July 01, 2003

Tungsten C Day 28 -- Software Reviews

The T|C speaker is still not working, and the keyboard is still not fully functional, but I'm working on those issues.  The speaker is an inconvenience, as the headset jack works fine.  As far as the keyboard goes, from what I have seen online there is a known incompatibility with first revision Ultra-Thin Keyboards and the Tungsten C, possibly having to do with a conflict between the built-in keyboad and the external ones.  A number of users have posted to forums that Palm is replacing Ultra-Thin Keyboards with updated versions, and the problems have gone away.  They also say that the original Palm Portable Keyboards work fine with the T|C.  Unfortunately, while I own a PPK, it's for my IIIxe and has a different connector, so they're not compatible.  I'm sure I'll get a chance to try out a keyboard solution in the near future.

In the meanwhile, I wanted to write up my brief impressions of a number of software packages I've installed and tried out on the T|C.  Some are productivity apps, others are just fun, and of course, your mileage may vary.

Music Players

A & R Partners, Palm's PR agency, was kind enough to send along a 64 Meg Secure Digital memory card, which enabled me to try out the two competing MP3 players for the Tungsten: RealOne from Real, and AeroPlayer from Aerodrome.  (Note to my fellow lawyers out there: all MP3s used in testing are from CDs I purchased and own, and have archived on my PC for my personal, non-commercial use.  *grin* )  The two programs are very different in approach, although with either, the sound is excellent even when played in mono through the Palm headset. 

RealOne for OS5

RealOne integrates quite handily with the RealOne player I have on my Windows notebook -- I can easily move any song(s) I have on the PC of which RealOne is aware to the expansion card on the T|C with a few clicks of the mouse.  Unfortunately, for RealOne to do this, the Tungsten must be in its cradle, on, and running the RealOne application.  Happily, the desktop program allows you to see and manipulate the files loaded on the Tungsten's expansion card without having to separately Hotsync.  The interface for RealOne on the Tungsten is minimalist, with little control beyond repeat, shuffle and volume, but it works, even in the background of other applications or with the Tungsten otherwise turned off. It's also free.


This is the simpler, and better, of the two.  You use the Palm Quick Install desktop application to transfer MP3s to the SD card (it automatically knows to put them there rather than in RAM), Hotsync and voila: AeroPlayer shows them in its playlist.  (You can also use a standalone SD card reader/writer to move files on to the card, then pop the card into the Tungsten.)  AeroPlayer doesn't offer the ability to delete files on the Tungsten, but they recommend (as do I) a freeware file manager called Filez.  The program has much better audio controls, including a 5-band equalizer, and has many skins available to change its look.  It's also shareware: you can download a 14-day trial, but must pay a $14.95 registration fee ($29.95 for lifetime updates) beyond that to keep playing MP3s.  The program also plays Ogg Vorbis files.


A few other applications worth noting:


This is actually a free program released some months ago by Palm itself.  It's a very simple application: When loaded, it allows two Palm users to share calendars, beaming updates back and forth.  DualDate integrates with the Datebook application.  I tried it on my IIIxe, but it was so bulky and slow that it was essentially unusable.  On the Tungsten C, I am able to easily and speedily share calendars with my wife (who uses a Palm Zire 71).  One bug: under OS5, DualDate does not show the two calendars' user names, as it does on earlier operating systems.  Still, it's a great and free app.


This version of the Hasbro classic board game was fun on my IIIxe; on the Tungsten C, it's a true joy.  The colors are sharp, and the game play quite speedy.  (Too speedy, in fact; the program allows you to change the rate of game play, and any settings above the slowest make the computer players' activity whiz by faster than you can follow.)  Handmark's Scrabble is also much more enjoyable on the Tungsten, thanks to the speed at which the computer opponent "thinks".

More soon. {Jonathan}

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