April 01, 2005

Fight the Power...

Mood: Calm.
Music: Love Rears Its Ugly Head (Live), Living Colour
Game: World of Warcraft
Book: America's Longest War, The US & Vietnam 1950-1975, George C. Herring, and Neuromancer, William Gibson
Muffin: Almost caved. Had a tangerine instead.
Punchline: Even when I go to bed at 10pm, I oversleep.

I bet you thought today's entry would be about how I finally caved and purchased a PSP, and I would be rationalizing the hell out of my purchase.

Nope. Will of iron, my friends. I refuse to succumb! That, and the fact that the four electronics stores I checked on the way home were sold out. So, no PSP yet.

Last night, I had dinner with jbl at a yummy Italian place around the corner from my house. Pepercino or something like that. I had an amazing seafood antipasto in a rich broth, and then a seafood risotto, that was tasty, although the rice itself wasn't cooked to the way I prefer my risotto. It was a bot more al dente than I like, but still really yummy.

Then, suffering from an Italian seafood coma, I read a bit, then passed out, rather than play World of Warcraft. Being in bed at 10pm, I naturally woke up around 4:15am, too warm due to too many blankets, and couldn't fall right back asleep. I played Warcraft for about an hour(making 16 on my Priest...), then got tired enough to fall asleep again. Naturally, I slept until 8am, forcing me to rush to work to get there by 9am.

I think I'm just not motivated to go to work. I'm not sure why...I think I'm generally unappreciated, and I don't know that I want to continue to bust my ass, trying to earn some appreciation. Tough position. I'm wondering if I haven't found myself in some downward spiral....

Anyway, on Sunday, I'm going to see Sin City with some friends, then probably head to Chinatown for some dinner. If ya wanna come along, just let me know!

Posted by Glenn at April 1, 2005 01:46 PM

How's that Iron Will doing?! :D

Posted by: Paul at April 4, 2005 05:19 PM