn porn tag?
  698. Hmm...mystisk sida
  699. Cabrones!!! Escuchen HEAVY METAL!!!
  701. Very Easy.
    Hey Jens, Just a Question, What do you think about Rick Wakeman and Keith Emerson???
    YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!!
  702. Huhu! Jens, have you got my mails?????? Please reply! (to the youngest, most talented six-string bassist in the whole fuckin' universe). Your friend, ~ Andie
  703. jens i like the ten seasons album,remember me to my girlfriend yanina and i weap in the bed,touching me
  704. Hi every one ! I have a guitar lessons page in Spanish Hola a todos ! Tengo un a pagina de lecciones para guitarra en Español
  705. Don't we all love Jens? *-Sister Dragoness-*
  706. BOO YAW!!
  707. mr mese
  708. Jens pinched your girlfriend??? Hey Jens! Play Misty for Andie, huh? ~J.
  709. Ok Jens, I think it's time for you to put out a new solo album...
  710. I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  711. Hello Jens!!!! Teach me how to synthesize your solo guitar-like sound!!
  712. Saver
  713. Hi Jens, Do you have a P.O Box or something??? I want to send you the latest album of my melodic-power metal band UNKNOWN DIMENSION ( Please let me know...thanx man Take care and stay heavy, ~ Andie "Mr.Bassix" Heyer
  714. Andie... harassing the guy will just piss him off (and everyone else). Try the Strato fan club address? I guess we can send stuff to Strato there. Maybe check with Tero first. ~Fireblade
  715. hey ciao!!! visit and sign the guestbook!!!!
  716. Hi! I think Jens is one of the best keyboard players around. Keep that sound. Hey, come to Uruguay some day. =) We have many metal maniacs here.
  717. If you don't know where Uruguay is, just ask your brother Anders. He was here with Hammerfall.
  718. My Strato page!!!
  719. cazz nicky nicky-noo sam
  720. My cousin got wasted at a party and passed out, then a bunch of guys cut his ear off and glued it to his forehead. The Infinite Wisdom of MooKow, The Great Bassplayer, Has Been Shared. MooKow.
  721. GRACIE
  722. bob
  723. (font color=blue)(font bgcolor=orange)(text style=Comic Sans Ms)Casper
  724. joseph jennen
  725. koko
  726. Carol
  728. herez a reali realli old one but ish all i have on tha comp and i decided to put it up on here so oO
  729. sens
  730. hello JENS ! i am a guitar player from israel and i love your work ! i will put a link to your site in my site
  731. Hi dear :-) Love ya !!
  732. faet
  733. Jeeeens!!! You're the best!!! And thanks for the Mesta chat. :D :D :D
  734. hello
  735. Hi Toilette Killer. We want STRATO gig at BUDAPEST. NOW!!
  736. DirtyBrad1605
  737. And a reminder to come and blow up the toilets in England again someday! :D
  738. Hey Jens! I think you're one "wild and crazy guy"!!Cool website!! Check out mine..
  739. marco
  740. Hail to the Real Jens! Swift *kick* in the arse to the fake one. >:D
  741. Hi King Of The Keyboardist!!!!!!!!!! Hey!!! How does you manage to use a DX-7, do you need to study math for 10 years????? Too bad... I will still use my PSR 510 (snif) Jens,Keep being the best!!! See you in france again (I hope) Wedge 8-D
  742. amanda
  743. Sandy
  744. I want to know how to write : "Caroline" and "Ghetto-Fabulous" in graffiti
  745. Regarding 654, Nicke Andersson or Chris Reifert would play drums.
  747. Hi Jens
  748. Meg
  749. This page is GREAT!!!. I never expected from Jens to do something that technically "poor" and outstandingly RICH in content. No more words. Marlboro.
  750. I'd like to invite all fusion fans to check out "Code 3", a fusion-jazz trio from Los Angeles. Have a listen at: thanks, j.m.
  751. yo yo yo
  752. Lauren -n- Jon 4eva
  753. world history
  754. Jaeson'
  755. Speriamao che mi rispondi. u'r great.i love piano and keybords and my best musicians are Wolfgang,Johanny,Chopina and you. But I'm not able to do Glory of the World! shit!!!DIES IRAE DIES ILLA SOLVET SAECLUM IN FAVILLA, QUANTO TREMOR EST FUTURUS QUANDO JUDEX EST VENTURUS.tHAnx for existing. Alucard.
  756. dont go drunk on stage!!!!
  757. KHALED
  758. Travis
  759. Jens, just slightly glad you're alright, take care, Fireblade.
  760. technology
  761. JOSE rooster jimenez lil ghetto
  762. GOGA
  763. Hmm... fundera fundera. Så vitt jag märkt varje gång jag åker hem från stan så ligger Danderyds sjukhus rakt norrut och inte nordväst? Tänk om folk blandar ihop Danderyd med Karolinska i Solna? Huva...
  764. I love Michelle
  765. hello
  766. tran
  767. ret
  768. Katie
  769. Jens kicks ass!!!! Its refreshing to find a musician with a sense of humor anymore as well! Keep up the good work man!!!!
  770. Official Chris Heaven Website - The Voice Of Italian Rock
  771. deathsquad
  772. SeRpEnT cHiLd
  773. ThirdWorld Entertainment Reezy
  774. Billa_Bong
  775. Daniel
  776. Pem
  777. Rissa
  778. Yo yo yo
  779. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxwz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
  780. text
  781. text
  782. sdklfjal
  783. woadie!! get 'um woadie... PuNk*
  784. JAKE
  785. ...and I thought neo-classical/progressive metal fans were intelligent...
  786. S
  787. yo dude do you know where can i learn how to write in graffiti?
  788. (A HREF=" SRC="")(/A)
  789. Ice
  790. Heey Jens, how about a newsflash about any solo work with Anders you've been up to lately?
  791. Yes! Update, update!
  792. paramedic rodriguez
  793. MaChi loves EveLyn
  794. hieroglyphics
  795. KENT
  797. yo im looking for a page where i can make a graffiti piece but i cant find it nowhere so im asking u and yo please help me aight yo a place like a piece maker in graffiti aight thanx peace
  798. Chris Chen
  799. jessica
  800. 801 - in English please? ;) Updaaate!!!
  801. Thank you mr Johansson & another mr Johannson for you are! Come back to Russia again, PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
  802. Valley Regional
  804. hey i want to learn how to write graffiti is there any sites that well teack me that you know of
  805. Go here for a laugh! Borka
  806. L-BOOGIE
  807. Tomi Loves Kool*Aid
  808. FEASDFADFHR685679GYJKGHJK780O7680
  809. GiNg N NiCk FoReVeR ShOrTiExBLaZe BLaZiN ShOrTiE
  810. bonzi
  811. yes
  812. x-zibit
  813. Waz up man? No replies to my e-mails? c'ya Kastrator
  814. Mahja Flava
  815. Mahja Flava or MAHJA FLAVA
  816. Stx3031
  817. Joe
  818. ME0W
  819. Are you a racist if you hate the blues
  820. Bitch get off me
  821. Shaggy
  822. is one a)neurotic b)paranoid c)ignorant d)sociopathic, if one hates me..
  823. ...holy shit.. ..I`m NOT the only one in here.. Great! Keep it up, Jens!
  824. Ashley Loves Bradley!?!?
  825. lyle
  826. Sheila and Matthew
  827. fast
  828. carmen electra
  829. After following your music and Yngve music for 20 years, I concluded that you tought everything former Lannerback has to say (musically) about baroque. He's an unthankfull S.O.B
  830. Randy Coven has a bigger ego than Y. He was a total asshole to me and some other fans that just wanted to meet Yngwie and threatened to throw ppl out... he sucks. They deserve eachother.
  831. are the best playing the keyboard, i mean, the best stuff i have never listened to, like "holly lights"..stratovarius and you are the best team never get split... A.Andrés fan from Colombia
  832. your keyboard sounds like an Atari
  833. nbvbmcnbnvcncbnmnmnn
  834. Matt!
  835. Aj
  836. christie
  837. Keep up the great work!! -Merondil
  838. Heh, this was a great page.. *wont comment anything more since he's full of prejudices towards musicians and this site made me shut up for the rest of time* ;)
  839. locoly insane
  840. boo
  841. coley
  842. jens rulez eis oaman poidln hobts eh ka aunung
  844. Jens is a pure Genius and so is this site! Simply Increduble Old Friend Billy Abercrombie
  845. oren
  846. sADC
  847. Bla Bla meuh J'adore les pâtes et personne m'empêchera d'en manger trois fois par jour !!!
  848. dogs
  849. hi
  850. June
  851. d
  852. henson loves helen
  853. Faster te
  854. welcome
  855. Ray
  856. phil herb
  857. norrland2001.avi
  858. Lindsay
  859. Hey
  860. yer
  861. Hey when Jens was like around 21 he took apart every screw out of a AC unit outside and let the parts my the book for days then about aweek later put it back together!
  862. Hey thay was suppose to say the parts by the pool... at Yngwie's in Canoga Park.... pure GENIUS! I ask hime if he ever did that before "NO" of course not. Must of been a million parts! "The Rhythem Machine"
  863. the basement
  864. Me gusta tener tener esta pared para pintarrajear, pena no tener pinturines, snif, snif.
  865. you really rocks!!!!!!!!!
  866. Holly
  867. hi ya'll
  868. Angie ~N~ Corey
  869. SPIN
  870. Hello
  871. Allyson
  872. england is wicked keep the peace innit
  873. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ / / \ / \ | | \ / \ / | | | | | | | |__/ / _ \ | __ |-- \__ \__/ \__/ |___ | |_||_| \__/ |__
  874. __ __ __ __ __ __ __
    / / \ / \ | | \ / \ / |
    | | | | | | |__/ / _ \ | __ |--
    \__ \__/ \__/ |___ | |_||_| \__/ |__
  875. ...__...__....__............__....__.....__....__..
  876. Argh!
    Fuck this damn grafitti! Have fun guys and stay cool...
  877. soundwell college
  878. Can bees enjoy the taste of honey?
  879. PaMz
  880. OPOJ was here 8)
  881. Jens is the greatest keyboard player I've ever heard! Listening to his music is a unique experience - and his improvisation & feeling ROCKS§!!! (ok now that I've said what you wanted me to say I'm waiting for my fee, please send the 50$ right now to my adress - thanks)
  882. shazza lub's dav
  883. I love stratos music and I love programming. Consequently --> You rule!
  884. Jens Johansson rules
  885. Holli
  886. King Komoto
  887. Danielle
  888. -*-*-*- HEY JENS -*-*-*- Dont you plan doing something like Jordan Rudess and try creating some kind of virtual musical conservatory? It´d be really cool! ;) -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- c u, yer the best
  889. DODDSY
  890. 3333
  891. IT'S COOL
  892. Mikey D
  893. Johansson!!!
  894. Jens, do you plan on updating ~jens/polysix anytime soon? I would greatly appreciate any info on how you get that wonderful lead sound from the polysix. Thanx
  895. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYS abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  896. _ _ I I I I I I I I I I FOURTH DIMENSION!!!! I I _ _ I I I I I I I I I I DREAM SPACE!!!!! I I I I I I I EPISODE!!!!! Oskari T I I
  897. preeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!
  899. sdfkoe
  901. Hey JENS Wasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .. look 1st of all You have to learn how to play keys DUDE :S..... Damnit... Even my Old Grandma can do more cool SOLOS! LOL!.... heheheh Im Kidding, YOU RULE MAN! heh ROCK ON! :)
  902. me envías alguna de tus partituras?Quisiera hacer con mi banda Vampiro algunos covers de UDs. pero quisiera hacerlos bien!! Yo soy tecladista y por supuesto me encanta vuestra música
  903. hi, I love Stratovarius' sensual,romantic. you guys are so talented, and not bad to look at. Both Timo's can leave their boots under my bed anytime, even at the same time. bye, sherry g.
  904. PUT THE LOTION IN THE BASKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  906. ola
  907. jjeonhshson snonenaejoej jsonhnaenjj sonsnejnahoj!
  908. gghsdfgsdf
  910. oh please don't put a link to my webpage... pleasssssssssssseeeeeeeeee
  911. hello janz.. i'm one of your fan from malaysia.. do you have keyboard notation on 'Conserto'??..
  912. great stories man :)
  913. mogwei
  914. Colby
  915. NEVER PUT JAM ON A MAGNET! ,Oskari T~Eddie Izzard
  916. Christina Marsh is cool!
  917. fdld
  918. Hello Jens. Keep up the good work, I'm a big fan. -Mark
  919. Dekay
  920. stomper
  921. What is wrong with the stratovarius home page? And Tolkki's site? HELP!!! I THINK AL OF YOU ARE THE GREATEST! LOVE, SHERRY "the little groupie" :)
  923. daniel
  924. Final Design
  925. Rocks don't think - therefore they don't exist.
  927. Enigma Suite is incredible - please do more like this.
  928. Fuck
  929. Hello from Russian GuitarPlayers! You're makeing the real music job, man! Stand by for your style!
  930. HEY, does StratoGuys like hot redheads? If so, check this Us redheads are known for other things besides our tempers! I love Stratovarius! BYE, Sherry "browneyedgirl" Keep the good music flowing!
  931. Lexie-Ann
  932. stin
  933. wasa
  934. hey
  935. Merry X-Mas, Stratoguys! Hope you all got all the gifts ya wanted, plus piece(I mean, peace)on Earth! Seriously, I hope ya all had a nice holiday, ya all deserve it. Don't give up...LOVE,"browneyedgirl" aka BlackDiamondXXX aka SHERRY
  936. Jens is one of the best keyboardist of our time, I never listened someone as good as him (if that`s posssible) since the days of Malmsteen, for him and Stratovarius: SALUTES...
  937. Casio ja polkakomppi rulez!
  939. nick
  940. kidrow
  941. Diana Y Evie
  942. oh my (useless) god, what is this I stumbled up on to? But anyway, that was great! Thank you for this astonishing late-night, post-adolescent (still-not-entirely-grown-up) experience. Cheers, Filippo - Padova - Italy - Earth - Milky Way - Universe - ?
  943. JOHNNY
  944. HOW ABOUT AN UPDATE JENS !!!!!! WWW.JENS.ORG ??????????
  945. serenity
  946. klj
  948. Robert
  949. poop poop
  950. LOL
  952. MAZE
  953. Stratovarius
  954. Jens Johansson is GOD
  955. cool
  956. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890
  957. amber
  958. i love journalism
  959. ANDRAYA
  960. Yo
  961. colin
  962. Gracias por mantener el metal vivo, Jens eres un Dios del Metal, Heavy Metal por siempre!!!! Borinquen contigo
  963. hi
  964. Skate
  965. GAG
  967. Hi, thought you might be interested in the contents of my Strato pages ;) So here's the URL... Paula, from Holland
  968. Christ's school
  969. Chelsea
  970. Jens, why don't you and"Big Guy" Tolkki come to Tolkki's Place,you know, the Forum! you all are busy with the tour but, you two could post something.I miss you guys. You two are the intellectual glue that holds the forum together.You and TT both were gorgeous young rockers! Still are! Bye, Sherry
  971. richie
  972. Heya!!!
  973. Thanks!!!! How can you be so fast and accurate "dancing" on the Keyboard's keys?It's a mistery...It's so wonderful... I've a lot of to improve... Thanks to exist... Ciao... An Italian "young musician"... Albrecht
  974. Jens Johansson is GOD
  975. what in the worl is this
  976. Karin
  977. COME TO BUENOS AIRES!!!! PLEASE!!!! Thanks c|:¬)
  978. 5-1 => 6-5. Voiko tässä enää sanat riittää? Juokaahan viinaa Ratovaariuksen poikain kans, minäkin taidan tänään ottaa olutta vaikka pelistä on jo aikaa. Tulis pian talvi, kesä on perseestä.
  979. STORM
  980. hello
  981. I Love Sam!
  982. How are you?
  984. come get somthin
  985. Fuck 'em all
  986. Team-Element
  987. hello there homie
  988. WOLFY
  990. gemma
  991. Hi, enter to to see how's Mexico is doing it with Power Metal...
  992. april
  993. hey Jens...adopt meeee!!!!!! Embrao...i want to know everything of you..i am a keyboard palyer and it's about for 10 years that i listen to YOUR music, trying to have a technique similiar to yours...!! embrao!!!
  994. Hi!Well the last time i wrote a comment for the page was abiut 8 years ago!!All the best Jens!Kostas,Athens/Greece
  995. i need to know how to write in Graffiti!!!!!
  996. K-Dawg
  997. Perkins
  998. The Bass Of Ehom :-)
  999. JR
  1000. diamond princess
  1001. how do you think i can write "ALBERT" in graffiti
  1002. sldhf alskhf alsjhf 0ss0s s00s 0s SNOG
  1003. hey hommie wats up?
  1004. Just a step in... I'm a metal/symphonic composer. Love to listen Stratovarius. That's all. A step out...
  1005. Jees.
  1006. Venom
  1007. The Jackal
  1008. my c**k is large
  1009. To add graffiti, just enter text in the space below.
  1010. Artist
  1011. hey?
  1012. Hey whats up?
  1013. En tankspridd professor i Orsa tog fel på sin fru och sin morsa. Resultatet det var, när han en dag blev far, att han såg på sin son som en brorsa.
  1014. Kaz
  1015. aaa
  1016. AVH Rules!
  1017. cool web site ;)
  1018. blablabla hiih this is fun
  1019. Nick Nack Paddy Wack I've Still Got The Biggest Sack
  1020. UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1021. Tahni Wallace
  1022. kiran
  1023. jens rules
  1025. youth culture
  1026. Jed Rules
  1027. B R A Z I L M A K E S S T R A T O C O N C E R T S F U L L ! ! ! ! -Gélio Matheus
  1028. FYL "Foreman young leaders"
  1029. woah...jens what d u think about J.Rudess??? pizza pizza pizza...Khamael
  1030. was it you playing on Mr Crowley at the Nightwish Concert???
  1031. hello
  1032. annie
  1033. I got attacked by one of your images...
  1034. 3
  1035. ToniLvzDean
  1036. GosP
  1037. Tack som fan för alla underbara synthsolon mm, som du gjorde under Yngwie åren ! Vad var det egentligen för jävla pinne du hade i munnen ? /Masen
  1038. uhijuyiuyoi
  1039. Resistance is futile
  1040. Jens... Eccio will ever listen to your GREAT Music!!
  1041. fun
  1042. Parisi è GAY!!!
  1043. Any new Johansson records in the plans?
  1044. i have just reciently been introduced into the world of stratovarius and sonata arctica.. and i have to say this is probably the best music ive listened to...since my fav band is metallica,but yeah jen you are truly a genius
  1045. love you guys.
  1046. ghthersherh
  1047. hey this is great, ceep up the good work
  1048. The picture of Stratovarius sitting in bubbles is cool.
  1049. dsdd
  1051. Shawn Lane, Rest in Peace. What a loss.
  1052. Jens, you should update your webpage :D and go to your damn forum...we miss you when you disappear so long =/
  1053. convicted
  1054. I agree with most of the stuff on your "keyboard techniques I hate" page. I admire your ability on the keyboards and I think Stratovarius are great!
  1055. vtubgykbgty887v78v78v78
  1056. deuce juice
  1057. Nice page with lots of information. Hope I had more time to read it!
  1058. What about Shrapnel records in the great white north?
  1059. Hi Jens! I' m glad you stayed with Stratovatius and your brother joined, too... I hope you will blow up some more bladders in the future!!! :) Greetings from GREEEEEECE!!!
  1060. hé hé, i found that Anders is a sumo champion ;)
  1061. Acid Rain, prog-power band from Serbia kick ass!!!
  1062. lord kraven p.m.
  1063. alisa
  1064. 22Katrina22
  1065. JEEEENNNNSSSSS!!!!!! I love your music very very much,especially Fission and heavy Machinery! I'm always in search for your records but is not easy to find them in music stores here in the south of Italy...ARGHHHH!!!!!! Your Fan Luca Sellitto
  1066. Generic poorly written guestbook entry!!
  1067. fuckyou!!!!!!!
  1068. Hi Jens, something that is NOT up-to-date but makes me curious: Do you have some pics from the last tour, especially from Hamburg ;-) ?
  1070. Sasha
  1071. blazin hip hop
  1072. ANTONIO
  1073. B.u.M.P
  1074. KillaJ
  1075. Lil Nick
  1076. Atticus
  1077. HeY BaBi I LoVe YOU
  1078. Chingy
  1079. Holla
  1080. TRICK BOX
  1081. Jens love all work in strat and Yngwie. Havent heard much other stuff but soon will. I wish strat would have had a US TOUER.
  1082. en un lugar muy bonito perdido en centroamerica que se llama XELA. La gente es muy buena y les gusta mucho la musica de este magnifico compositor, que es Jens Johansson. Desde este medio, es mi deseo felicitarlo gusta musica.
  1083. Ohhhhhh your keyboard work ROCKS!!!! Dude, it's so crazy and shit, it's awesome!! :D -- Megagothhippycraziness
  1084. Chris
  1085. incredible, dude!
  1086. O:V:E:R:B:Y:T:E
  1087. Ice Age
  1088. jose
  1089. m hnbkjh
  1090. hnbhhhghh
  1091. WORD
  1092. Brandon
  1093. Katie
  1094. Poetry Notebook
  1095. karen
  1096. Blue Patriots
  1097. hi
  1098. PAUL
  1099. Aimz
  1100. Ashley
  1101. sup dawg this is stephen rodgers hitnrun!
  1102. sHAY
  1103. bodomize!!
  1104. This must be the lamest home page the world has ever seen since arpanet or something!
  1105. PHIL IS PIMP
  1106. hi my name is slim shady
  1107. the 1950's
  1108. Shannon AYM SUCKZ ASS
  1109. asdfasfd
  1110. littleman
  1111. Lauren
  1112. Austin
  1113. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z *!?
  1114. Hailey
  1115. Alexis
  1116. this aint no ho ass graffiti!!!
  1117. YOUNGxACE
  1118. fuck off u ass hole sun of a bitch
  1119. megan
  1120. Couldn't you please put your Pics in .jpg or .gif Format, Jens? Please? Sherry (The poster of the soon to be biggest topic in StratoForum) :)
  1121. BABY-LOO
  1122. jens when would u come to Argentina!!!
  1123. Zeewei
  1124. KASINO 89
  1125. BEBA ~N~ RAYMOND
  1126. Michel Perez
  1127. great funny site Jens ! I hope to see you here in Quebec one day ;)
  1128. Retri-Butioner
  1129. Stanley Eugene Krauser -- 666
  1130. jrfljwelkjrelkw
  1131. Sean-boy
  1132. dadadasd
  1133. Mz. Galdamez
  1134. Jens! You should write in the forum! You should make more weird records! You should take vitamins on tour. You should wash behind your ears. Don't pick your nose. Do what I say!! I, Fan, owns you!!!!
  1135. SAM
  1136. Chloe
  1137. Jennifer Nguyen
  1138. fully sik
  1139. Jaque Hines
  1140. bountz
  1142. Emily Loves Clinton
  1143. SEN1
  1144. Hejsan!
  1145. 2004-08-16 ROCK ON /Rick Altzi
  1146. jens, i hope someday i will be a musician of your level, thanks for your music. Javier
  1147. humphrey bogart! HUMPHREY BOGART!!!
  1148. hey
  1149. tias
  1150. A triscuit or a biscuit, sir?
  1152. Hey Jens, I like your hens, don't wear dipends, I need a new lense. Jeg heter Tanka Truck, dawg.
  1153. hi jens :)
  1154. Israel!!!!!!!!
  1155. Jens ROCKS - lets see Jens and Jordan Rudess do a duo one day!!
  1156. ditzee T
  1157. Bulls on Parade!!
  1158. d
  1159. dags för soloplatta snart eller?
  1161. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!
  1162. blues+jazz+rock+metal=long+happy life
  1163. In your free time, visit the sites dedicated to...

  1164. Just wanted to say hello! i found the song Last viking and i enjoy it alot, what are you doing nowdays?
  1165. wowwwwwwwwwww i found this page wooooohaaaaaa
  1166. Hey jens, im glad u guys are back (stratovarius) i been a fan from u since the early days of malmsteen.. just wanted to say hi
  1168. Oh god Jens, I am so happy Stratovarius is togheter again! keep it up!
     (          )
    .=])' (;  ([
    | ]:: '    [
    '=]): .)  ([
      |:: '    |
    From México!
  1169. Wow! Great site Jens, I LOVE YOU!!!!:-)
  1170. Strato and Jens rules!!! \m/ >.< \m/ keep doing excelent music!!! |)r1|\||< t|-|3 |333r!!!
  1171. SHARP
  1172. Jens, sos lo más de lo más; lo mejor sobre la faz de la tierra y sobrepasando sus límites. Super Aguante Jens-> Idolazo universal.
  1173. NEWS!! Jens has changed career! He can now been seen chasing venomous snakes on the Animal Planet channel. He uses the name O'Shea, now disguises himself with a a beard and has cut his long hair.
  1175. Sebamagnus was here!
  1176. dio c'è
  1177. Du e en jävel på å spela du Jens!!! Vet inté hur ja hittade in på din sida men rolig som fan va den i alla fall. Lycka till i framtiden me alla projekt!!!
  1178. Shieldsy was here, and there...
  1179. HAHAHA! Jens, you are truly one fun bastard. Also you are quite good at playing keybards i think(?). Best eveything :)
       JJ EE    NNN NN  SS
       JJ EEE   NN NNN  SSSSS - King of Keyboards with! Greetings from Finland!
       JJ EE    NN  NN     SS
  1182. Huh?
  1183. I have find you for little time. You're great. My favourite songs are V scuffle, ten seasons and fading away.
  1184. What happened to the Forum. We miss it. Hope you all get it fixed soon. Good luck with that. We all will wait. CottonCandy
  1185. OK, remember what I said about Jens shifting career?? Check this site out: Jens stop playing with your snake!!!
  1186. hello there
  1188. moot
  1189. Hey Jens! a very big huge for u! from the people of Argentina.we love u and support u, u are a great musician and composer! See you soon playing in Buenos Aires Obras stadium with Stratovarius 19/08!
  1190. Hello jens, you`re the greatest keyboarder ever. metal rules
  1191. hola!!
  1192. Here you can download some midi files.
  1193. (script language = "JavaScript") var jay; for(jay = 0; i ( 100; i++) {""); } (/script)
  1194. Hej & congrats Jens Very nice website!
  1195. gyggiugi
  1196. Jens Johansson Rulezzz....ur solos rock!-- ,from Jon Lord
  1197. Yeaaaahhh I'm going to your Show in Quebec City on september 25th with Strato!!!
  1198. Hi jens. Greetings from Argentina. You are the best Keyboard player in the WORLD. Felicidades!!! STRATOVARIUS ES UNA MASA LOKO!!!!
  1199. Schmuck!
  1200. Vive Stratovarius ! Thakns for everything Jens ;)
  1201. check out my site guys :-) going to see you jen on sunday at the opera house :-) can't wait
  1202. :-P
  1203. Hello!
  1204. hello jens a like you!!!! yous show in brazil curitiba is best!!
  1205. jens rulz!, best keyboard player ever, all the guys at rhapsody point u as one of their favorite keyboards players, greeting from chile your last show here waz cool, well see you again soon.
  1206. Hei Jens
  1207. MMM DFX Rocks.
  1208. Your first billion digits of 1 only equals 435,600 digits!!!! Very disappoints Jens... :P (and yes, i counted)
  1209. I have a Haiku I would like to Share.. well its sorta a haiku.. poem anyway The dead tree stood in the ground like a live tree but dead
  1210. Your idea to put the word "Koskenkorva" into The Land of Ice and Snow?
  1211. I don't know exactly how I ended up here... made me laugh all the way through . The randomness is deliciously funny =) Anyhow, I saw Stratovarius in Mtl, and it was an amazing show !!
  1212. woohoo!
  1213. Voi perkules sentään..... TILULILUTILULILU LIII..... SOOLO, SOOLO!!!!!
  1214. .....wheeee....this is one of the best sites on the goddamn internet! The graffiti page is totally fun!!
  1215. Who the fuck wrote 454#?? Dude, your kids are gonna be so slow...yes hard to imagine but slower than you possibly. Why exactly do we need to know such info on such a great site?!
  1216. Jens, dude there are some pretty sick ppl on this page...well anyhooo none of my business, U RULE!
  1217. Jens,you are smar guy.Thanks.You rock!
  1218. i wana heart
  1219. jajaja
  1220. what a site ! at last the (stupid) people who read everything, even what's on the bottom in little, are rewarded ! and I am one of these stupid people...
  1221. Is new stuff going to be added to the Stratovarius main page? Is that why it's down?
  1222. To #1237:It's a LIMERICK, U ignorant self-procr8ing bastard! The content of a limerick is usually very "dirty".
  1223. w00t w000t
  1224. Holy fuck! I was searching around for audio geek code stuff, found this site (a couple years ago I read it actually and found it again), reading along... oh yeah...
  1225. cool
  1226. jonny t was ere
  1227. asdasd
  1228. has yngwie had a hair transplant?
  1229. :)
  1230. a
  1231. http://WWW.NHORIZON.IT by Fab
  1232. I think, Yngwie looks very often this site.I am just joking! Jens, I saw you live with Stratovarius in Greece, and you were playing like a monster.Keep it true...
  1233. jj
  1234. hello
  1235. bayou 4 life
  1236. HI EVEY 1
  1237. catherine y2kn6
  1238. moimoi
  1239. Jake
  1240. esmeralda
  1241. jens 4 life
  1242. your mother
  1243. vcrpl hzryeq fmzuseibo iduq ivkyw anbhlrsc kvixbelo
  1244. 3444
  1245. I think Slash is inferior to the guitarist from Poison.
  1246. This is the best homepage I've ever seen lol; JUST Love it! I laughed my ass off when/while I (was) read(-ing)/saw(seeing) it. kisses to you chau...
  1247. Guns don't kill people. Pygmies with blowdarts kill people.
  1248. hey, this is so great!!!!
  1249. Hi Jens! Strato and HF are my favorite bands, so say hi to Anders for me please! May Thor bless all you do!- Chandra
  1250. Dim di dum di dom... piu piu
  1251. Liliana Te Amo 9/28/2006!!!!!!!!
  1252. JENS RULES! es el mejor teclista de todos los tiempos, quisiera que mis dedos tuvieran la agilidad que tienen los suyos.... he is the better, all rest sucks!
  1253. Hey Jens, really cool weird stuff that plays when opening the main page! Another "weird" album would be totally great. \m/
  1254. Hey, Check out this Great Melodic Metal Band from El Salvador Central America! Gaia Metal
  1255. Jens > Everyone Nuff' Said
  1256. Hi Jens! You rock! Keep up the nice work! Black Kat Mike
  1257. GBV NET.RO
  1258. 'Ello Jens!
  1259. Jens Rulzz! from Chile!
  1260. Zachodni Bastion
  1261. lol
  1262. Hey you lied to me about Ingmar Bergman he never declared a national holiday! Hehehehe
  1264. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.
  1265. Jens Johansson is the best metal keyboardist i've ever seen!! hehehe
  1266. You rock o.o
  1267. Music is life.
  1268. i really enjoyed your page !
  1269. kiddddda
  1270. Good job and great design!
  1271. nice :) ;)
  1272. Hello. I love your!
  1273. aaah Jens rulz!!!! hihhi was an EXCELENT show right here in Venezuela!! hope you will be back (will you?)
  1274. harrowing encompass!boggled roulette Goethe bicycler

  1275. wow Jens, i'm proud to sign your wall, yo're really great!whishes from Italy. Sorry for bad english.. :)
  1276. Hola amigo! I'm Fede Luca -yes... like Turilli, hahaha!- from Buenos Aires, and I wan't to say thank you for the music. Bye bye and I hope to meet you.
  1277. Sofii Nd Serena 2Kaii7..x//™
  1278. Jens, um abraço de seus fans São Paulo/Brasil! (te juro que tem uma mulher de biquini aqui)
  1279. Hello! Greetings from Peru!
  1280. yellow
  1281. Tower of Stone site updated! =)
  1282. Metal!!!
  1283. can you post on my fotolog page? jejeje i know is stupid but is mi dream!!!!! this is mi page: please!!!!! XD take care yourself!!!! bye
  1284. Saatoin tökkiä Jens Johanssonia kynällä tässä yks päivä. Oon idiootti, mutta mies soittaa hyvin kyllä joo moi meen nukkumaan.
  1285. Jens är skitrolig!
  1287. YOU ROCK JENS !!!!!!
  1288. Jens you rocks :D
  1289. Hej Jens jag har mailat dig på för att kolla om du vill ställa upp på en intervju för en kommande dokumentärfilm om svensk hårdrock. mvh Robert Bäckström, Stealing Shots produktion
  1290. You lol!!!
  1291. Hola totora. Les recomiendo que no estudien ningún tipo de Ingeniería. Jens, un maestr0. 90125@y3s..
  1292. I love you jens!!!!! hope to see you @ Monterrey soon!!
  1293. fhdfnhdgn fgh sdfj dfjdgjdghkj kfgkfg gf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1294. Hi Jens!!!!!!! Have a happy 2008 and stay rocking the world!! You rocks! you're my hero :D :D!!!!!!! chau! Fatima.-
  1295. Hey
  1296. chido
  1297. ago ago ago ago ago
  1298. 1304 was a very good year
  1299. 7405926
  1300. jjjjjjjjjjj!
  1301. What the heck is wrong with Stratoforum? Did you move your forum, Jens?
  1302. Monday
  1303. Jens Thanks for that amazing music! Grettings From Perú...
  1304. woah..what happened here?
  1305. In a world of floating bananas, Jens gave us water to rub our asses at last because there was a lot of traffic on E23 and we couldn't go to the airport to test our new frying pan...See ya!
  1306. Jens,hallå!!
  1307. Stanley Eugene Krauser--666
  1308. (interesting, having to prove you're not a robot by executing orders without stepping outside of the program parameters and not being allowed to acknowledge your own existence if you do) Hi!
  1309.! here it is jens :D!!
  1310. Sammy
  1311. Master !!!!! you're very handsome and too an excellent musician congratulations!!!!!
  1312. Boo!
  1313. hey why dont you come mexico????
  1314. Here i sit Broken hearted, came to Shit but Only farted....that would make more since if it was written in a bathroom instead of this page... -Bradly
  1315. Just a friendly reminder: The Wathel Posse eats dogshit. -wbh
  1316. weeeqqq qqqqqee eeewwww
  1317. I am listening to "Born Too Slow" by the Crystal Method as I visit your site.
  1318. JJ very excited to see the band at the opera house in toronto in september. Saw you once before in LA on YM's first tour. Was it '85, at the Troubadour? Have a great swing thru Canada. Gustav
  1319. Ha det gott Jens!! Cool site hej!! Mewwww!
  1320. B0b wuz here
  1321. Holy bean sprouts, batman!
  1322. Just a friendly reminder, folks: The Wathel Posse eats dogshit. -Custom Ray Peeples
  1323. SOS GROSSO, SABELO (comment 1329 is the best!!!1)
  1324. rraj
  1325. -JOKE Why is sex like a bank account? Because you check in, check out, and loose interest.
  1326. f3223f23223f23f23f23f32f
  1328. You rule!
  1329. RONALDO!
  1330. Jesus was here. 6-16-10
  1331. mkdsfnmvjk bxmnv fmkdx vnmkxdjvldsmnfjvùb sdjwù vdjlùn lmx vcjm xjlvfd
  1332. pie
  1333. Jesus Madroñero Was Here.... And Cried In October 22 2009.. Listen "eagleheart" Live In Quito when jens begin to Play the KeyBoard Jens Rules!!!!!
  1334. Hi Jens, you rock :) ! Greetings from Snowland.
  1335. comment.cgi: 6644 characters, that's too long! go fuck yourself!
  1336. (__) (oo) /-------\/ / | || * ||----|| ^^ ^^
  1337. lololl ololol cool site
  1338. 06/12/10 hell yeah \m/, fucking amazing Jens
  1339. watasayaya totirotu maritukuri otsiri wayarsayatarapara
  1340. whats up FUCKER!
  1341. Uh,"view in black text"? Does that mean you're saying stuff like "I'm just kickin' it with my homies, yo..."? You do realize that sounds hilarious with a European accent?LOL
  1342. I made a medley about you and your solos hehe... check it out =)
  1343. I made a medley about you and your solos hehe... check it out =) Jens Johansson Medley
  1344. (font size="5" color="grey")I made a solo medley about you and your great solos(/font)(p) (font size="5" color="orange")(a href="")Jens Johansson Solo Medley(/a)(/font)
  1345. "The snakes left because people kept throwing up on them..." BWAHH HAH HAH HAH!Jens, you are the most talented, funniest, and adorable person I've ever come across!:)~Tams
  1346. BEST WEBSITE EVER. I'm just saying ;)
  1347. This. Website. Is. Bloody. Awesome! HELL YEEEEEEEEEAH!!! ;D
  1348. "I've never denied that the blacks make excellent entertainers." -Donald Trump
  1349. Donald, you're fired...heh heh I love the sun god quote! Ooh, get the pom-poms--Jens is cheerleading!LOL~Tamma
  1350. GERMS
  1351. hi jens
  1352. 5/18/11 Does anyone even check this anymore? lmao
  1353. I had never seen a Swedish poem before--that was beautiful! By the way, there's a gray house on Almazan Road where the blue one used to be...
  1354. Oh god this is so old
  1355. posting in epic thread
  1356. I noticed this has "view in black text"--I think that means that somewhere underneath the Johansson Theory Of Existentialism, Jens has on there "I jis love da way it bang, yo..." LMAO
  1357. If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to treat everything as if it were a nail.
  1358. Yo Man! Hare Rama!
  1359. "Every four seconds, a woman has a baby--the problem is to find this woman and stop her..." LMAO I just laughed so hard, it made my bruised ribs hurt! Thanks! I really needed cheering up...:)~Tams
  1360. i am not a robot
  1361. "Hello. I just want to say 'thank you' for eating my dogshit." -Wathel Herness
  1362. Good to see you get facetime on Metal Evolution. The Malmsteen/Johansson combination was killer!
  1363. there's a chance to gift you a bottle of vodka?
  1364. Stanky-Ranky Roo, I just took a Poo! Yeah, Stanky-Ranky Roo, I just took a Poo!
  1365. hi
  1366. (/td)(td)(font face=verdana)(td valign=top)(center)(font color = red style="font-size:200;")(marquee SCROLLAMOUNT=50 BEHAVIOR=ALTERNATE)(blink)The Wathel Posse eats dogshit!!!(/blink)(/i)(/font)
  1367. Tony O'Connor was here! 11.02.2012! Love your music!
  1368. Hej Jens! Tack för dina "Goda råd?" Skitbra och klokt!
  1369. yes, Jens, joy at finding this page~~lol, from the new drummer vid you kindly and for me joyfully posted! thank you. kathy
  1370. pöppö
  1371. THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME...whatever this even IS in the first place...
  1372. hey there
  1374. stratovarius is much better than rising force
  1375. "Permanently Overcoming Adjustment Disorder," by Dr. Aymklik Boomsplatter
  1376. Jeeeens!! You are great!!! \,,/
  1377. July 2014 and we're still checking your site, Jens! Keep on playing! \m/ \m/
  1378. THINK
  1379. Why do early photos of Jens show him holding a guitar? Does Jens also play guitar, and if so, why the change to keyboards? This has never been explained.
  1380. Still working 12/11/14
  1381. tesuto
  1382. EuroNeuro!
  1383. Hi this is a comment
  1384. (script)alert("hi");(/script)
  1385. gfg
  1386. rainbow!
  1387. Just read you got the keyboard gig for the final Blackmore rock shows! Congrats! - J from CT
  1388. Thanks for your music
  1389. Hey! Greetings from Chile :)
  1390. TOX16
  1391. This is machine translation. I have not read all the HP yet, and I did not understand all the contents I read, veryyyyy omoshiroi. I would like to hear mp3.
  1392. THE WATHEL POSSE. "Don't forget, we eat dogshit sandwiches."
  1393. Hey Jens, You will probably never see this on this old-ass site, but know that you rock and I wish you the best
  1394. Jens I love u pls have my babies
  1395. Hi, did i sent a message correctly?
  1396. hello jens i think you're the most awesome keyboard player and human being that ever existed :D and funny as hell, my name's genesis i'm from mexico, cheers!
  1397. does it really work
  1398. You need to update your page. It has been years.
  1399. Smolderin' boulders! YEEEHAAAAWWWWW!!!!!! -Wathel Herness
  1400. Taking stock. Walking the talk. Cocking the Glock. There's gonna be one dead jock. -Rob Thurber
  1401. I LIKE that nigger pussy!
  1402. I licked Sneha's ass.
  1403. fuck off
  1404. testing mic
  1405. / \ | | | \ \ | | | \ /
  1406. nining leven never forgor
  1407. The final days of 2021 and this is still here? Bee-yoo-tiful! And you're on the new Star One? Even better! - J from CT
  1408. does this work?
  1409. Aaa
  1410. khrk wuz here
  1411. ending the tag lmao
  1412. August 2023, just came here =)
  1413. Testing
  1414. Happy 60th Jens!
  1415. this is so jenscore Johansson pilled
  1416. Hi Jens, just wanted to graph some words here on how grateful I am from your tiping the EQ1979 project. Love your work. Take care. Vincent