May 23, 2005

Hungry, tired...

Mood: Monday.
Music: The sound of dripping water.
Game: World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Guild Wars.
Book: Hell's Angels, Hunter S. Thompson
Muffin: Was closed when I passed by at 7am.
Punchline: "And the flowers are still standing!"

Woke up this morning and was a bit sluggish getting out of bed. No reason, really. Just didn't really feel like going to work. But I peeled myself out of bed and headed into work anyway.

Knew it was going to be a bad day when the subway was packed. It's never packed like this. People nudging me the whole ride when all I wanted to do was sit down and nap. This lady kept poking me in the back with her bag. I kept looking at her, and she kept looking back, as if somehow I should stop bumping her. Whatever.

I couldn't even get a seat on the 7. Ridiculous.

Got into work, and the partners are in a meeting, so I can't get right to work on the claim I'm supposed to be working on. Instead, I decide to go to the server room to change the backup tapes...and the drip pan for the AC Unit there is filled with 4 inches of water. It's my very own indoor swimming pool. Lovely.

My boss and I "fixed" the AC unit last week because the condensate pump (the doohickey that pumps the water away from the AC unit and prevents it from dripping onto the floor) managed to get filled with rust and sediment and such, and needed to be fixed. I removed the pump, cleaned it, and got it working again. We reassembled it, the pump was working, and everything was fabulous. Except that when we reassembled the machine, apparently, we forgot to retighten the drain line, because it was spitting water directly into the pan. Lovely.

Except that I didn't SEE that before I disassembled the machine, so I disassembled it, confirmed that the pump was working...just in time to see the fitting on the drain line leaking. So I grabbed my adjustable and tightened it up. What do you know? No more leaking. So I reassembled the machine, got the wet vac, drained the drip pan, and turned the unit back on. With any luck, it's really fixed this time.

It's not even 10am yet...and I don't even have a muffin.

I hate Mondays.

Posted by Glenn at May 23, 2005 09:08 AM
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