March 24, 2005

Oh no! He missed a day!

Mood: Pretty OK.
Music: Not listening to anything at the moment.
Game: World of Warcraft (60 Rogue, 15 Priest, 9 Warrior (PvP))
Book: Prisoner's Dilemma, William Poundstone
Muffin: I want breakfast. Something Sausage-y.
Punchline: " !" (Marcel Marceau)

I just wasn't feeling motivated to write yesterday. I was vaguely ticked about stuff...and I spent a good portion of the day waiting for someone who kept saying "I'll be right there." This happened from 9:30am to 6pm when I finally asked if I should wait any longer.

Now, while I didn't exactly stop working, I didn't get deeply involved in things that I couldn't break away from for fear of having to leave in the middle. Consequently, most of my day was about short, small things, rather than forwarding my primary responsibilities. I did edit and tweak a bunch of documents, I sketched out some flows and such, and I spent some time thinking about the best way to document/identify certain tasks.

Today, I'm working on something that I think will help drive my goals pretty well. By labelling each step of the process with an overarching goal (a driver) I can determine why tasks are being done, then determine if they're necessary to effective completion of the project.

Don't much feel like blogging right now. Rather work on this process...more later. Or tomorrow. Or next week...

Maybe I'm just hungry. Or nervous for my fookus, who's having surgery in the next few days.

Posted by Glenn at March 24, 2005 09:54 AM