February 25, 2005

I win! Or, wait...no...

Mood: Snowy.
Music: Extreme Ways, Moby
Game: World of Warcraft (60 Rogue...12 Priest?)
Book: On The Road, Jack Kerouac.
Muffin: Apple-Raspberry.
Punchline: Hmmm...

As you've probably noticed, and probably don't overly care, I've reached level 60 with my rogue in World of Warcraft.

If you don't know anything about WoW, 60th is as high as ya go. There is no more levelling. No amount of exploring, questing, or killing will gain you more experience.

In other, non-MMORPG, games, this would mean that the game's over, and you won. But not a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game! No! Here's where the fun begins.

While I no longer gain experience, no longer boost my skills, there is still plenty to explore, plenty of quests to complete, more things to do and see...and of course, more phat lewts to raid.

Now, the game shifts from a rush to gain experience, and turns into a game of coordination with other players, planning, and tactically assaulting the tougher, more rewarding encounters of the game. It also opens up a whole new world of PvP...since you're at the top of the foodchain, you're now the Apache Helicopters of the battle of Horde vs. Alliance. Imagine my glee when I showed up to a battle where a bunch of level 20-25 Horde were being attacked repeatedly by some level 35-40 Alliance fools...and the cry went up "NOW we got 'em..." whereupon I fell on the Alliance attackers and promptly dispatched 4 of them, wounding 3 others that the rest of the Horde players killed. Welcome to Shock and Awe.

Anyway, there are a few high-level instance dungeons that I'm dying to try. An instance dungeon is basically a dungeon that's "spawned" just for you and your party...no one else goes into it while you're in it. I really, really want to get into Scholomance, because apparently there's a vendor in there that sells blacksmithing patterns that I really want.

The point of all this is that even though I've levelled up as far as I'm going to, there's still plenty for me to do, and I'm still excited about doing it. This is pretty cool to me. Additionally, I really want to help my Guildmates get up to 60 fast, so we can all do the same stuff together...and that's fun too.

I guess it's a Instancing Weekend...maybe.

Posted by Glenn at February 25, 2005 10:24 AM