February 24, 2004

Doing CompUSA's Job For It

I stopped into a CompUSA computer retailer yesterday, looking for spare styli for my Tungsten C and my wife's Zire 71. While there, I noticed a gentleman looking at the Zire 71, without a single salesperson even approaching him. I walked over and showed him the popup digital camera in the Z71. He said that he was really interested in GPS solutions incorporating the Palm handhelds, as a replacement for the laptop he uses for GPS now. We looked at the Garmin iQue and some other models, and I showed him Mapopolis Navigator running on my Tungsten C. In the end, we jointly concluded that since he already had a GPS receiver for his laptop and didn't need Wi-Fi or a digital camera, his best bet was probably to buy the Tungsten T3 (for RAM, screen and processor speed) and the appropriate cable and software. I gave him my e-mail address, and offered to send him to the best sites for information and pricing. Throughout this 10-minute conversation, not a single CompUSA salesperson came near, let alone spoke to us or offered assistance. While I hope that this guy gives me points in the PalmPaysBack program if he contacts me further, it just boggles my mind how little attention this customer got while shopping for a PDA costing at least $300 or $400. Are there any retailers that actually have knowledgeable and interested salespeople selling PDAs? Or do they simply depend on people like us who evangelize and answer questions because we like to? {Jonathan} Posted by jezor at February 24, 2004 01:17 PM

here's a good CUSA story.

I was looking for a keyboard for my T3. I went online and the local store showed 3 onhand. So I drove over there. I got to the PDA counter and the first guy couldn't find any on the shelves. Then he called his supervisor over and showed him that the computer had 3 in stock and walked away. The manager said that he would look. I waited 20 minutes and he never cam back. When I hunted him down he told me that he couldn't find it and walked away again.

They're only slightly better than Fry's in that they are too stupid to lie.

Posted by: Lynn Dimick at February 24, 2004 08:15 PM

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