April 15, 2005

Fight it...fight it...

Mood: Bleh.
Music: Unfinished Sympathy, Massive Attack.
Game: World of Warcraft, Wipeout Pure, Metal Gear Acid
Book: America's Longest War, The US & Vietnam 1950-1975, George C. Herring.
Muffin: Raspberry-Peach.
Punchline: "Don't forget to turn off the lights before you leave."

Today pretty much ended up being annoying.

First, I had to move from my office out into a cubicle. Now, it wasn't my office...it was the corner of a partner's office, that gave me the space I needed, a fairly large table to use as a desk, a cupboard to store stuff in, and so on...and now I'm in a cubicle with half the space.

Since they stole my IT guy to do service, I have basically inherited the IT cubicle...which means that not only am I actually doing the job of an IT guy, now, I am sitting in the IT cubicle with all the gear and junk that entails...along with all the junk I have. In short, twice as much crap in half the space. And it's pretty demoralizing to move into a small cubicle...it feels like a deprioritization of what I'm trying to accomplish.

The truth is that I don't really care where I sit, really. I AM ticked off about the IT thing. I've spent a good half of my week building systems for people and fixing shit. I really want to get these processes and tracking implemented, so maybe they'll believe that I actually earn my paycheck. Instead, they keep telling me to just deal with the systems, and now, move on in to that IT cubicle.

Whatever. I just want to do my job and call it a day. I promised I'd bring a level of efficiency to this organization. I feel I have, but I need it to be obvious. More than it is now.

I hate having to prove myself over and over and over again. I don't mind paying dues, so to speak...but it gets tired when I have to do it every week. And it gets especially tired when I ask for a pay raise, and they hem and haw and say that they're not sure what I do to justify it. It's just bullshit.

I've never gone three years without a pay raise. It's insulting, I'm finding.

Like I said, whatever. I'll get this done, and see what happens from there.

Posted by Glenn at April 15, 2005 03:40 PM

did they take your stapler too? :P

Posted by: maria at April 15, 2005 04:29 PM

Three years ... that's not cool at all.

I know of a place that is hiring project managers. Cost of living is way lower, too.

Posted by: Paul at April 15, 2005 07:39 PM