Mood: Distraught
Music: Stunned Silence.
Time to go find another country.
Attention people of the United States:
- If you are under 34 years of age and voted for George Bush, please sign up for the draft. You're going first. People who voted Democrat will be exempt.
- If you are female and voted for George Bush, please line up for mandatory sterilization. If you voted Democrat, again, you will be exempt.
- If you are of Asian decent and voted for George Bush, please line up for immediate incarceration due to being "terrorist sympathetic." If you voted Democrat, you are exempt.
- All people will immediately have their taxes raised to pay for an escalating war. If you voted Democrat, your taxes are getting raised, too...but at least we've always been honest about it.
Lastly, people of New York:
- We are relocating approximately seven million of you to states like Florida and Ohio. Please pack accordingly. You have 3 years.
That is all.
that is the only thing that has even made me chuckle inside today.
i have tears of pity for how stupid this country that i have been raised in, has shown itself to be.
time to find another country.
its better than moving to florida or ohio
I'm sure the election has done wonders to reinforce the international perception that Americans are all obese retards.
Posted by: Paul at November 4, 2004 09:58 PM