March 31, 2005


Mood: Tortured.
Music: Sleeping Satellite, Tasmin Archer
Game: World of Warcraft
Book: America's Longest War, The US & Vietnam 1950-1975, George C. Herring
Muffin: I had a tangerine and some celery sticks instead of a muffin.
Punchline: *tortured wails from the very pit of my soul*.

OK...I've been to the order page at for a PSP FIVE times in the last 2 days.

I originally wrote "my PSP" instead of "a PSP" in the last sentence. This can't be good.

It's bad, folks. I'm having real trouble here. I keep rationalizing it...then saying "I shouldn't do this." I believe it's inevitable...I know it is. But if I can wait until my birthday, maybe I'll have more gift certificates...maybe I'll get cash...who knows. Then it'll make the decision easier....

It's a lot of really is. I should spend that on paying bills...but I want it...


Posted by Glenn at March 31, 2005 12:26 PM