The strange winds came like the whisper of a lover's voice, bringing the dreams.   Many went mad that first day, tormented by visions they could not understand.   For me, it was a dream of freedom, flying over a rocky canyon on wings of light.

The winds were only the herald for the storms that followed.  Intense lightning knocked out electrical systems for miles. High winds, and torrential rains swept away entire cities.  They must have killed thousands, but no bodies were ever found.

The Weather Channel detected another storm front approaching.  While others took shelter, I went to the beach, and screamed my defiance to the sky.  And then the changestorm hit.

When I came to my senses the sky was red, and two dark suns cast pale shadows across the cliffs.  I shed the confines of my human skin, and took flight.

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© J. Glenn Peterson.  Do not distribute.

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