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Site Contexts with 'yngwie'
On this site, 'yngwie' appears in these pages:
- About 'the last viking' (about-last-viking.par) / Excerpts from a Recent post on PM (perpetual motion)
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- About 'the last viking' (about-last-viking.par) / Excerpts from a post to "teof" (the symphony X list)
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- Programming (comp.par) / I'm a closet computer nerd!!
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- A list of some other FAQ's
(faq-more.par) / Why did you leave Rising Force?
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- A list of some other FAQ's
(faq-more.par) / Why play so many different types of music?
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- A list of some other FAQ's
(faq-more.par) / Why do you play with Stratovarius?
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- A list of some other FAQ's
(faq-more.par) / Who's the copy and who's the original?
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- Photo Gallery #1
(gallery.par) / Some more pictures of friends and other stuff
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- Home, sweet Homepage (index.par) / About ME
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- Interviews
(interviews.par) / Progression
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- Interviews
(interviews.par) / Hard Line
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- About Music
(music-musings.par) / What I fucking hate
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- News (newsflash.par) / Jan 2002 / a little news!
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- Press Clips (press.par) / Keyboard 88
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- Discography (with comments) (records.par) / 1995 - 1991
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- Discography (with comments) (records.par) / 1990 - 1986
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- Discography (with comments) (records.par) / 1985 - 1980
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Email: jens@panix.com
All content copyright © Jens Johansson 2025.
No unathorized duplication, copying, mirroring,
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Any offensively categorical statements passed off as facts herein should only be construed
as my very opinionated opinions.