Great line. Bonus points if you know what it's from.
Anyway, it's been another long week, and today happens to be my brother's birthday. Happy birthday, EZ.
Tomorrow is going to suck. I believe that I'm in way over my head on this project, and I don't even know enough to know what to ask. I know that tomorrow, I'm going to have to figure out what I've missed, then react fast enough to resolve whatever problems pop up...and we've got to be done no later than Sunday. Which probably means working this weekend. Which sucks yet again.
My feet still hurt. Not used to being on my feet all day, and especially not in boots.
Lately, I've noticed that I've been whining a lot. I think it's mainly because I'm not getting enough me time. Time to relax, play games, watch movies. I get about 90 minutes a day now...I'm certainly used to much more. I think I'm also generally cranky because I dislike waking up so early.
In any event, I think I'm going to try to be more positive and less anxious about all of this. What we're really talking about here is HVAC Controls. As long as no one's going to get hurt or die if I make a mistake, the worst thing that could happen is that I could get yelled at...and frankly, that happens now anyway. Or I suppose I could get fired...but why would they fire me? They know I don't know enough to be doing what I'm doing.
Whatever. Tomorrow is Friday, and normally I'd be looking forward to the weekend...except I suspect it won't be the weekend just yet....